

  • I have a couple of questions for you ladies since you've been there done that-- I'm 39, 5'9" and weigh around 190lbs. Despite diet control and serious exercise (weights, cardio, and HIIT) I've not lost a single pound. I am noticing a bit of a difference in how I look and how my clothes fit-- but in my opinon not nearly…
  • bump- A peri here-- considering I started my TOM today. I've been on a 20 day cycle for about 6 months now with the visit lasting about 3 days. Considering I've been exercising for 9 months, watching what I eat for about 4 and really buckling down in the last two and lost ZEROpounds I'm thinking it's time to talk to my…
  • High tall and gorgeous ladies!! Check out the TTW-- Totally Tall Women of MFP thread. You can type it in the search bar and it'll come up-- it might just be the kind of inspiration you're looking for!!
  • okay bumpin for lack of responses- please explain-- somebody-- the information behind fat loss catching up to muscle gain.
  • I think our desire for "instant gratification" is the major culprit. In today's society with instant access thanks to the internet, microwave meals, faster cars, ATMs-- the list goes on and on-- we can get what we want when we want it at the blink of an eye. So-- why shouldn't it be the same with weight loss? I'm one of…
  • You know this is super interesting. I'm a very visual and comparative person and your math speaks volumes to me mostly because of your stats. I've been struggling with the same 5lbs since the beginning of April, I'm not obese though the scale says 190-something. I'm 5'9", 190lbs, female and the fact that you at 5'2".5 and…
  • Hmmmm....I just used the "reports" tool to look at my progress for the last 90 and 30 days. I'm start the day with 1660 calories according to MFP at the end of the day I should end up with 1660 NET (this accounts for exercise calories right?) Anyway- after looking at the reports I'm not consistantly meeting 1600 on most…
  • I am right now about 3 weeks mostly gluten free. I cut out bread first, that seemed to be what was making me feel horrible. I also cut out pasta-- I tried out some pasta last night and well-- had to take a pepcid first thing this morning. I've also switched from beer to white wine if I'm having a drink. That has helped…
  • Okay so I can't get the picture to load- figures http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l597/kathywideman/River%20Work/RiverIreneDamage115-1.jpg gonna keep trying to load the pics.
  • I by no means am an expert on fat/weight loss. Nor am I a physician. But and it's a big BUT-- one thing that is possibly overlooked in many of these theories is the complexity of the digestive system. Take, for instance, a person who is diagnosed with adult onset Celiac disease (auto immune response to gluten) realize that…
  • bump for later as well. I LOATHE, HATE, CRY OVER IT.....cardio. I learned just in the past two weeks that killing myself with cardio isn't doing anythying but making me HATE working out. It apparently was having a detrimental effect on my fat loss. With my new routine... I strength train 3x a week with just 20 minutes of…
  • At 3 years old, don't cut out the milk. She should be at least drinking 2% because toddlers need the fat for brain development. Cut out McD's and enroll her in a dance class. Have "dance time"at home included with clean up. Scavenger hunts in the backyard. Start her on learning to ride a bike. Also, have her help cook-…
  • Okay, so this is a key statement here ^^^^^^, Experts and article writers and even some scientists are forgetting the emotional aspect of being overweight- especially an overweight woman. If we had ever CONSISTANTLY ate correctly and exercised correctly we probably wouldn't be on MFP or even asking for help. Many of these…
  • Actually had a stranger tell me once... "WOW, you have a beautiful little girl! She must really take after her dad." thanks.:grumble:
  • Can someone tell me why lifting heavy makes me feel incredibly "hot" all day? I swear, the days I lift I walk around feeling like I'm in a sauna!--today is a good example! On my cardio only days its not that bad.
  • My heavy playlist includes: Bush Live Metallica Billy Squire (old school!) BuckCherry Limp Bizkit Rage Against the Machine Def Leppard (old school!) Van Halen (Dave NOT Sammy) Kid Rock 311 AeroSmith (old school!) Pearl Jam Days of the New Ozzy Korn Dynamite Hack
  • ^^^^^^^yep true. I just recently cut out bread and pasta and crackers and stuff like that-- not so much because of my weight loss efforts because I plain 'ole felt like **it. In the past two weeks my belly is WORLDS better, my PJs aren't shrinking in the middle of the night anymore!! Yeah!!:smile: On another note, a…
  • Just sayin-- I've read this post every single day since changing my eating to a cleaner version two weeks ago. Thanks--
  • thanks- bumping hope to get more GREEEAAAATTTT advice.
  • I'm figuring out the diet thing- I even told hubby last night that after dinner if he could please put away the leftover goodies (like mac n cheese, potatoes etc.) so I wouldn't be tempted to pick that would help- especially since I'm cutting all of that kind of stuff out. The kiddos are responsible for their own plates in…
  • So far thanks for all the advice. I have had my thyroid checked and it always comes back clean- my GYN tests once a year. If my NET calories at the end of the day are 1250 to match my GOAL calories of 1250 is that eating back my exercise calories? For those ladies who do incorporate weights into your routine- help me…
  • Bump- Please continue to discuss! I'm learning so much. I just realized this week that the working out and still eating pretty much what I wanted (though under my calorie goal for the day) is a load of BS. I need to change what I'm eating. Thanks all of you -- all of you are helping to ingrain this into my stubborn rock of…
  • thank you ALL for your advice. I weighed in yesterday and gained 6lbs. Six pounds from my starting weight on May 1st. Yep- working out like a fiend obviously doesn't work. Despite all the sweat I put out at the gym for 90 minutes 5 days a week- nothing is going to be as hard at understanding the "right" way to eat. Thanks…
  • I'm going to say obviously since I've been at this since the first of May not lost a pound- in fact I've gained 6. I exercise and strength train like a crazy woman and THOUGHT I ate pretty okay... guess not. Here's to a big change starting today.
  • Girl- I'm there with you. You feel like someone has their thumb pushed right in that little space right below your ribs in the middle of your tummy? When that happens to me I swear I look six months preggo. A couple of weeks ago I went to bed and my PJ pants got too small overnight-- that's how HORRIBLE it is...and you…
  • Bump Needing the same advice!
  • First of all- everyone looks amaza-freaking good! Fantastic, lovely, handsome... insert more adjectives here________. But you know what I REALLY noticed? Especially the ladies who are closer to 40 than 30? How much YOUNGER you look. I am SOOOO inspired by that alone! I don't know what it is but I feel like I look old as…
  • not to be flip, but everytime I walk into my bathroom with the scale I shoot it a bird and stick out my tounge. It makes me feel better so I won't step on it. Seems to be working since I haven't weighed since June sometime. I hate the scale. Also, water water water and I've noticed a difference just this week by not eating…