Will my body just "snap" to it?

Eating right- yep
Meeting calories- yep, even eating most exercise calories
Cardio- yep every day
Weights- yep M/W/F heavy weight

Pictures- Not much different than my first ones in June

So- I'm willing for this to take a while. I'm even willing to realize that the scale is a lying B****.

My question is, at some point does your body just "snap" to it and start changing? Especially those who are strength training, what has been your experience?

I'll admit that I've had a couple of down falls (the whole month of July I basically drank my calories) and I've gotten attacked by the cookie monster a few times (maybe once a week).

I wouldn't think this is a plateau unless you can start on a plateau. I've always excercised and about a month ago did I really get it through my stubborn head that diet really is 70% of this.

I'm just wondering what other experiences are. I have about 30-40lbs to lose. Just looking for jump start advice I guess.


  • piexcore
    piexcore Posts: 85 Member
    Woman, you are singing my song.
  • shunsoku
    Sorry, no answers.

    Bump, though, 'cause DAMN am I feeling your pain!~
  • jbdowns35
    Know what you mean, I've been here a few months, still see-sawing with the same damn 5lbs. I'll admit, I'm inconsistant, I think it just takes long term consistancey & dedication, & yeah, it does take awhile. In the past one thing that has worked for me is eating all day - 5 or 6 times, healthy stuff, small amounts. Keep it up, you'll see a difference soon enough, especially since you're doing weights. Good Luck!!
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Me too!!! And I have the same amount of weight to lose~ It's frustrating right?

    I have no idea if this is right or not, but i feel like if you are exercising hard- and it's fairly new- or strength training- that you may not see a dramatic drop right off the bat. It seems like it takes a while for your body to "get it" and start moving! Plus all the water retained in your muscles from working them.

    I have not lost one pound in a while- but my clothes are getting loose. It's the only thing keeping my chin up. Are your clothes fitting different?
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I'm no expert but I'm sure some other's will chime in. It seems like you might be starving yourself and your body is fighting back.

    I went back about 2 weeks in your diary and it seems most days you're eating about 1500 calories and exercising 400+ calories leaving you at 1000-1100 calories per day.

    As backwards as it sounds try eating more calories. MFP builds in a daily deficit which allows you to lose weight if you work out or not.

    As for food selection, it looks like you're picking the right foods. One last item I noticed is that you're not logging any water. (don't know if that's due to lack of drinking or just not tracking, I know I forget to track mine every now and then too) Drinking water a great help in the weight loss process.
  • meidson
    meidson Posts: 28 Member
    Some suggestions:

    Change your exercise routine such as doing different cardio exercises and adding interval training. Another change in your exercise routine is to work with a personal trainer for individual advice.

    Also, in my opinion, diet counts for 90% of weight-loss results. Don't eat too few calories because your body will go into starvation mode. Exercise is a good addition to any diet program.

    Good luck and keep at it!
  • lennykat
    I'm no expert but I'm sure some other's will chime in. It seems like you might be starving yourself and your body is fighting back.

    I went back about 2 weeks in your diary and it seems most days you're eating about 1500 calories and exercising 400+ calories leaving you at 1000-1100 calories per day.

    As backwards as it sounds try eating more calories. MFP builds in a daily deficit which allows you to lose weight if you work out or not.

    As for food selection, it looks like you're picking the right foods. One last item I noticed is that you're not logging any water. (don't know if that's due to lack of drinking or just not tracking, I know I forget to track mine every now and then too) Drinking water a great help in the weight loss process.

    Hmmmm....I just used the "reports" tool to look at my progress for the last 90 and 30 days. I'm start the day with 1660 calories according to MFP at the end of the day I should end up with 1660 NET (this accounts for exercise calories right?)

    Anyway- after looking at the reports I'm not consistantly meeting 1600 on most days. I really had NO clue that it would make such a difference. Especially since there are days in there where I KNOW I went over the 1600 and didn't log anything for the day because of lack of access or whatever (this past weekend being one- but I worked my *kitten* off cleaning up hurricane damage) I thought it would all even out in the long run.

    Also- a HRM is out of the budget right now, so I figured I would eat a little under to make up for the high estimations MFP gives its exercises- plus there is real no tool for weights other than a generalization.

    You know, I really thought this would be a bit easier-- not the dieting and exercising- but the chemistry of it all. I mean, some peeps on here are walking, gardening, and watching their calories and dropping weight like its rocks.

    Edited to add: I drink water all day- not much else 'cept for a coffee in morn, 1 diet coke in afternoon, maybe a glass of wine in evening. I just don't log it since I drink A LOT of it.

    IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: <----this is me turning into a 3 year old-

    sorry. :blushing:
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i understand, believe me. one thing i am trying is to eat a lot less processed carbs -- like even cutting out 'nutrition bars' for the most part (big deal for me!). i am reading about how our early Paleo ancestors ate, and i have to say, it's got my interest. so much of what we eat is processed....not real food....but prepackaged/prepared crap. i am going to try and keep my carbs between 50-100 for a few weeks and see how i feel (and deal!).

    good luck and stay with it!