samvanz Member


  • 519 calories today, doing a huge variety of little things - two ten-minute SparkPeople workouts, which are amazing for the time-hungry, a 15 minute power walk, 15 minutes running up and down the stairs and doing jumping jacks either end. I'll sleep well tonight! And, 64 oz of fluid. One of those was hot choc, and one was…
  • WOW everyone, that's amazing! We all did so well. GO PURPLE! Looking forward to knocking this week's challenge out of the ball park. Was struggling to hit the 500 cals every day, but 30 mins activity should be achievable. Good luck, all!
  • Sweetcheeks, that's an awesome effort! Well done! :) And from last week's result on the scales, it's clearly doing something good!
  • Since this time last week, we're up to 3,867 calories burned. Pretty damn happy with that. Hoping this next week I can burn off what I put back on over the weekend and then some.
  • So, I'm feeling pretty good about my resolve right now, but last week was pretty awful. I was PMSing badly and inhaled food for a day - and managed to undo all the good work I did in the week. Today I'm back to my starting weight, 71.8kg (Aussies weigh in kilos, sorry), and I'm starting again. A bit frustrating, but it…
  • You look great! Well done. Inspiring indeed :) I'm off to work out.
  • I use Just Dance 2 and Zumba Wii games as pretty much my only exercise other than short walks to and from work, and I'm losing weight. Just Dance 2 organises the dances according to how hard they are, so you can shape yourself a whole workout by doing some easy, some a bit harder, some really hard, for as long as you want…
  • Try Then just add it to your diary by clicking "My Exercises" up the top.
  • Hey guys, I'm not really sure what to do with my weigh-in figure. I can access the spreadsheet, but I can't edit it. My new weight is 156.74 lbs. I've lost 1.55 lbs. I'm happy with this considering I'll have gained a little because of TOM which will go again next week. So onward and upward!
  • Well done! I had the same thing this morning, and I feel great about it! :) It's been tooooo long.
    in Soooo... Comment by samvanz August 2011
  • I know weigh-in isn't until tomorrow, but I was curious, so I jumped on today to see how the progress is going... WOW. This is working! I've lost more in the last 4 days than I have in the last few weeks combined. Thanks for the motivation guys! AND an NSV: My BMI is no longer in the "obese" category, I'm now "overweight".…
  • It is hard when you've got busy days, Start_on_Monday, I agree! I guess it's about fitting in as much as you can manage, like you did today, and finding the things to do that really make that time count. (I like kickboxing DVDs to rack up big calorie burns fast). Well done for getting the 500, and good luck for the rest of…
  • Calorie burn today - I burned around 750 cals through exercise. I worked a load at work, and did 45 mins of Zumba... Surprised myself at being motivated to exercise so much! Looking forward to the rest of the week to keep surprising myself, and hopefully to impress everyone/myself on Friday with the weigh-in!
  • So I did a workout today that burned 501 calories, but I ate some of that back, so I"m going to go get into some Zumba. I just bought the game for Wii, I'm excited! Well done to everyone for a RAD first 2 days. We're the shizzzz...
  • Thanks for the thread! Haha, sorry to hear about your treadmill mishap, Sommer. 500 cals is a LOT of exercise. I'm feeling determined today!
  • Wow, 500cals/day! That's heaps! But it's going to be super-effective toward getting up to that 10 lbs by the end of August! Looks like I'll have to pull my finger out and start dedicating some real time to exercise.
  • WOOHOO! First day of the challenge, and I'm feeling motivated. Let's do this thing!
  • I'm in! I tried doing another challenge the last few months, but I think maybe it was a bit too big and with no clearly defined goals... I definitely need something to help kick-start me, and this 10lb in August would put me wayyy above my goals - I'm aiming to be at my goal weight by Christmas, and that's achievable with…
  • I have to agree, it's wii just dance for me when I'm busy! Or when I can't be bothered working out, like today - I just wanted to curl up and have a good cry, but I got up to do some dancing, and that make me feel a bit better.
  • Today I'm feeling really, REALLY sick... I've been sick for about a week but it's just caught up with me. For the last week I've been trying to fight it off and continuing to do what I'd normally do... Today's new thing that I'm trying is not being too hard on myself, and letting my body have what it needs to recover. I…
  • Thanks, everyone. Toshiette, it was brutal, but great! It was quite busy, and the track's pretty narrow, so there were a few times when I had to stand aside for people to pass, but it wasn't really a problem. It's lovely up there, you should do it!
  • Thanks Anna - I thought water retention was caused by sodium. But the muscle-repairing function absolutely makes sense... A pity, I had my weigh-in today and while I still got to my goal for the week, I still didn't lose what I thought I would from this *kitten*-kicking walk. Tomorrow, perhaps.
  • That's a strong opening line - now follow it up! Best of luck with it all, add me if you need some encouragement.
    in 06.16.11!! Comment by samvanz June 2011
  • WOW look at you! You've done so well - fantastic!
  • I haven't hit a plateau yet, so I can't really share my secret to success for this one! I do like to mix up my exercise a lot, but that's mainly just so I don't get bored and stop exercising! So far this week I've managed to do all three parts of our weekly challenge, and I'm doing REALLY well! It makes me a bit nervous to…
  • I have my official weigh-ins on Monday, which keeps me a little bit honest on weekends. And to make up for the bits where I just have to eat badly or drink, I work hard during the week so that I can still see a loss on the other end of my naughty weekends!
  • From the foods I eat every-day I'm not too bad for sodium - I stick to lots of fresh fruit and veggies, steer clear of microwave meals if I can because they're PACKED with the stuff! I AM, however, a sucker for adding salt to things when I'm cooking. I've taken to cayenne pepper lately, it seems to fulfill the same…
  • My favourite fruit is tamarillo - and they're in season! Couldn't be happier. They're PACKED with vitamin C, and are fun to eat (with a spoon, takes longer). In Summer I love mangoes... In my house we have a good set of predispositions to fruit - I love eating canteloupe, and my boyfriend just likes the smell. So if I get…
  • WOOHOO! Things are gettin hot n steamy in your household!
    in NSV ;-) Comment by samvanz June 2011
  • I LOVE berries. Or cherry tomatoes sometimes do the trick... Jarrah do really tasty hot chocs which are only about 45cals made with hot water, and they don't taste watery at all :) The day's almost over here, the snacking time is almost past me (usually snack while I'm working, but it's almost 5pm) - so far I've avoided…