RRRobynnn Member


  • I'm slogging my way through Stage 5. Ugh. It's taking me forever because I'm just not excited about the workouts. (I think "dread" is a more accurate term.) I have 3 or 4 workouts to finish the stage. I'm hoping to push my way through so I can start Stage 6 next week. Here's hoping...
  • Nope, Stage 1 is 8 workouts total- 4 each of Workouts A & B. Workout 1A is squats, push ups & seated row (alternating super set) and step ups & prone jacknife (superset), Workout 1B is deadlift, dumbell shoulder press & wide grip lat pulldown (superset), and lunge & swissball crunch (superset). I have found the NROL4W…
  • When I started I bought a barbell, dumbells and some weight plates from Walmart. It's nothing fancy and is NOT an Olympic bar. (The bar only weighs 6lbs). It was great for me as a beginner as it allowed a lot of flexibility to start with some fairly low weights. I'm now on Stage 4 and always have at least 60lbs on the bar…
  • I'm in Stage 4 and am filled with how my upper body is shaping up. My shoulders are wide, but muscular and toned. My arms no longer flap in the breeze. :) My thighs and mummy tummy need further work, though... All in good time.
  • I spent some time in front of the mirror this morning and I think this is exactly it! I have some curves and lines showing up, but there's still a lot of chub that makes my legs look huge. I so much more aware of the jiggly parts now that there's firm muscle underneath. ;) Like I said in my first post, I think I've finally…
  • I'd love some new NROL friends! Add me! :)
  • I started NROL4W with 25lbs to lose and eating TDEE-20%. I'm in stage 3 now and have gained a couple of pounds. I think for me, it's too many calories so I'm going to start reducing and see what happens. I'm also going to continue cardio 3x a week in addition to lifting. (I posted about this a few days ago if you want to…
  • Thanks for the replies. I'm going to switch to the 3-5 hours of moderate exercise from Scooby (1905) and give it a month. I've always liked doing it the other way because it motivates me to get off my butt. ;) It's hard to say if my cardio calories are accurate or not. Most of the activities that I do often are based on my…
  • Thanks for the replies! I'll definitely order one. Should I get a 36" or would a smaller one work?
  • I agree that adding protein will help a lot. I've adjusted my goals in MFP to be 40/40/20 for carbs/protein/fat. I don't always hit my protein goal, but I try to build my meals and snacks around protein rather than carbs. You might want to consider adding a protein shake to your daily menu. I make one with whey protein…
    in Stage 3 Comment by RRRobynnn July 2013
  • Ouch! I did my first Stage 3 workout yesterday and am feeling it today! The BWM is the devil!
    in Stage 3 Comment by RRRobynnn July 2013
  • Nice progress!! Thanks for sharing!
  • You're just a bit ahead of me (I just started Stage 3) and seeing your results is always so encouraging! You really look great! Keep up the good work!!
  • I would guess between 80-100oz at a minimum. I tend to drink a ton on days that I work, less when I'm home. I'm trying to be more mindful of that and I'm also ditching the artificial sweetener and just drinking plain water. I'm adding in 270 calories on lifting days, 400 on days where I lift and do cardio. I'm beginning to…
  • I don't think it's water weight as it's been a slow, steady increase throughout the first 2 stages. (I have noticed big gains after upping my weights or a particularly hard workout, but that resolves within a couple of days.) I'm feeling perplexed, too, and just don't know what to do.
  • I'm pretty sure that my palms would have to be covered in broken glass before my dh would complain. :) I'm going to look for a pair of cheap gloves and give them a try when I'm using the barbell. I can't stand how the calluses feel. Ick!
  • I'm halfway through Stage 2 and have found that I always have some level of soreness lingering from my last workout. I think as long as you can perform the lifts with proper form, you'll be fine. You may actually feel better after a good workout...or you won't notice the pain because something new will be hurting. ;)
  • Wwww.dailyhiit.com has some great workout videos, too.
  • I found the Maggie Wang spreadsheets to be really helpful in understanding the different workouts- http://maggiewang.com/2008/05/20/new-rules-of-lifting-for-women-diet-calculator-and-workout-logs Your next workout is going to feel like a breeze! ;)
  • I bought a small bar and dumbbell set at Walmart. It's very convenient to be able to use the plates between the 2. I've slowly been adding more plates as I've needed to increase weight. I've only spent about $100 for everything. I don't have a squat rack and have reached a point where I can no longer easily get into squat…
  • I was just coming here to post the same thing! I'm almost done with Stage 1 and have definitely begun to see and feel some results, but I don't really feel like I'm losing any fat at this point. I know it's very early in the program and I plan to stick with it until the end. It would be fabulous to see a success story from…
  • The spreadsheets are set to 1 gram of protein for each pound you weigh. I have mine set at 40% protein and 30% fat and carbs.
  • I'm about half way through Stage 1, so still relatively new to all of this. I'm doing the program at home and started out with just using hand weights. I know that I could have lifted more right off the bat, but I wanted to take it slowly and give myself room to improve. I've since picked up dumbells and a barbell set and…
  • I totally needed to see this today! I'm halfway through Stage 1 and discouraged that I'm gaining on the scale and not feeling like my results are visible yet. I'm going to keep sticking to the program and look forward to having similar success! Thanks for the motivation!!