

  • but it has to be done: :P i still havent managed to avoid it. Its the tastiest part though!
  • there is no exact correlation of heart rate and calories, so I'd say body media as it takes into account other things aswell, such as how your body is respoonding to exercise in other ways. Ive just got a bodymedia too for the same reason, to see how much I actually burn in daily activities. From my experience, and people…
  • lmao...yeah got to admit aqua is awesome! Theyre definitley my guilty secret.. It was a childhood thing, youre allowed to like cheesy embarasing chldhood things ^^
  • Mine changes depending on what I fell like, but the 2 that are always top are killswitch engage and maiden :)
  • same, i do 30ds though I mix it up with other wrkouts. been trying to do 30ds everyday for a month though now, to see what the results are. I'm on my 5th day now. :) cant wait to move onto level 2 if you want to add me for support then youre welcome too :)
  • as a full time athlete, burning 200 calories, 1200 is nowhere near enough to keep you going. In order to get your full potential you got to eat more. It wont make you put on weight but eating negatve calories per day just means youre putting stress on your body and itll use muscle to keep it going. so basically, any…
  • yeah, the 11 week countdown begins for me too as im going on holiday with my boyfriend then and want to get fit for then Add me if you want some extra motivation and support :) this site is great for that, and will not let you get unmotivated!! good luck
  • hey :) Im in. It'll give me motivation to stick with it for the whole 30 days *Day One* Measurements Bust 35" Waist (thinnest part) 27" Waist (thickest part) 35" Hips 40" Arm (thickest part) 10.5" Thighs 39" CW: 138lbs
  • Ive got about the same goals as you so I'll send a request :) the motivation that other people inspire in you is great
  • The key thing really is to find something you like :) About the p90 x, I dont know how fit you are but it is quite an intense program. I advise you to look into doing p90 before hand which is slighlty easier. either way just do whatever you like, and if youre up for a challenge try the p90/x
  • hey :) im from the uk, down in devon. Fell free to add me f you want :)
  • It just depends whether the sugar is coming from processed food or from natural sources such as fruit. The natural sugars found in fruit is differnet from just plain sugar you add to your coffee. MFP doesnt differentiate from added sugar and natural sugar so dont worry too much if this is the case. Otherwise, do you have a…
  • how about yogurt and fruit ? I like plain yougurt, with strawberries and melon, sweetened if need be with honey. Its low cal, and filling aswell as having some protein in. Dont really know what else without breads. I tend to have a egg white tortilla wrap, which is nice and filling. Just scramble some egg whites, and put…
    in Breakfast? Comment by elsohypes May 2011
  • I shall defo try this out :)
  • This was happening the same to me, but 1 good tip to stop feeling hungry... drink water. I barely drank any water before and have recently started and I dont feel hungry anymore. It's great. I did put on a bit of weight for a while, but that I'm assuming thats just water weight but all good now :) So yeah drink lots of…
  • hey feel free to add me :) In the same boat with the whole boyfriend and more food... ive put on about 2 stone since i met mine :P feel free to add me if you want more support. p.s loving the harry potter mini goal ^^
    in Newbie :-) Comment by elsohypes May 2011
  • hey :) I'm fairly new too so would love extra help and mutual support. Add me if you want :)
  • Only eat from a plate ( so no grabbing food on the go) drink 8 cups of water a day Do a session of exercise a day Be positive Lose 4 lbs
  • Only eat from a plate ( so no grabbing food on the go) drink 8 cups of water a day Do a session of exercise a day Be positive Lose 4 lbs
  • awesome :) that sounds good. Im happy to try that. I always tell myself I'll do x amoun of pushups a day but sort of lose motivation so this time I will :)
  • hey you can add me too if you want :) Im just starting out and mutual support would be great
  • Thats literally exactly what I do, and its soo annoying. I ate that viscious loop :( I'm trying to plan out exactly what I eat everyday, so that I know thatll i have something to eat every few hours , and i know how many calories I'm eating. And also when I lose the weight i feel thinner and dont put so much effort into…
  • For workouts moving side to side and not just running forward, normal running shoes arent the best as they dont support you as well. There are trainers meant for sports like netball and basket ball which involves a lot of side movement so they would probably be best.
  • Ive got to disagree with the muscle not weighing more than fat. If you had the same volume of fat and the same volume of muscle, muscle would weigh more as its more cellularly dense. Also it is metabolically active so having more muscle means you'll burn more calories which is always great :) However, I agree with…
  • Are you doing the same cardio/ pilates exercises every time because your body often gets used to exercise. By changing your work out, it will shock your system and hopefully you should lose more weight. Also, if youre doing cardio, youll burn more calories doing a more intense workout ( not one that will leave you gasping…
  • hey :) if you want to add me go ahead. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight too so extra motivation is always handy :)
  • good luck :) just coninue to feel motivated, and youll get there. Ask for support from your family and friends and youll continue to want to achieve your goal :) This site is great, and youll get loads of help from everyone here, and being able to see what you're eating everyday really opens your eyes to eating healthily.…