aaubrey Member


  • I fell off the wagon for about 2 months. I have only gained a lb back which is amazing considering I was working in Key West for a month eating out 3 times a day. I worked out 5 days a week to make up for it. Before I left I got back in the bad habit of going out to lunch with my friends. Also, when we go home to visit the…
  • Marie Calanders baked chicken frozen dinner - 320 Dreyers coconut fruit bar - 130 I don't know what to eat for my left over 137 and I am hungry I think I am going to have some grapefruit, or maybe a fruitcup with cool whip. I ran today and i am always starving on running days.
  • When you irritate everyone you know when they put unhealthy food in there mouth..."ya know there is like 260 calories in that donut...and ya know that muffin is 2 servings thats like 400 calories" Very irritating I am sure:laugh:
  • Well, I didnt know there was cream, I guess that means I can quit slobbering all over it...LOL
  • My sister has dealt with migranes for a long time. They finally found that she has occipital nueralgia, spelling might not be right. But, anyway it is a genetic condition where you develop scar tissue on the nerves in the back of your neck. Apparently it is fairly common and was only recently discovered. She just had the…
  • :cry: :sad: Ok, so I have lost 10 lbs total so far. I know that isnt a whole lot but it is a big deal for me. I looked at pictures from my daughters bday on the 19th and I thought I would look decent in the pictures. They are HORRIFYING. I would post them but I am too embarresed. I look HUGE. It makes me just want to say…
  • I am working off another 18 lbs from a baby a year ago. It is mostly in my stomach and hips too. You just have to give it time and it will eventually come off. As women our weight just wants to hang on in our tummies.
  • My next goal is to weigh less than my husband (165) lol. Then I can feel like a girl again:)
  • I finally lost the first 10 and I am almost halfway. I said goodbye to the 170's finally. I dont really feel very different still, but I can tell a difference in some of my clothes. I went to Kohls today and I fit loosly in a misses 12 and I thought about trying the 10 but decided not to risk my self esteem today and try…
  • I split the difference. My BMR is about the same as yours. I try to keep it in the 1400 + exercise and i am losing 1 to 2 a week and I rarely feel like I am going without. I just dont eat a bunch of crap. I even had a donut yesterday. The difference is I just had one and didnt have any snacks until lunch. So, I just found…
  • I have one, the super hula hoop will kick your butt if you go at it!
  • This last week was me and my daughters bday, there was cake, more cake:grumble: , dinners out, company, sugary drinks and what not. I have to weigh myself tomorrow. I dont even want to know. But, I got a wii and wii fit for the bday and it is back on the straight and narrow tomorrow!!:drinker:
  • I was originally pregnant with twins, we say we got the mean one:) She will be actually be 1 on th 30th. That is what I have been trying to do, have small portions and then not snack between the unhealthy meals. I will be happy if I dont gain weight this week.
  • I am having my daughters 1st bday tomorrow. I am trying to put my house on the market, I am in 3 classes, and I work full time. Thursday was my birthday and I ate like crap, I think I got food poisoning. IMy mother in law (who thinks I shouldnt lose any weight) will be here all weekend. I am betting I will gain 5 lbs by…
  • That is probably not a good idea. I was told, by an Air Force trainer to eat a small amount of carbs (usually toast or an english muffin) before and then something with protein after. I usually do a pria bar or the other half of that english muffin with peanut butter. You have to fuel the machine.
  • I am 8 lbs down (yea) and I have to honestly admit I havent worked to hard for it. It seems like it should have been a lot harder than it was. I got 20 more to go, but finally my clothes are starting to feel looser. It probably sounds crazy but, am I the only one that doesnt believe the scale when you see it go down? Like…
  • I know you can have broth jello and other "clear liquids", but yours might not be that restrictive. I would think that ice cream and milk might make you nauseous, which is the point of the liquid...no poo and nothing to throw up from the anastesia(sp). I am sure you can look it up online though, google liquid diet pre-op…
  • Good for you! I know how hard it is to talk your self out of it. I wanted a cheeseburger so bad tonight for dinner. So instead of going to a ff restaurant I made myself a turkey burger with fatfree cheese and baked fries. Hey it filled me up and killed the craving and I cant imagine how many calories I saved. It is great…
  • No biggie. Just skip the drink tonight. You dont have to have it. We have to learn to trade things like that. I had cookies this afternoon and so now I will be having a small dinner. No need to regret it. This isnt a diet where you dont get to eat and you have to eat ONLY certain foods. It is a lifestyle. In real life you…
  • Ed Norton but only in American History X...minus the nazi tattoos of course (hey its my fantasy...lol). Any other time Brad all the way
  • My husband actually has tribal wings from his shoulders to his butt...very hot. Anyway, I have...clearing throat...starting from the top On my back: 2 fairies 1 gryphon (book of kells) 2 sets of initials in kells style 1 dragonfly 1 lotus flower On my left side: 1 large tribal butterfly in the bend of my waist 1 tribal…
  • i did not do GREAT this weekend, but I didnt do horrible. I say our new goal this week should be between Monday (7-7) and Sunday we have to work out 4x's for at least 30 mins. I know I am a litle late posting but I have 1 in. I am not weighing myself this week because of stupid TOM. No use in crying:sad: for no reason!…
  • I found them and then started giving them to peole at work they are so good...lol
  • but if you are burning more and you are starving yourself, that isnt good either. If you can swing an inexspensive HRM I would. Or you are like me and my actual burn is WAY less than the machine or the website. That would probably help.
  • I didnt do so good today. 600 over...sigh The fam is here and my mom wanted chinese buffet. so here we are...I havent gotten to go running either because my DH wont get up with the baby for some reason this weekend and it is too hot here after about 8.
  • what is your name: What is your relationship status: What is your favorite color: Your celebrity crush: Band you are listening to: Favorite Movie: Favorite disney princess: Alcoholic Beverage: Dream vacation: What I want to be when I grow up: What I love the most: One word to descibe me: Pets: Favorite Food: Random Image:…
  • I went over by 235 on the 4th but I didnt log the 5 hrs we walked around the carnival carrying a 1 yr old. So I figure it baout evens out...lol
  • I had a hair loss problem in the past but it was hormonal (after having a baby). I did a lot of research on it at the time and it is either bacterial, hormonal, genetic, or mal nourishment. I would take a prenatal vitamin and talk to my doctor if I were you.
    in HAIR LOSS Comment by aaubrey July 2008
  • I only went over by 235. I spent the whole evening walking around a carnival with the kids and didnt count it so I probably ended up even. I cant chalk it up to willpower though...the funnel cake line was just really really long:)
  • I also have the F6 and it gives me about 25% lower on most things. Very eye opening.
    in HRM owners Comment by aaubrey July 2008