
kitikat02 Posts: 1
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all!! I am an Army wife and mother to 2 beautiful children. I have been struggling with my weight ever since I was little. I have finally gotten fed up with hating the way I look, so while my husband is deployed, I am working on losing most of the extra weight. My first goal is 60lbs before Christmas. I am just using Christmas as a marker. If I figure correctly, I can reach my goal if I lose 7-8 lbs a month. I feel that that is reasonable. Any helpful hints and suggestions are welcome!


  • Good luck. Hope you achieve your goal
  • elsohypes
    elsohypes Posts: 30
    good luck :) just coninue to feel motivated, and youll get there.
    Ask for support from your family and friends and youll continue to want to achieve your goal :)
    This site is great, and youll get loads of help from everyone here, and being able to see what you're eating everyday really opens your eyes to eating healthily.

    I'm sure youll do great though, if you put your mind to it :)
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm pretty new here as well, and have been very excited about all of the support to be found on this site! I'm sending you a friend request. It's nice to have the extra motivation and support from time to time. I think 8lbs per month is reasonable as long as you stick with it and don't get too discouraged if you have an off week. You can do it! I have lost 5lbs in two weeks, but I have just gotten started and have a lot more to lose. Good luck! I hope to have a new friend on this journey.
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    well done for taking the first step, thats the hardest bit. I started walking when i first started on here, nothing dramatic, just round the block to start, then a bit faster, a bit further, then I moved to jogging some of the way. your goal is realistic, which means achievable. If you want to add me as a friend and use me as a sounding board, please feel free, but anyways, good luck
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hi and welcome to this site. In order to be successful in my opinion you have to retrain your thoughts about food. Its not the enemy. We are. Food is fuel. Not our companion when we bored, stressed out or want to celebrate. In order to lose weight you have to eat. Calorie restricted diets are only temporary fixes and aren't meant to be on long term. They will eventually have a reversed effect on your body. Cardio & strength training is the key to shedding calories and gaining lean muscle so that you slim down and tone at the same time. Find a routine that you enjoy and stick with it. When you feel you are getting bored switch it up. Exercise doesn't suppose to be a chore. Eat well rounded portion controlled meals. Everything in moderation. If you are planning on this being a lifestyle change then you have to be realistic about what you are consuming. Cook meals at home. This will cut down on saturated fats, sodium and high calorie foods intake. Try to go fresh & frozen veggie/fruits instead of buying can and prepackage foods. Stick with leaner cuts of meats. Stick with 100% whole wheat breads or sandwich rounds. Stick with 100% whole wheat grain pastas. Drink water. Eat 5 to 6 meals every 2.5 to 3 hours a day. This keeps you from being hungry and also keeps your metabolism active. Have snacks in your purse when you leave the house. You will never know when you might need them. Really be proactive and come up with a meal plan so you will never find yourself wondering what to eat. You can also cook somethings ahead of time and freeze them just in case you are ever pushed for time. Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Your body does its maintainance during these hours. Also you need enough rest to put forth your best effort the following day.

    I know there is more to tell but this is just what I could think of off hand to get our started. Search this board for info. Friend people who you think can support you in your journey to a healthier you. And continue to visit this site on a daily basis and log your food and exercise. Be consistant, determined and focus.

    Best Wishes.
  • jwoolems
    jwoolems Posts: 1
    You can do this. The fact that you have a goal with a deadline is a great start. I would even suggest breaking it down farther if you haven't already. Sixty pounds and Christmas can both seem like a long way off. Set some goals for all the holidays between now and Christmas to track your progress and give yourself more urgency. Have a goal for Memorilal Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Most people will lose weight faster at the start. So set the goals accordingly. My goal was to lose 52 pounds. But I look at it in smaller amounts for shorter periods. It seemed like a huge number at first. I've now lost 36 and having only 16 to go seems like nothing. This site has been a useful eye opening tool for me. Best of luck.
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