Feeling starved today

I have been successfully losing weight (other than the extended plateau I am currently living in) since January. Today, I just have an insatiable hunger. I packed my lunch and snacks today and have eaten everything I brought. I have consumed 950 calories so far; trying to stay under 1300 for the day. Have drank 5 +glasses of green tea in an effort to stave off more food. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? It feels like my body is saying you need to eat (could be my psyche trying to corrupt my efforts!). Any suggestions how to push through this. At work, out of healthy food, so guess that is a good thing, but cannot ignore these pangs!


  • mcelledge
    mcelledge Posts: 68 Member
    Eat today to satisfy your body (or mind) and get back on track tomorrow.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    It sounds like it might be your body letting you know that it needs some more food! I also wonder if eating a bit more might help you off of your current plateau. I would eat another 100-200 calories today and see if that helps your hunger. If it is a reoccurring thing, think about adding a few more calories more regularly. You might just find that you start losing again.
  • ritodcin03
    ritodcin03 Posts: 105 Member
    Can you take 20 mins and go for a brisk walk outside? The fresh air and change of scenery might distract you long enough to get past your cravings. Good luck!
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    My name is Nicole and I am an emotional eater. So sometimes it's hard to know when I am really hungry and when I am eating to compensate for something so I sort of know where you are coming from. I am now at the point where I can trust my hunger. I have stopped tracking food on this website because I am doing well and consistently under calorie goals and it was taking forever for me to do it everyday. I am still losing weight so I know I've made a life change not just being guilted into eating less so I am under calorie goals.

    Now after all that ramble.. my suggestion is to eat something really filling (protein, complex carbs...whole wheat bread etc) but to know that some days your body just needs more, don't beat yourself up over it. Stick with healthy choices. lame I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know
  • cocacole77
    cocacole77 Posts: 53
    Yes...EAT! You're body is telling you something!! I was actually able to conquer my plateau because my body did the same thing. I ate what I wanted a few weekends (I didn't over do it much though) and it boosted my metabolism and got me out of the plateau. EAT GIRL!! And don't feel a bit guitly about it because your body needs it! Go get a bunch of fruit and maybe one really yummy thing that will satisfy your hunger!!!
  • MadHatR5
    MadHatR5 Posts: 33 Member
    I tend to feel this way if I don't get enough protein in my diet.
    I have started eating egg white salad sandwiches on lower calorie bread.
    -3 hard boiled egg whites (48 cal)
    -1 TBSP Fat Free Mayo (10 cal)
    - 2 Slices Light Italian (80 cal)
    - and whatever misc spices I tend to add that day
    (138 cal, 15g protein - total)
    Not the most exciting meal in the world, but I think of it more as eating for fuel.
  • candican
    candican Posts: 96
    I tend to feel this way if I don't get enough protein in my diet.
    I have started eating egg white salad sandwiches on lower calorie bread.
    -3 hard boiled egg whites (48 cal)
    -1 TBSP Fat Free Mayo (10 cal)
    - 2 Slices Light Italian (80 cal)
    - and whatever misc spices I tend to add that day
    (138 cal, 15g protein - total)
    Not the most exciting meal in the world, but I think of it more as eating for fuel.

    I also will have this problem if I don't eat enough protein or if I eat too much sugar. You could probably fit in a low calorie/low sugar protein shake. If you are hungry you should eat, as long as you're not making it up in your head (emotionally, LOL)
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    You need to eat! I was plateauing,too, and I got so frustrated and hungry that I went on a binge, went over my calories by 1,000 and lost weight. For the next two days, I also went over my calories by a couple hundred and lost weight all 3 days. This week I have lost 5 lbs in 3 days. Listen to your body and EAT!! :D
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I've read quite a bit, that some have gotten of a plateau by adding a few more 100 cal's per day :)

    A trainer friend of mine, says that if you are starving then EAT cause its your metabolism booosting! It may mean the end of your plateau is in sight!! So eat :) and be over. and don't worry about it! haha.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    You may be putting on more muscle and muscle naturally helps you burn away calories all throughout the day. The protein comment was a great suggestion, but perhaps this is what's going on now. Also as women, I think our hormones get wacko sometimes, I tend to crave more at certain times than others. Great job on the weight loss by the way.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I've experienced this and I see a lot of good advice on here but didn't read all. For me, water works wonder. I don't know if there is a diff between drinking tea to replace the water. I do know, for me, one day of the mad munchies is not going to hurt my weightloss, just from experience I know that. I also understand every "body" is different;) Sometimes it is to fill a need other than hunger, maybe stress. But different things can trigger my "mad munchies";) A wise lady once told me, if I am hungry, eat something;) I wonder sometimes with my own bod, if maybe there are still certain times of the month, even though I am almost through the menopause??

    Sounds you are doing wonderfully and I admire you greatly;) I am just getting back into MFP lately and I do love coming here. I forget how much I have missed by not:) Best wishes and God bless,
