

  • Wow, man, do you all need to pile on? I actually agree with you but your self righteous pestering of this woman is the exact doctrinaire attitude you don't like about dr. Oz. repeatedly saying "please repost the results" is transparent and snarky. There's no warmth to it. How about "that's good, but I don't ink it wil help…
  • Or he could have said, well, I sure am disappointed. If you change your mind, let me know. Like an ADULT. His ridiculous and hurtful over reaction and your need to change gym times ( I.e. your life) for a guy you don't know tells you that your instincts wer VALID and you should trust yourself. Changing your mind isn't a…
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: wow! great job! sounds like you are really setting yourself up to 'live right'. congratulations.
  • proctor, friends, sorry, very sorry. glad you wrote, you are not alone. the people on this web site are so nice, their pets, here or departed, have been very lucky animals.
  • Hi Bella - welcome! congratulations on you quitting smoking. I'm one, too. Some people on here have these cool calculators that say how much they saved (money-wise) by not smoking. Check them out - that's another way to congratulate yourself! This is a great site, I hope you like it. :flowerforyou:
  • Jstar - that was pretty funny!:flowerforyou:
  • great job, all!
  • well, i am pretty impressed that you lost 35 pounds in the first place! Bravo. Sounds like you know how to lose weight, so just keep up the good work.:wink:
  • yes, great idea. The Beck Weight Loss book really insists on it. It helps because you can see what you ate that was unplanned and also (more importantly) look forward to food you know you have coming up. javascript:add_smiley('smokin','post_body'):smokin: :smokin:
  • Jenn - welcome! thanks for your email. you sound very positive, which is the best thing!
  • that is awesome. bagles are like Crack.
  • meisje - glad you wrote - I am a an ordinary American (Go Obama! sorry to be political, it won't happen again!) and I think you will find much support here. btw, I have been to Brussels and loved it - beautiful city. Is that where you are located? Syd :bigsmile:
  • Luvlee - 16 pounds is great!! Take care of yourself, #1, that will make you a great role model for your kids. Plan out your food in advance and organize it really well.....
    in nervous Comment by sydenham24 July 2008
  • yeah, Jessie, that's too low!! You're doing great as you are!
  • welcome back! who is the cute animal in the photo?
  • Tasha - Hang in there! That's normal to mess up - you're human, right? So just get back up and start again. It can take weeks to change eating habits and, even then, we WILL screw up! But if more days than not, you are on your game, things will improve. It's gotta happen. :flowerforyou: so, hang in there!
  • Hi - I wouldn't go that route, a restricted diet - esp. at that time of the month. but I am having the same issue and I notice that on the days when i do everything right and the numbers still say I am over, white bread seems to be in there. So I am going to take a break from white bread and see if that helps. If you do…
  • Congratulations Becky!!!
  • checking in - how's everyone doing?
  • he is a loser. I agree with comment above - just ask well, what's your excuse? (work-friendly version) I also like the Kathy Griffin inspired "suck it" for what one would really like to say. I can give ya the spelling on Verklempt as a former NY stater. That is the best word!
  • Ya - this is a really nice site. Frankly, it' s the only site I have ever enjoyed. People give you support, but they also, very gently, push you on to your goals, without making you feel bad. I think part of it is the site itself - it's obviously designed by someone who cares about people and tries to make the world a…
  • Hi Megan - How are you doing? Ms. Syd
  • this might help with your ticker. it is copied from the Help section. It might help to print it out first. hope that's helpful! Ms. Syd How do I add a ticker to my forum signature? A. Here's a quick explanation of how to add a weight loss ticker to your forum signature: 1. First, click on the "Tools" tab, then click on…
  • Gosh, thanks, PrincessLaundry! My heart and mind go out to you, Megan. If it helps to know this, I am in my 29th year of sobriety. If I could do it, believe me, you can, too. :love:
  • me too! I weigh in at my new goal is 139 by august 1st!!! i am joining in!
  • Megan - You are doing the right thing and I applaud you. Remember - every drink you don't take is a plus - so, don't be discouraged if you have a struggle here. That said - do one thing at a time. Stop drinking, then deal with anything that bothers you weight-wise (you look great, btw). Also - did you catch yourself here?…