Day Five of Sobriety

Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

At least in the sense of it FINALLY being the end of the work week. Goodness, what a week! What I'm afraid of now is the weekend. Weekends are whenI'm usually at my worst in the way of drinking. Going out to lunch and having a glass of wine....Having a few Cap'n and Cokes......

*flexes muscels* I can deew eet!!! heheh.......It won't be so bad, so long as I can kill that little voice that says "Come on, it's just one little glass of wine. What's that going to do??" Right now, that would kill my resolve!

Basically, my goal is to get through another entire week with out drinking and IF I feel I can do it, treat myself to ONE small glass of Chardonney (sp?). Who knows, I may not even want it! I'm looking forward to Monday, hoping that I have lost at least one measely little pound after cutting out about 600 liquid calories...... :tongue:

What will be interesting is when my husband and I do finally got out to eat, sitting at the bar won't be an option. We will acutally sit away from temptation in a little booth. *I'm having a little bit of anxiety, to tell the truth.....*

In the past, when I would "Stop drinking" the weekends would kill my resolve....but then again, I just had myself to face in the morning. Not a crowd of supportive people that have been praying and giving encouraging words. So.....wish me luck! No, better than that, give me the kick in the pants and tell me to git'r'done!!!

Have a great Friday, y'all!!
:flowerforyou: See ya Monday :flowerforyou:


  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    At least in the sense of it FINALLY being the end of the work week. Goodness, what a week! What I'm afraid of now is the weekend. Weekends are whenI'm usually at my worst in the way of drinking. Going out to lunch and having a glass of wine....Having a few Cap'n and Cokes......

    *flexes muscels* I can deew eet!!! heheh.......It won't be so bad, so long as I can kill that little voice that says "Come on, it's just one little glass of wine. What's that going to do??" Right now, that would kill my resolve!

    Basically, my goal is to get through another entire week with out drinking and IF I feel I can do it, treat myself to ONE small glass of Chardonney (sp?). Who knows, I may not even want it! I'm looking forward to Monday, hoping that I have lost at least one measely little pound after cutting out about 600 liquid calories...... :tongue:

    What will be interesting is when my husband and I do finally got out to eat, sitting at the bar won't be an option. We will acutally sit away from temptation in a little booth. *I'm having a little bit of anxiety, to tell the truth.....*

    In the past, when I would "Stop drinking" the weekends would kill my resolve....but then again, I just had myself to face in the morning. Not a crowd of supportive people that have been praying and giving encouraging words. So.....wish me luck! No, better than that, give me the kick in the pants and tell me to git'r'done!!!

    Have a great Friday, y'all!!
    :flowerforyou: See ya Monday :flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey there!!! Don't even bother touching the stuff!!! Not a sip! You have done great thus far, keep farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away from it! Why bother? Have something else to keep you busy, a sip is just going to put you back into the "Sip, glass, drink" cycle. Stay strong and good luck!
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Just Git R Done girly!:laugh:
    Stay away from those familiar drinking scenerios and you'll pull through just fine. Remember...we are counting on you!:wink:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    You can do it! You're past the 3 day hump, and thats the worst part. Keep yourself active and the weekends won't be that bad :smile:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    That's awesome, you are doing such a great job! I know how hard it is..I too have an alcohol issue. Once a week I get PLASTERED drinking between 10-12 12-16 ounce bud lights...not a pretty picture as you can imagine. I get all drunk and decide I need to have a party...ugh. Anyways, I'm inspired by what u are doing and think maybe I'll try cutting it back to once every 2 weeks I know not having those extra beer calories will definately help with the weight loss. Keep up the great work!
    :flowerforyou: Lauren
  • sydenham24
    sydenham24 Posts: 33
    Megan - You are doing the right thing and I applaud you.

    Remember - every drink you don't take is a plus -
    so, don't be discouraged if you have a struggle here.

    That said - do one thing at a time.
    Stop drinking, then deal with anything that bothers you weight-wise (you look great, btw).

    Also - did you catch yourself here?

    First you said...........................................
    .It won't be so bad, so long as I can kill that little voice that says "Come on, it's just one little glass of wine. What's that going to do??" Right now, that would kill my resolve!

    Then,you said.........................................
    Basically, my goal is to get through another entire week with out drinking and IF I feel I can do it, treat myself to ONE small glass of Chardonney (sp?).

    Oh, no you don't, girlfriend!! : >
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    You are doing great!!:flowerforyou: This weekend find something fun to do with your husband where alcohol is not easily accessible like have a date night at the movies or a nice long walk, something where you can't bring a cooler full of whatever your heart desires, but something fun!!
  • jsmalla
    jsmalla Posts: 140 Member

    Since I'm old enough to be your dad, I can say the things that dads should say to their kids who are doing an awesome job on a difficult journey. :flowerforyou:

    I am so proud of you! You are making a huge change for the good & you are doing great. Now, no looking back, Hon. Keep your eyes on the goal & do not look back. You can do this. I'm praying for you & you have the support of a bunch of wonderful friends. We are standing with you on this journey.

    We expect to hear all the good news come Monday! :flowerforyou:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Megan - You are doing the right thing and I applaud you.

    Remember - every drink you don't take is a plus -
    so, don't be discouraged if you have a struggle here.

    That said - do one thing at a time.
    Stop drinking, then deal with anything that bothers you weight-wise (you look great, btw).

