ChrisUK70 Member


  • Sports Direct Fitness are really cheap considering they are all ex LA-Fitness gyms, I think they are about 25 a month and you are only tied into 3 months.
  • How is your weight loss going have you gained or lost in those weeks? I agree with the other post you would not have put on loads of muscle in that time, it is probably water or if you have gained weight then fat. Stick with it, if you increase your muscle mass then your body will burn more fat.
  • I have just started T25 I like the idea of not having any equipment. So far I have done day 1 and found it not too bad, but I have been doing mostly the modifier. The other thing is I have no rhythm, some of the moves I find a little bit tricky but then I am sure I will get them eventually.
  • Beachbody who do most of these programs offer an on demand service with a free 30 day trial, it could be a way of finding the right program, then cancelling while in the 30 days and buying the DVD's on Gumtree or Ebay.
  • Thanks sounds great, if I can stick to it!
  • Check out there are loads of programs for men and women and it is not about just body building. There are weight loss programs and they are free, with videos and guides.
  • I have just bought Focus T25 I was going to ask if anyone has followed it before and what the results where?
  • Cut out alcohol if you drink and moderate sugary food within your calories for the day. That is what I have done in the last 4 weeks and lost 6 pounds.
  • Hi, My name is Chris I am currently 192 5 weeks ago I was 198 so moving in the right direction. My target weight is 154 pounds sometime this year ideally June some time. I love the challenge thrown down and I am up for it.
  • Hi, I have suffered with this for years and have taken loads of Gaviscone. For me it all stopped when I quit drinking, I do not get it at all now. So if you drink then I suggest stopping for a while and see if it improved. Chris
  • I weigh myself in the morning before breakfast, but I am a bit obsessive and weigh myself every day but only update MFP on a Tuesday. Measuring your waist is a good way of keeping check of progress, some weeks I have not shifted much weight but have lost an inch on my waist.
  • HI, Stick with it, log every thing that you eat drink even on bad days when you go over your calories. It is surprising when you log things to how many calories you actually consume. Be consistent and I am sure you will start to lose weight. Best of Luck!
  • Welcome and good luck with the weight loss remember keep logging!
    in Hello. Comment by ChrisUK70 July 2014
  • I cannot pass a subject like this. Joking aside drinking plenty of water helps also genetics can have something to do with how and when you go, I never go every day even if I eat prunes and curry. Like someone else said as long as you go regular that is what matters.
    in Poop Comment by ChrisUK70 July 2014
  • I am online every day and update my status on a regular basis, always good to have active friends on MFP.
  • Great idea with the peanut butter I normally have it plain.
  • I have many personal trainers over the years that I have made attempts to lose weight without address the root cause. First one was a fat women (nothing against fat women) at a LA fitness and was rubbish, when I saw her I thought how can you train me when you are not what you sell also no motivation and weak knowledge.…
  • Feel free to add me.
  • Hi, I am in Kettering always happy to have more weight loss friends. Chris
  • Hi Lisa, I have RA but not too bad in my toe joints so can appreciate your condition a little bit. Do not get disheartened log your food every day and stick with it, you will be surprised how quickly you will start to lose the weight. Chris
  • Hi, I am working on shifting a lot of fat and succeeding (still a long way to go) so I am in a different situation to you. However I work with a guy your age who is pretty fit and trying to get his body fat down to a really low number, he is doing a lot of resistance training and he is following The Low Carb Diet by Tim…
  • Hi, Well done on your weight loss, just keep logging every day and before you know it the weight will have gone. Good Luck! Chris
  • Great article thanks!
  • Thanks I shall have a read, always good to have recommendations. I am on journey of weight loss and have about 40lbs still to lose but I am making progress, so lose the weight then get ripped and then mirrors everywhere lol! :o)
  • Thanks I have done intervals before on a bike it is a killer. :O) I forgot about the age factor thanks I am going to get the book it sounds interesting.
  • It is normal part of following a weight loss program. I did 1K over one day last week I just make sure I log it so I can then use it as motivation to do more exercise to counter it.
  • This is what I have in the morning its a Jason Vale recipe it needs a juicer as well as a blender. 1/2 Advocado 1/4 Cucumber Half Pineapple 4 Golden Delicious Apples Handfull of baby spinach 1 Stick of celery 1/4 Line (take the skin off) Juice cucumber, 3 1/2 apples, pineapple, spinach, celery and lime. Put the flesh of…
  • I had a Fitbit One but kept losing it as it came of my belt often, so stopped wearing it. Then I got a flex and wear it all the time it syncs with MFP easily and stays charged for days. Only thing with wrist worn devices is I am not sure how accurate they are?
  • > Hold on to those other things with adequate macros and water and heavy lifting I hear the word macros used a lot on the site, do you mean the ratio of protein, fat and carbs? Recently I have been going to the gym 4-5 days doing 20 minutes of cardio and working 2 muscle groups a day. It would be good to have accurate…
  • I go to gym before work, I rock up at 6:30 when the gym opens. The only tip I have is 'just go' does not mater how tired you feel, when I am half awake and tired and that is most mornings I push myself to go. Once there I wake up and feel a hell of a lot better afterwards awake and full of energy. Goof luck!