ArvinSloane Member


  • I am a recreational runner doing about the same mileage schedule as you, and I also found my paces suffering as my weights increased on a three-day full body routine. I've switched to PHUL, which is four days on an upper/lower split (so two days of lower body work). This means I can still run three days per week and have…
  • So a serving is 1.375 cups. You had one cup. Divide: 1/1.375 = 0.7272727....... That's how many servings you had. I recommend a food scale and doing all of this in grams for better accuracy and easier math. :)
  • Yeah, but the OP doesn't need to lose weight and could even stand to gain a little.
  • Here's a thought--you're already at a quite low weight, so my advice is to stop worrying so much about the number on the scale. If you want to improve your body composition (look more "toned"), keep up the weight training and keep eating around 1800 to fuel your workouts. Since the number on the scale seems to be getting…
  • None of the things you mentioned in your OP were counting calories. Have you tried counting calories?
  • Is the workout regimen/frequency new? Generally at the start of a new exercise program or increase in volume or intensity, your muscles will retain a few pounds of water for repair. Your weight loss will never be exactly linear, so you should stick with your current plan for at least a few more weeks before you can really…
  • I'm so glad to hear that you're talking to someone about this and eating well to fuel your body. Congrats!
  • Everyone's feet and gait are different, so what works best for someone else could be completely wrong for you. Your best bet is to find a local running store in your area that does gait analysis. They will have you run on a treadmill in the store and observe the way your feet strike the ground, and will use that info to…
  • Yeah, what is this health insurance BS? If they're going by the (admittedly sometimes flawed) measure of BMI, even 140 would put you in the healthy range. That is so infuriating--there's a range for a reason!
  • I'll second the suggestion for a Squat Sponge. I use mine in conjunction with the lower bar position mentioned above and have never had any issues up to 225lbs (max so far).
  • I use the app Gym Hero Pro for iPhone. There are lots of apps for this, so I'm sure others will have their favorites as well.
  • I use wireless headphones. I have Jaybird Sport ones that I've been using consistently for about a year and a half, and they've held up well. I carry a water bottle around the gym, so I keep my phone in an armband wrapped around the bottle. Keeps it from getting stepped on. Bonus: this setup can be used as a nice stand for…
  • I did exactly that and I am so happy I did! I will always be grateful because BodyPump really got me quite far and I went into my first lifting program with a lot of knowledge and a comfort level that I definitely wouldn't have had otherwise. Once I hit a point where I couldn't really progress further in class (due to the…
  • I just added front squats to my programming and have found Bret Contreras's run-down to be extremely helpful--he has some good info about bar positioning and grip options:
  • That is amazing--congratulations!!
  • Before! My husband and I have a standing 5:30am gym date--we go and do our separate workouts, then grab coffee together on the way home. I actually find it easier to stick to my food goals for the rest of the day when I work out first thing in the morning. It's like I don't want to "waste" the work I did that day. (Yes, I…
  • I am loving all of these! My current favorites: Arugula Peach Roasted beet Red onion (raw or pickled) Chicken breast Gorgonzola Pecans Balsamic vinaigrette Lemon juice Quinoa Bacon Pineapple (caramelized in bacon fat) Red onion Jalapeño Goat cheese Avocado Cilantro Lime juice Add a generous dose of salt and pepper to both…
  • My basic overnight oats: 40g rolled oats 1/2c unsweetened almond milk 55g plain Greek yogurt 13g vanilla bean Trutein powder 1/4tsp vanilla extract I make five on Sunday night for the week, put them in jars and just shake. In the morning I add whatever combo I feel like. Lately I'm liking…
  • As many as I can! I have found that my running and lifting performance is markedly worse when I avoid starches.
  • Grilled peaches or nectarines with balsamic caramelized red onions. Yum!
  • My breakfast is pretty much the same every day. I mix it up a little for lunch and a lot for are my current favorites: Breakfast: overnight oats 40g rolled oats 55g Greek yogurt 13g vanilla bean Trutein powder 1/2c unsweetened almond milk 1/4tsp vanilla extract Then I add whatever I want in the morning. Some…
  • Are you avoiding sleeping with a full stomach because it negatively affects your sleep? If it's because you've heard that eating right before bed will somehow negate your weight loss efforts, that's a complete myth. Eat!
  • Awesome! Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It's something I have to remind myself constantly.
  • I have been having this issue when I try to update my custom goals. I emailed MFP about it a few days ago, and got a canned response that it's a known bug and that they're working on it. (For the record, I coughed up for "premium," which makes the lack of progress doubly annoying.)
  • I've recently started adding plain Greek yogurt to my oats for more protein and fat in the morning, since just oats and banana was basically just giving me straight carbs and I was hungry again like an hour later. That might be something you could try that wouldn't really add any time or effort since you've got to feed the…
  • Like the poster above, I've changed the names of my meals to reflect chunks of time when I tend to cluster my food throughout the day. Works pretty well.
  • Quinoa with tossed with red onion, bacon, pineapple caramelized in the bacon fat, avocado, goat cheese, lime juice, and cilantro. AKA heaven in a bowl.
  • Motivation only gets you so far. Make it a habit, and you'll begin to find you don't need as much "motivation" 24/7--it just becomes something you do.