Summer eating!

I've wanted more food this summer than usual! I'm working my calorie intake in a way that allows myself to have things I like, but nothing in excess. I lost two more pounds this week, which is good since I've been crunching numbers to have a few extras! I'm hoping this next week that I will not desire certain foods. For example, I really wanted some fresh summer veggies last night, but I really needed homemade cornbread! :laugh: Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Have a great week!:smile:


  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    I definately have my days! With my hubby deployed for a year, I HAVE to keep myself busy, or I start looking to food that I MUST eat! lol

    Perhaps you just need to find a new direction to look, instead of the cornbread? When I am home... and the kitchen calls me (and it does, I swear!)... I go to the gym.
  • scottc
    scottc Posts: 72
    I look at it as a lifestyle change. I am more aware of what I put into my mouth. I also am now into making sure tI am active as much as possible. I do think it is ok to make brownies and have a low fat ice cream (a true portion now that I know what that really is) with a piece for desert if I want to spoil my family and myself a little. I just try to stay within my calories. If I know I am going to be high on calories, I make sure to get the exercise calories to counter act the extra calories.

    Slow and steady wins the race.....I hear that from a turtle once.
  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
  • LvilleSystemsJockey
    LvilleSystemsJockey Posts: 3 Member
    Great job guys. I'm glad to see everyone is getting healthier
  • sydenham24
    sydenham24 Posts: 33
    great job, all!