shanice_22 Member


  • Hiya, I lift :) I post more on instagram if you wanna follow me on there? @fitness_on_ground_level
  • This sounds awesome! Especially as I'm just getting back into my exercise routine :) So far this month I've done two 1 hour sessions, so that leaves 22 hours for me :)
  • I've only had a glance at your overall net calories and how many calories you've been eating per day, and from what I can see you're not actually eating enough..
  • This looks great! Thanks!
  • Strangely enough, tinned chopped tomatoes. Used to hate the texture. Fruit sugar. And just the other day, gherkins. I'd actually never eaten them before. Oh, and jalapenos.
  • We're not far off :)
  • Age: 23 Height: 5'6" CW: 190 GW: 133
  • I watched it and was tempted to give it a go but I don't know if I could manage the 500 cal days
  • I'm interested to know this myself
  • I'd love to buy one but unfortunately just can't afford it at the moment. It does look very good though.
  • ^^ This. Weekends are my downfall but I CHOOSE if I want to have a little treat or an extra portion of something. I don't call it cheating though because, as said above, it suits my lifestyle. In fact, I had an alcohol binge last night and drank a little too much wine. I don't consider it cheating though as I don't feel as…
  • My mishap was drinking a bit too much wine last night, in an attempt to drown out some bad feelings, and equally missing my workout yesterday morning. What I did well was stick to my calories all week. Apart from last night, the only time I was over was on Thursday and it was only 65 calories over :smile: I'm hoping my…
  • I was originally using MFP about a year ago and lost about 1 stone but then the weight started creeping up and up again. I tried using MFP again but just wasn't as dedicated as I was a year ago. Then my defining moment came when I was sat on the sofa watching TV and eating lots of junk (can't remember exactly what I was…
  • It wasn't that long since I was 21 (turn 24 this year lol) so I still care about my birthday. Only because it's an excuse to get drunk though :laugh:
  • Same! I've drank diet soda all my life and aren't about to stop now! I also used to use sweetener in my tea for ages. I've started using tate & lyle fruit sugar because it's apparently better for you and is lower in GI, but aspartame has never caused me any issues and I probably won't ever give it up entirely.
  • I've heard something similar, that diet pop can hinder your weight loss as they trick your body into thinking there's sugar coming and when it doesn't get the sugar it wants you crave something else to get that sugar hit.
  • Great NSV!! :) Now go back to that b***h of a sales assistant and show her that you HAVE lost weight!! Well done :)
  • Less calories is the key to losing weight, but you need to remember that you're doing 20 mins exercise each day - that's burning extra calories so you need to eat more to compensate. Ideally, you should eat no less than 1200 per day. If you set your activity level to sedentary then any exercise you log is extra calories as…
  • I found that I started to put on weight when me and my boyfriend started our relationship and I've noticed other women I know have done as well. I think it's because we get "comfortable" and aren't trying to impress anyone (since we've already found someone) that we tend to put on weight in relationships. I don't intend to…
  • I totally forgot to post my recipe! Spicy tuna and tomato pasta: 1/2 a tin of tuna 1/2 a tin of chopped tomatoes (half of a 400g tin) 1 tbsp oil (I use olive oil) Pepper Thyme Sugar (pinch) Dried chilli flakes 50g Wholemeal pasta Boil the pasta and in another pan, heat the oil then add dried chilli flakes - this is purely…
  • It just looked like you thought he was in the US lol that's how I read it anyway, sorry!
  • If you read his profile he doesn't live in the US... I'm not sure what the rules are for it over here (UK) but they must be different to the US if he's taking it.
  • I don't think it's too dangerous as apparently ages ago Gordon Ramsey was eating up to 12 bananas a day to increase his potassium intake..
  • I take a multivitamin, omega 3 fish oil and magnesium
  • As said by other it's a personal choice and people have different circumstances surrounding reasons for taking birth control. For starters, I don't take the pill I have the implant. And secondly, I could never afford to have a child right now so how is wanting to wait until I am in a financially stable enough position to…
  • I've been trying to do just this! I've been taking two 500ml bottles with me to work and filling them up. Four of those bottles is the equivalent of the 8 glasses and I've had three full bottles today!
  • Hi, I'm Shanice :) My goal is to be down at least 10lbs down by Oct 31st. Not sure about a costume as I might not be dressing up, but since I didn't go out last Halloween I would like to this year. This!! I love Halloween and from what I've seen on TV regarding the way it is celebrated in the USA and it saddens me we don't…
  • I'm in :) sent you a friend request. Not sure if I'll be wearing a sexy outfit for Halloween lol but like the idea of being sexy for Halloween! Edit: I've just joined your group :)
  • I'm watching the programme that was on BBC2 about intermittent fasting (recorded it and only just had the chance to watch it). I don't currently do it myself, but now tempted after watching this programme. Edit: Also, I think the programme I'm watching is the same one you've mentioned!!
  • I had pretty much the same issue with Harvester today! Picked what I thought was a healthy option - grilled chicken breast, mash potato, corn on the cob and gravy. I avoided bread rolls, and only had two spoonfuls of pasta from the salad bar. I drank pepsi max and had fruit skewers with a mini pot of ice cream for pudding.…