Holy crap.

I just changed my settings to track sugar intake because I was curious and it says that I should only be eating 24 g!!!! That is crazy. How do you guys stay within your recommended sugar intake? I love fruit!


  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    I just changed my settings to track sugar intake because I was curious and it says that I should only be eating 24 g!!!! That is crazy. How do you guys stay within your recommended sugar intake? I love fruit!
  • zen68
    zen68 Posts: 138 Member
    Fruit and white sugar are sooo different...and as I always tell people....

    "you don't get fat from eating fruits and vegetables......"

    that is my story and I am sticking to it....:bigsmile:
  • bayaderka
    bayaderka Posts: 53
    I think fruit is okay, however it is possible to overdo it. Try to eat the fruits in the morning.

    However, I always like to eat 1/2 grapefruit before each meal, which is one of the less sugary, calorie packed fruits in comparison to its volume and size.

    In Petersburg and Moscow the ballerinas always say "Ohhh, when I retire from the theatre I can eat all the fruit I want!" however they have to be in shape like fashion models so for regular person it doesn't have to be that drastic.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    yes yes, natural sugar is much less of a concern then processed. You can safely go higher then 25 grams of natural (sugar from fruits and such, not that "raw sugar" in the brown packets, that's just unbleached processed sugar). Remember, it's all about how our body processes the food. Sugars from fruit take longer to break down because they are more complex, and most fruit has fiber in it, which also slows down the digestion process, which gives your body more time to use the energy immediately instead of storing it as fat. Processed sugar breaks down extremely fast, and unless you're running 10 miles or more, then you probably won't use it all before the body starts storing it.
    With natural sugars it means your blood sugar doesn't spike (because all the sugar isn't released into your body all at once), and you don't have the crazy sugar highs and crashes that you do with say, a candy bar, that's just s side benefit.

    here is a good article on it for you.
