Newbie :-)

Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
I've been on here for 5 days (found the app in the android market and fell in *love*) but I hadn't made it here yet to say HI! and introduce myself.

I'm 25 years old, always had a problem with weight but was at my lightest (185) in my adult life when I met my boyfriend, 2 and a half years ago. He installed in me a love of classic craft cocktails and french food! So since dating him I've put on 22lbs and I'd really like them to *GO AWAY*

I don't really want to *diet* persay I more want to exercise, watch my portions on the delicious good food I do eat and be generally fitter and healthier, rather than do some crash or fad diet.

I'd love more friends so please add, just maybe drop me a note first to say hi! :-)



  • rob_spitzer
    rob_spitzer Posts: 54 Member
  • wvmark41
    wvmark41 Posts: 124 Member
    thanks for the heads-up on the relationships. I'll avoid finding a girl friend until I reach my goal

    You can lose that weight. Keep at it.
  • elsohypes
    elsohypes Posts: 30
    hey feel free to add me :)
    In the same boat with the whole boyfriend and more food... ive put on about 2 stone since i met mine :P
    feel free to add me if you want more support.

    p.s loving the harry potter mini goal ^^
  • FatBastard6135

    Welcome, and Good Luck ... Need anything ask, and I agree .. it's not really a diet but a lifestyle change :smile:

    Feel Free to Add me!