Gas (Air) Bloat and Puffy Belly.... HELP!!



  • lcamanda
    lcamanda Posts: 28
    I don't know about causes, but to help get rid of it, get your butt in the air! Try the yoga "plow" pose... or doggy style pose :p I had a terrible tummy bug and was so bloated and gassy a couple weeks ago and this, though it made me unpleasant to be around, was hilarous and it helped tons ;)
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    Girl- I'm there with you. You feel like someone has their thumb pushed right in that little space right below your ribs in the middle of your tummy? When that happens to me I swear I look six months preggo. A couple of weeks ago I went to bed and my PJ pants got too small overnight-- that's how HORRIBLE it is...and you want to sleep all day. Well, I have found that pepcid AC does wonders when I feel like this.

    A week ago I stopped eating bread- no white bread, wheat bread, no buns or anything. I feel LOADS better. About 4 days in I did eat a small serving of pasta, didn't make me swell up, but I didn't feel too hot the next day either so out it goes too.

    I've been googling gleuten sensitivity and well, that may be the answer. I'm hoping that getting rid of the bready stuff will help with my weight loss too-- considering I haven't lost one single pound since May 1st.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    I cannot have gluten and have noticed a significant change in my belly rumblings...I also know that lately I have been having a lot of painful gas and I think it may be either from the Fiber One Bars (fartbars) or the sugar free strawberry wafer cookies..they probably have an artificial sweetener in them so that is my of those two foods. it may be your fiber one brownie bars. read this article for more on aspertame
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    The best advise I have for you is to walk for a while. Not fast walking and not on a treadmill or eliptical. I mean hit the pavement and walk leizurely for 30 minutes or so. That will help speed up your parastalsis (moving of your bowels) and work that gas out. That is really the best thing for you at this point.

    Also what ever you have eaten new in the last few days that you havent been eating, I would nix it for a while and see if that is the culprit.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    just reading your diary...and your light raspberry vinaigrette has this artificial sweetener in it...XANTHAN GUM, read this article at it may help. It may be your fiber one brownie bars as well.