Ok so awhile back iluvsparkles started a post show some skin or I think she may of re-posted it?
I wasn't brave enough to join in at the time, but today I was trying on my new bathing suit and decided to...GO FOR IT!!! OK OK more like a REALITY CHECK!!!
God I see all the areas I need to be focusing legs and arms...YUCKY!!!!
I broke out my firm today after seeing these pics. So come on all, be brave and post some SKIN PICS LOL!!! :laugh:
Kel~ biker1.gif

Or at least repost that you are in the, "show some skin club" I'm feel alone
on this one boys and girls LOL! :blushing:


  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    Ok so awhile back iluvsparkles started a post show some skin or I think she may of re-posted it?
    I wasn't brave enough to join in at the time, but today I was trying on my new bathing suit and decided to...GO FOR IT!!! OK OK more like a REALITY CHECK!!!
    God I see all the areas I need to be focusing legs and arms...YUCKY!!!!
    I broke out my firm today after seeing these pics. So come on all, be brave and post some SKIN PICS LOL!!! :laugh:
    Kel~ biker1.gif

    Or at least repost that you are in the, "show some skin club" I'm feel alone
    on this one boys and girls LOL! :blushing:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    *Whistles* lookin good!!!! WOOO!!!! :love: :love: :love:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    See!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you girlie!!! You are TOTALLY SIZZLING!!! WAHOOO!!! Now if I was gay, and lived back in California, and wasn't married, I'd whistle at you!


    Speaking of sizzling...who are the fires? :huh:

  • bayaderka
    bayaderka Posts: 53
    You are in good shape.:happy:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    See!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you girlie!!! You are TOTALLY SIZZLING!!! WAHOOO!!! Now if I was gay, and lived back in California, and wasn't married, I'd whistle at you!


    Speaking of sizzling...who are the fires? :huh:


    Hey, I didn't think you were around this weekend..good to see you! :happy:

    You don't have to be gay to whistle at me...I'll let you! Shoot Mark would probaby love it :wink: hahahhahah! J/K!

    p.s. Was that suppose to be, were are the fires??:tongue:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    See!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you girlie!!! You are TOTALLY SIZZLING!!! WAHOOO!!! Now if I was gay, and lived back in California, and wasn't married, I'd whistle at you!


    Speaking of sizzling...who are the fires? :huh:

    Hey, I didn't think you were around this weekend..good to see you! :happy:

    You don't have to be gay to whistle at me...I'll let you! Shoot Mark would probaby love it :wink: hahahhahah! J/K!

    p.s. Was that suppose to be, were are the fires??:tongue:

    It was supposed to be "how are the fires"...and not "were" but you mean "where" :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    See!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you girlie!!! You are TOTALLY SIZZLING!!! WAHOOO!!! Now if I was gay, and lived back in California, and wasn't married, I'd whistle at you!


    Speaking of sizzling...who are the fires? :huh:

    Hey, I didn't think you were around this weekend..good to see you! :happy:

    You don't have to be gay to whistle at me...I'll let you! Shoot Mark would probaby love it :wink: hahahhahah! J/K!

    p.s. Was that suppose to be, were are the fires??:tongue:

    It was supposed to be "how are the fires"...and not "were" but you mean "where" :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:


    HHAHAHAHHAHAHHA I did the were just for you my dear...right! :laugh:

    I think they are dying down at bit. The air has been a little bit better, but I haven't really gone out of my house since Friday night. I'm pathetic! I did go over to my best friend, Tamra's last night for a drink.
    I haven't done that for a while. Let me tell you how fast that alcohol hit me :drinker:
    If there was smoke in the air I couldn't tell LOL!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    See!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you girlie!!! You are TOTALLY SIZZLING!!! WAHOOO!!! Now if I was gay, and lived back in California, and wasn't married, I'd whistle at you!