    Also - did you catch yourself here?

    First you said...........................................
    .It won't be so bad, so long as I can kill that little voice that says "Come on, it's just one little glass of wine. What's that going to do??" Right now, that would kill my resolve!

    Then,you said.........................................
    Basically, my goal is to get through another entire week with out drinking and IF I feel I can do it, treat myself to ONE small glass of Chardonney (sp?).

    Oh, no you don't, girlfriend!! : >

    Girl!!! Glad you said it! I wanted to point it out, but I wasn't sure about it. I'll ditto you and commend you both! One for working so hard on changing your life, and the second friend here for pointing it out!

    ((This is meant to be an encouragement to both parties!!! Please know I'm not deleting to make sure both know what I said, and that mean this positive in case it sounds flaky...I'm not always great with words. But keep up the great work! I'll have you in my thoughts this weekend!! I look forward to Monday's post!))
  • Wizzle
    Wizzle Posts: 97 Member
    Your doing such a great job! Plus, hearing all of those great words everyone posted should give you so much encouragement. I know how hard it is on the weekends to cut back. Besides beer and wine have some many calories. I enjoy a frosty beer or a crisp glass of wine on the weekends and those extra calories really do add up. So, just think that by not drinking you can reach your MFP goal even faster.

    Good luck and great job on what you have already accomplished. You can do anything you set you mind to.

    ~ jsmalla - that was like the cutiest dad thing to say ever! You should be the honorary MFP dad of the month. :smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Another thing that helps - surround yourself with people who don't drink. Its a lot harder to do things when your entire social group looks down on it. At least for me it was :)
  • sydenham24
    sydenham24 Posts: 33
    Gosh, thanks, PrincessLaundry!

    My heart and mind go out to you, Megan.
    If it helps to know this, I am in my 29th year of sobriety.
    If I could do it, believe me, you can, too.

  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Megan - You are doing the right thing and I applaud you.

    Remember - every drink you don't take is a plus -
    so, don't be discouraged if you have a struggle here.

    That said - do one thing at a time.
    Stop drinking, then deal with anything that bothers you weight-wise (you look great, btw).

    Also - did you catch yourself here?

    First you said...........................................
    .It won't be so bad, so long as I can kill that little voice that says "Come on, it's just one little glass of wine. What's that going to do??" Right now, that would kill my resolve!

    Then,you said.........................................
    Basically, my goal is to get through another entire week with out drinking and IF I feel I can do it, treat myself to ONE small glass of Chardonney (sp?).

    Oh, no you don't, girlfriend!! : >

    Caught that! And Princess decided to email me even if I hadn't :happy:

    I see where this is going and I've never been down this path, but having all of you standing by to appluade the smart moves and help pick me up is more support than I have ever had in my life and I thank God for you guys.

    :sad: <<<<but happy tears! I'll take your encouragement and your words of wisdom with me every step of the way this weekend and pass them on to my husband. You are all so awesome, I have now words...

  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    Since I'm old enough to be your dad, I can say the things that dads should say to their kids who are doing an awesome job on a difficult journey. :flowerforyou:

    I am so proud of you! You are making a huge change for the good & you are doing great. Now, no looking back, Hon. Keep your eyes on the goal & do not look back. You can do this. I'm praying for you & you have the support of a bunch of wonderful friends. We are standing with you on this journey.

    We expect to hear all the good news come Monday! :flowerforyou:

    :love: :sad: :love: You're a great man. Thank you.
  • jsmalla
    jsmalla Posts: 140 Member
    Gosh, thanks, PrincessLaundry!

    My heart and mind go out to you, Megan.
    If it helps to know this, I am in my 29th year of sobriety.
    If I could do it, believe me, you can, too.


    29 YEARS!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! WTG!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I feel compelled to say once again, you're doing such a good job! Focus on your accomplishments!
    YOU are doing this and you CAN do this!! Don't wait until Monday to post if you need support ASK!!

    Awesome job, keep it up one day turns into two, etc... but one day at a time. :flowerforyou:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Awww lady you've got this! You've made it this far...just take it one day at a time. Don't think about "the weekend" just get through today.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Awww lady you've got this! You've made it this far...just take it one day at a time. Don't think about "the weekend" just get through today.

    :heart: Hadn't thought of it that way.....Funny because that's how I thought about my week.....:flowerforyou:
  • ClassELady
    Using your computer, calculate the calories of one glass of wine and then calculate how much exercise you have to do - that may be a discouragement.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    First of all congratulation on doing a great job:flowerforyou:
    I used to drink ocasionally ( every ocasion I could find:bigsmile: ) but I gave it up. It's not that much fun if you think about the extra money you spend, calories you put on and the next day when you remember what dumm thing you did, because you weren't thinking clearly, not even to think about hangovers.:grumble: THere are lots of great ideas on here for you ,maybe it would be an insentive to put the money you are saving in a piggybank and in a couple of month be able to reward you and hubby with a weekend away or a new outfit or whatever you would like?
    I now enjoy going out, it doesn't bother me at all when other people drink, but I have to say I feel so much better knowing that I'm not going to waist my next day or even 2 days being hung over and sick. I lost a few aquaintances(sp?) along he way but I don't miss them at all, gained a lot of friends....
    I wish you a great healthy weekend:flowerforyou: