was about to give up when that number moved on my scale :')

I have been trying for weight loss since last year but nothing came up. I always thought that of there are no results I am not gonna turn the page ever because no matter what I do this is what it is always gonna be.
But to my surprise and after a strict diet for almost 20 days I moved the number on the scale.
Why I am here?
My biggest fear...
1. I don't want it to stop
2. I don't wanna give up.
3. I don't wanna hit the 'nothind happenin' stage
And I wanna wear skinny jeans by the end of this year proudly.
I lost 2 kgs but apparently i dont feel any difference in my body structure. Ugh i am starting to get tired :'(
I wanna keep seeing the results as they motivate me no quotes no pictures does that for me...
and i dont know i just wanna talk to someone out there who can understand what i am going through.


  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    Oh i forgot. My name is Nabia. And i weigh 128 pounds.
  • ChrisUK70
    ChrisUK70 Posts: 54 Member

    Well done on your weight loss, just keep logging every day and before you know it the weight will have gone.

    Good Luck!

  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    And I dont know but I dont like eating anymore because of what it did to me. I miss food though but i dont like eating now. I dont wana go back to day one. Everyday my calories are under 1000. Will that hinder my weight loss thing? I read that starvation slows down metabolism. I have started takin green tea with lemon to boost it up. Is that fine too?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    And I dont know but I dont like eating anymore because of what it did to me. I miss food though but i dont like eating now. I dont wana go back to day one. Everyday my calories are under 1000. Will that hinder my weight loss thing? I read that starvation slows down metabolism. I have started takin green tea with lemon to boost it up. Is that fine too?

    Drinking green tea with lemon is fine, but it's effect on your metabolism will be minimal.

    Eating below 1000 calories may not hinder your weight loss, but it will be hard to get enough vitamins, minerals, fat, protein, and all of the other things that your body needs on such a restricted diet. You risk health complications, vitamin deficiencies, muscle loss, brittle nails, and hair loss if you keep it up for too long.

    Honestly, given your comments about not liking to eat anymore and missing food, I think you might want to talk to your doctor, a registered dietitian, or a counselor about possible issues.
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    You are right. I am experiencing hair loss and brittle nails. What should I do? I wanna keep going on.... :-/
    Can u tell me what boosts up metabolism?
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    Plus your progress chart is inspiring. How did u do it?
    And even though I lost 2 kgs I still don't have that progress scale on my fitnesspal app. How to get it?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You are right. I am experiencing hair loss and brittle nails. What should I do? I wanna keep going on.... :-/
    Can u tell me what boosts up metabolism?

    Eating enough and weight training are about the only things I can think of that would boost your metabolism. Most of the over-the-counter pills/remedies have a very negligent impact on your metabolism. Exercising, eating right, and maintaining your lean muscle mass are going to be way more important.
    Plus your progress chart is inspiring. How did u do it?

    I started with 1700 calories and 20 minutes of exercise every day. I ate most of the same foods but in smaller portions. I made small changes, increased my protein intake, and added more HIIT and strength training over time. My calorie goal has been all over the place as I've made changes, but never below 1200 calories. I felt pretty awful below 1400 calories, honestly.

    Now I'm losing 1 pound a week at 1700-1800 calories with minimal exercise (I do some body weight routines). There are a lot of good threads around here that can help you customize your goals.
    And even though I lost 2 kgs I still don't have that progress scale on my fitnesspal app. How to get it?

    You already have a ticker on your profile, so you just need to get it into the bottom of your posts if you want to see it displayed there. Go here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/settings There's only one box there. Check it and save if you want your ticker to appear at the bottom of your posts. Uncheck it and save if you don't want it to appear anymore.

    Also, if you haven't found these guides yet, I always suggest starting with these links:

    And then read these when you're ready to take your logging accuracy to the next step:
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    I have read it just now. Just one thing... i am a medical student and literally i am on chair for quite a time so i chose sedentary life style. Is that true?
  • carnavore
    carnavore Posts: 65
    Don't give up or anyone for that matter. Remember your weight fluctuates from day to day depending on what you eat. Furthermore you always want to weigh yourself at the same time everyday if possible. Also if it's a discouraging thing only weigh yourself once a week at least at first, don't obsess over numbers initially, it's discouraging. Focus on how you feel and how your clothes feel, that's a better indicator.
  • meesterjm
    meesterjm Posts: 9
    Hi Nabia,

    Congratulations on the weight loss...just keep logging your food and exercise and the weight will have gone in a snap and you won't even realize it!!!
  • nabiaali
    nabiaali Posts: 26
    I feel active than before. And i don't feel difficulty in breathin while climbin stairs :-)