P90X.. is it possible to start seeing results less than a we

So.. I started P90X last Friday and I'm following the nutrition plan exactly (thanks to MFP!) with the Body Fat Shredder. Is it possible to start seeing results in less than a week? IDK if its me or not but I think my stomach is going down some and I looked in the mirror and it looks like my biceps are bigger! ...I hope its not my mind playing tricks on me!


  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    A couple things.

    Yes, it's possible to see some results quickly, especially if you're new to resistance training. First of all, you may be seeing your newly swollen muscles, not necessarily a gain in lean mass. This tends to happen to new lifters. But in actuality, it is usually easier for a new lifter to put on muscle mass in the early stages - enjoy it.

    However, I took a look at your diary. You have your goals set appropriately for the fat shredder phase, but it doesn't appear you're really hitting them (assuming you are logging everything accurately). You're short on your protein each of the last few days and you're not getting enough vegetables. In this early phase most of your carbs are supposed to come from veggies, not grains. You get those back in phases 2 & 3. And I believe you're only supposed to have the equivalent of 1 fruit per day (100 cal worth). This isn't to say that your diet isn't healthy - it just doesn't look like the fat shredder equivalent to me.
  • niavalentino
    niavalentino Posts: 131 Member
    Tharrop covered mostly everything that should have been said, but the way I look at it (I'm on week two of P90X in phase 1) - you have to make do with what you have in terms of nutrition. I'm currently broke (my apartment costs way much more than its worth, I cannot WAIT to move out in June) and so its been difficult for me to buy the usual meats that I was previously able to afford for the Fat Shredder stage (and I'm not using protein powder... yet). From what I'm seeing on your food diary, I think you're doing well if thats what you have and can afford, and can physically consume (assuming you're ONLY doing P90X and not other cardio/strength training exercises).

    In terms of seeing results quickly, tharrop was right, when you're new your sore muscles look like big, lean muscles - no, they're just sore. You'll see results quickly, but not THAT quickly. Give it a month - tops - and you'll definitely notice because by then your body will be used to it...before its time for the muscle confusion (which is the whole point of P90X). Good luck in your endeavors!
  • ThermalYew1
    ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey thanks! Yeah I'm not able to meet my protein really cause I meet my carbs and fats for the day and so my protein can never get to where it's should be