

  • "ossom"? What is this word? (sorry English isn't my 1st tongue).
  • You should rejoice in the fact that you don't have a bloody mess every month. It is good because it means you have little fat on your body. 4-5 times a week for an hour is very good exercise, 2-3 seems to little. I exercise almost every day of the week for usually 2 hours. I don't menstruate either, I think its okay. I…
  • :noway: Never ever use laxatives. They can make you very sick, especially if you are taking lots of physical activity. They make you gain weight (not just water) because your body goes into starvation mode, and you'll will eventually break your will and scoff down lots of food. Then more laxatives, and how this vicious…
  • You should eat lots of fruits, granola, cereal, peanut butter, ice cream, chocolate, nutrition bar, salad with LOTS of olive oil....
  • You should use almond milk, it is really creamy and delicious like creamer, and 16 TABLESPOONS (1 CUP) IS ONLY 30 CALORIES!!!
  • You are in good shape.:happy:
  • We are the only species on the planet that drinks milk from another animal, and the only species that drinks milk after infancy The whole "milk gives you calcium" is propaganda. There are skinnier ways to get calcium. :noway: Don't drink milk, it is fattening, even though it is "fat free":laugh: and all that jazz. Drink…
  • You should speak with a nutritionist if you already haven't. Some healthy foods that are high in calorie are quinoa (healthy whole grains), cheese, and peanut butter, you should also try to eat lots of fruits because they are high in sugar. You should also try to add a few nutrition bars, granola and cereal.
  • You should check your weight every morning- it keeps you from scoffing down bad foods when in the back of your head, you know you will have to weigh yourself, and see the consequences.
  • This is such an improvement! I suggest you try the products of Tofutti ( I recently read up that dairy does not give the necessary calcium needed and that we are the only species that drinks milk from other species, let alone the only species that drink milk beyond infancy. If you substitute your…
  • I would add tsp brown sugar/honey, cinnamon and apple/banana
    in Oatmeal. Comment by bayaderka June 2008
  • Yah I would do the -200 calories you suggested. I have spoken with nutritionist and actually, it is 1000 calories which keep starvation mode at bay.
  • Usually, working out decreases the appetite. Savour the feeling of not being hungry and at the same time having burned lots of calories. Of course later when you are hungry- you can shamelessly stuff your face (on healthy food- no junk!). I would totally down gobs of peanut butter if I were you- to get in all those…
  • If you eat COMPLETELY healthy, like everything organic, low sugar and low fat, with lots of protein and no processed or refined foods, it actually can be a chore trying to meet all 1200 calories a day. When I eat absolutely healthy, (3 meals a day and 2 snacks square snacks) I naturally only eat 750 to 850 calories a…
  • MY TURN ! ! ! ! :bigsmile: Would you rather. . . . . . Have the highest possible success in your field of work (ex. musician: the greatest rock star in history ) but never be satisfied with your body image; :noway: or Have the most ideal body you could ever want; but never have the talent or ability to achieve your pursuit…
  • You have a really nice car and house!
  • Even though they would be eight children, their perfection would make them VERY easy to handle.
  • I think fruit is okay, however it is possible to overdo it. Try to eat the fruits in the morning. However, I always like to eat 1/2 grapefruit before each meal, which is one of the less sugary, calorie packed fruits in comparison to its volume and size. In Petersburg and Moscow the ballerinas always say "Ohhh, when I…
  • You definitely should pack a protein bar with you like a Balance Bar or Power Bar or something you can so easily pick up 7-11 or CVS. Don't let the hunger control you, OF COURSE you can stop eating! Putting junk food in your mouth is not an involuntary function like your heart pumping blood. Getting into shape is a…
  • Yah I think I am officially going to go vegan! I have only got 5 more lbs to lose so this will be probably the most efficient way. Theoretically speaking, if I start to eat what my body was designed to eat, my body will shed the unnecessary garbage and return to its natural state- which means skinnier! The only problem is…
  • Has anyone on MFP read that "Skinny B!tch" book by ex-models Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin? What did you think of this sassy book? :laugh: Is anyone currently or planning to follow their vegan plan? It sounds really tempting especially after reading how meat is prepared, and their comparison to dairy and "your mother's…
  • I usually try not to eat 3 hours before bed, because I've heard that when you sleep on an empty stomach, in order to rejuvenate and continue with all the functions when sleeping you need energy... but if its not from food your body uses energy from other storages aka fat!!! So basically going to bed 3 hours after eating…
  • The product is so-so. It definitely does not taste like real peanut butter, and has considerably less protein. However you should try because you might like it's taste even if it doesn't taste quite so like real peanut butter.
  • Those are great changes! I don't know what else to improve upon especially if you enroll him in karate. There is nothing really to improve upon more but if he is not at a healthy weight just check with a nutritionist. At the very least he will not get bigger because the diet changes are quite healthy.
  • Make sure that your carbs aren't quite extensive, ex. for breakfast having toast AND .5 cinnamon roll?
  • Ballet and family :happy:
  • It's totally fine, it happens with a lot of people, including myself. It's very important to take in lots of protein, especially on a weight-loss diet.
  • 1/2 grapefruit and a hard boiled egg
  • If you are plateau-ing on the scale, you should try a 4 day cleanse which kick-starts further weight loss. This is my 2nd time doing it and it gives great immediate yet long term results. Please contact me if you are interested, I have already given out the plan to a few members already.
  • Speak with a nutritionist and/or doctor. Absolutely throw-out all junky foods. Have the entire family switch to a healthier diet and lifestyle, so your child doesn't feel isolated. Have the entire family boycott TV and computer/electronics. If all changes are a group effort, your child will feel more keen on making this…