how much weight can you drop in 2 weeks??

maletac Posts: 767 Member
so how much weight can someone drop in two weeks???

i have a vacation starting in two weeks... how much can i tone up and lose if really bust some A...???



  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    it all depends on what your objective it, weight loss, I'd say about 1,5lbs a wk of body fat, but can can gain weight in a good way with weight tranning to tone up :). The good eating starts now and that need to be kept
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    that all depends on how much your prepared to move! haha
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    lets say i put in 2 hours a day with a decent diet?
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    You need to stagger your workouts... If you burn 500 cals in the am & then 500 cals in the pm... Your metabolism will be revved up & burn an extra 400-600 cals... So that can create a deficit of 1500 cals a day... You can drop 3-5 lbs a week, for a week or two...
    This isn't recommended long term & make sure you are eating super clean & healthy!
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    thats fine my vacation starts in 2 weeks so im trying to power through it.
  • GremlinJenny
    GremlinJenny Posts: 151
    i ate a healthy diet and stayed within all my allotments for cals, sugar, sodium, fat, etc for 2 wks and lost almost 9-10lbs and have kept it off and then some.

    for long term health, i agree with the other posters.

    but for the sprint race of ur upcoming vacay, u can lose more than 10lbs since ur a guy. lol. i know u just want a really straight answer.

    PLS BE SAFE!!!!! consider talking to ur doc???

    gluck. xoxo.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you are a male..i'd estimate maybe 10-12 lbs
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member
    yeah this would only be a these next two weeks afterwards its off and then i will kinda try to eat healthy.... but that will kinda be out of my hands sooooo we will see if i gain or what .
  • ThermalYew1
    ThermalYew1 Posts: 64 Member
    I haven't done it on here, but when I was with Weight Watchers I actually lost 5lbs in a week a couple times.... granted I did gain it back I think cause I lost it so quick...
  • maletac
    maletac Posts: 767 Member