

  • As long as it's the same for each weigh in then you are seeing accurate results!
  • Ummm...WOW! You are BEAUTIFUL!! You were beautiful before but you seem to love yourself more and it shows!! Way to go!! You are a HUGE motivation to me!!
  • Lighten up on any exercise like half of what you run. I run 4-6 miles a day and when my knees hurt I half that and also run at a slower pace. Hurting joints is part of running UNLESS the pain is unbearable then you need to get it checked out. Most of the time pain in your knees is due to the muscles that are…
  • Yep it sounds like you've hit the dreaded plateau! Most of us hit it and it could take a month or so to get out of it. Change up your diet a little. Jillian Michaels has some good advice on getting over a plateau in one of her books. Good luck in the hard time!
  • You need to customize your goals yourself. Go change your goals yourself and add 500 calories to your daily intake. Breastfeeding actually requires more calories than being pregnant does! I'm not sure how many more carbs, sugars, fats, etc. You might need to call your doctor and see what he/she says but as for calories add…
  • The best way is the right right and exercise. Lose weight at your bodies pace not some medicines pace. Don't get your body used to the extra caffeine in Hydroxycut. You DO NOT need stuff like this to lose weight.
  • Yes I will use it always to help me maintain my weight.
  • If you are feeling snacky eat fruit or veggies. I always go for the fruit because they tend to satisfy my snacking moods more! Just keep at it and know that we all have our bad days...ALL OF US so don't beat yourself up over a slip up or two...just get back on track!! A walk around the block each day will really help at…
  • I agree with jrich...sell it and get a HRM with a chest strap. It constantly checks your heart rate, therefore, you see the right amount of calories burned.
  • I've never heard anyone say that muscle is heavier than fat BUT, like someone said before, muscle is more dense. So you could have 5lbs of dense muscle and 5lbs of less dense fat. Put them next to eachother and it appears that there is more fat! Another example is what was said could take a 5lb Bowling ball…
  • Yes...EAT! You're body is telling you something!! I was actually able to conquer my plateau because my body did the same thing. I ate what I wanted a few weekends (I didn't over do it much though) and it boosted my metabolism and got me out of the plateau. EAT GIRL!! And don't feel a bit guitly about it because your body…
  • I just got mine about a month ago and it has just started cutting out on me also. I'm really upset about it because it's not cheap! I am going to contact Polar for support and see what they say because I am doing the same things I did a month ago but it's cutting out now!
  • Don't "diet" just eat better! Even cutting your portions a little will help you lose! Keep LOTS and LOTS of fruit and veggies on hand and snack on those instead of breads, chips, etc! A little slip once in a while won't hurt you and is sometimes essential to keep a person sane! Also try to exercise at least 30 minutes…
  • In a month you will be used to it and you won't feel like you're missing out at all. Stick with it because those white breads are a killer for you!!!
  • My scale is in my bathroom and I think it is fun to see how my weight fluctuates from morning to night. I weigh myself twice a day because it motivates me to work harder the next day. BUT I only do one official weigh-in and that is every Friday morning. I wake up, run a few miles, and then weigh myself!!
  • Make sure you get it wet enough...don't be afraid to soak it ;)
  • FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT and VEGGIES!!! We LOAD up on those things!!! Oroweat's Double Fiber bread is great for sandwiches. I Can't believe it's not butter! Spray is an awesome substitute for butter and cooking oil. Sugar free jello with light cool whip is a good dessert. Oh or Sugar free chocolate pudding, light cool Whip, and…
  • I agree with what everyone else is saying! I always eat HALF of my exercise calories and sometimes a little more. I have been losing two pounds a week doing this. That is why I love MFP so has really taught me about my body and what it needs! Good luck and good eating ;)
  • WAY TO GO! When you work your butt off like that you deserve some bragging rights!!!
  • I also suggest multivitamins! As for beef grandparents lived a healthy lifestyle clear into their 90's on beef...with hormones!! Not something you should worry about!
  • I wouldn't go as far as to say "Don't do it". Try and run it as best you can but if you can't run the whole thing then walking is nothing to be ashamed of! Stay hydrated and try and get some good sleep tonight!
  • Ya this used to happen to me a lot! Completely normal!
  • Yes I agree with Wendy...those kinds of things will be your saving grace!!
  • I feel ya girl! The first couple of weeks were REALLY hard for me but I started enjoying the lower calorie snacks after that. I HAVE to work out to stay under my calorie goal! I like to burn at least 400 a day so I can EAT a bit more! Try having LOTS of fruits at hand...strawberries, oranges, raspberries, apples...things…
  • I use the Polar FT7 and I LOVE it and it is so much more affordable. I got mine for $100 and it is AWESOME!
  • I have a hard time with sugar too. I am still losing at least a pound a week so until that slows down I am not worrying about it! I will re-evaluate my sugar intake once my body needs a change!!
  • I have a better idea...why don't they just THROW AWAY what they don't want to eat!! Funny joke ;)
  • Yes make sure they are really wet when you put it on!! If it doesn't work then, with your receipt, you should have a one year warranty!
  • Way to go!! Isn't it motivating to see a pound off the scale?! Makes you want to eat even better ;) Good job!
  • I just hit 149lbs today and I just know it is going to slow down for me! I just went and bought a Polar FT7 so I can really track my calories burned and make sure I am not going over or too under! I hope I can lose at least 1lb a week but I don't think it's going to happen!! Good luck getting the last 10lbs can…