I guess I'm just in a hurry to get to the point I was before I got my desk job. I feel so much like a failure since I gained my weight back again! :(
Yea.. I'm pretty much given up on her... but now theres this other girl... who is practically my twin!!! I have never met anyone ANYONE who I could relate to so much... but the problem is... she works with my friend and I just friend requested her on FB and I was gonna leave it as that but then she messages me and we just…
Aaah IDK about that lol! ...I wish that was true but IDK about that lol! But thats true about thoughts and fears!
Thats true... I decided to try POF cause I'm just not meeting anyone in my everyday life. It's summer college is out and didnt meet anyone during my first semester and at work I'm just not into anyone there... so much drama that it's not even worth my time... it just seems like I will never meet anyone...
you guys are right LOL!... I have 0 and I mean 0 a game when it comes to girls LOL! ><
the thing i'm insecure about is my stomach... idk why that part just bothers me lol! But your right... I just don't want it to go too far OR too slow you know? That is crazy how close we r to each other lol!
before I text her I'm gonna ask her if it's okay if we take it to that level before I message her. I don't want her to be like who is this?? LOL!
really?? I practly given up on POF cause I've had an account for quite awhile and no body has messaged me, A few did but they just weren't my type.... I messaged a few and got nothing back... and then she messaged me and she seems like an awesome person! ...but I just think getting to know each other is going kind of slow.…
Yeah.. maybe... I think the next time she messages me back (its her turn lol) I'm gonna to tell her it doesn't seem like I'm getting to know her too good if it's cool if we can talk/text over the phone. She seems like an awesome person and I really want to get to know her.
I've read one book and some of the 2nd. Never got to finish it cause i'm so wrapped up with work and working out LOL! But yeah I love Sookie (i have a thing for southern girls with that accent... O.M.G. ::day dream::)
Body Fat Monitor! I am telling you focus on that! I have and I've been 100x happier since forgetting the scale!
Congrats on your weight loss! Be very pound!!! You look awesome!!!! :)
haha! glad I'm not the only one! Every time I do it I feel like an idiot and wonder if other people do it as well LOL@
Hey thanks! Yeah I'm not able to meet my protein really cause I meet my carbs and fats for the day and so my protein can never get to where it's should be
okay cool so my diet should be good! :) Thanks guys!
LOL! Thanks for putting me on the spot!:laugh:
lol so we are, so we are LOL! :p
I haven't done it on here, but when I was with Weight Watchers I actually lost 5lbs in a week a couple times.... granted I did gain it back I think cause I lost it so quick...
My stomach is weird also! I hate how it looks! if I'm standing it my belly button is weird but if i sit it looks normal IDK... I just want it to go away so i can finally go to the beach or water park and take my shirt off for the first time in public!
I have one crush!!!! and her name is...... Carrie Underwood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3 :love: :love: :love: :love: :laugh:
Naah... it kinda is... but thanks! haha! :)
Thanks, haha :) I have tried Plenty Of Fish... nothing. I go to the gym but usually never talk to anyone...and I think it'd be kinda weird to just randomly start talking to someone when their working out LOL! ...speaking of im off to the gym now HAHA
LOL! I'm talking about girls that I can actually date LOL! In real life though... its pathetic LOL!
I still can't get one girl to notice me lol...
When you guys say go out to those places... just randomly start talking to people??
I've always loved Jennifer! But Sandra is a close 2nd!
Okay Thanks! wow thanks! :)
Yeah I got mine from for $25. Mine is Omoron: Body Fat Monitor I love it! I'm the only one using it but you can personalize it for I think up to 5 people.
This is just me and I actually posted a topic about this I think yesterday. But I would recommend getting a body fat monitor instead! I've noticed my body fat has went down some in the last week a little and I'm not driving myself crazy worrying about the number on the scale!
I was good all day with my urges and when i came home tonight from work it just all went out the window... with me my food urges just get too strong...