    Speaking of sizzling...who are the fires? :huh:

    Hey, I didn't think you were around this weekend..good to see you! :happy:

    You don't have to be gay to whistle at me...I'll let you! Shoot Mark would probably love it :wink: hahahhahah! J/K!

    p.s. Was that suppose to be, were are the fires??:tongue:

    It was supposed to be "how are the fires"...and not "were" but you mean "where" :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:


    HHAHAHAHHAHAHHA I did the were just for you my dear...right! :laugh:

    I think they are dying down at bit. The air has been a little bit better, but I haven't really gone out of my house since Friday night. I'm pathetic! I did go over to my best friend, Tamra's last night for a drink.
    I haven't done that for a while. Let me tell you how fast that alcohol hit me :drinker:
    If there was smoke in the air I couldn't tell LOL!

    Yes, I bet you little lightweight! I stop drinking when everyone around me gets perdy! :drinker:

    I was going to show skin to answer your post here, but I can't fit all my skin in one photo. UGGG!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    way to go Diva! lookin awesome!!

    i just posted about my recent success, finally liking my legs! i took a few more pics so here they are!



  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Cycling, if I had you're body I'd show it off too!
    You go hottie! And I'm not ashamed to whistle at you *whistle whistle*!
    Well, I'm on vacation. If I'm brave enough I'll take a pic. But it *ain't* gonna be a bikini, that's for darn sure!
    Since the last one I wore was on my honeymoon 10 years ago in another country and anyway, I can't get to it because it's in it's own wing of my house in a glass case with spotlights on it with an "in memory" plaque on it! :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Yey sparkles!!! You are really working hard to get to your goals too! Hooray you!
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    way to go Diva! lookin awesome!!

    i just posted about my recent success, finally liking my legs! i took a few more pics so here they are!




    Thank you for sharing. I tried to post mine on the here, using photobucket, but it wouldn't work????
    Thank you for sharing and not making me feel alone on this one! I think you stole the spot light girlie :happy:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    Cycling, if I had you're body I'd show it off too!
    You go hottie! And I'm not ashamed to whistle at you *whistle whistle*!
    Well, I'm on vacation. If I'm brave enough I'll take a pic. But it *ain't* gonna be a bikini, that's for darn sure!
    Since the last one I wore was on my honeymoon 10 years ago in another country and anyway, I can't get to it because it's in it's own wing of my house in a glass case with spotlights on it with an "in memory" plaque on it! :tongue: :bigsmile:

    You're cracking me up about the "memory plaque" that is the funniest thing I have ever heard! LMAO!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks for the whistles :blushing:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hokay I did it!!! I'm scuuuuuuuuuuuuuury...but I do like the fact that my curves are back...somewhat...

    Oh bother...
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Princess you look freakin awesome!! so sleek! I am very very proud of you!

    sometimes i feel vein posting these pics, but then i remember that this community is for encouragement, and that i LOVE looking at everyone elses success, so i thought id load mine up, now that im a little more comfortable i wanted to participate!

    AS FOR POSTING PICTURES ON PHOTOBUCKET, i just wanted to let you know that copying the link directly from photobucket wont work
    what you have to do is copy just the image location, starting with http://www. and ending with .jpg

    then you put it in between this: and but used lower case img instead.

    so for example the code will look like
    www.myimagelocation.jpg BUT with lower case img and with NO SPACES.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Um, not to be a pain, but iluvsparkles - your tree pose can hurt your knees. Move you foot above or below the knee, but not on the knee. Your calves look wonderful though - I'm jealous!

    All of you look great and, of course, don't know what you need to lose any more weight!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    thank you for the criticism!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    thank you for the criticism!

    I didn't mean it like that at all!!! Please don't take it that way :flowerforyou:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    oh no no, i genuinely meant thanks!!! i really do appreciate it! i am very accepting of constructive critisism!! :):heart: (goes to show how expression gets lost in translation!)
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    oh no no, i genuinely meant thanks!!! i really do appreciate it! i am very accepting of constructive critisism!! :):heart: (goes to show how expression gets lost in translation!)

    Ok, that's good. I was worried. Don't want to discourage anyone from yoga :bigsmile: