

  • Today's weigh in = 228.8 (back up a little bit). Still keeps me in my goal for the challenge. Goal weight for New Years Challenge =221 pounds. That will officially take me from "OBESE" to just "OVERWEIGHT" according to the bmi calculator. With today's weigh in I am not updated my ticker as hopefully some of this is just…
  • Thanks Mandy - I'm finally starting to see this. Although I have a lot of belly left to lose, I'm finally starting to feel like a normal human beeing (haha, and one that actually looks like his siblings!). I haven't seen my one brother (shorty in the photo) since July when I was 40 pounds heavier as well as my…
  • I have to work out after work as well. During the week I work 2-10pm and on the weekends I'm usually doing a 12 hour shift, but just make myself go to the gym. I do it after work during the week because my wife and daughter are usually already asleep so I can still get my workout in without taking time away from my family.…
  • Trying my hand in posting a picture to the message boards. This is me with my 4 siblings. I'm all the way on the right in the plaid shirt. Love the way I'm looking and am ashamed at looking back at pictures of me over the last 8 years or so. I waited too long for this! Hopefully it uploads! This photo was from this weekend…
  • Yeah, I am fine with our starting weight to be the Friday after Thanksgiving. I had early Thanksgiving with my family yesterday and am only up like 1/2 a pound from my weigh in on Friday, but I also didn't do so well drinking my water yesterday. I did have a little left overs today, but none of the sweets. I work hard most…
  • Today's weight = 227 lbs Not a huge loss, but a loss is a loss! @ Mandy - don't be so hard on yourself. Weight is only a number, and think of all the things you are doing to improve your health. All of the challenges you set up for us, the running, the weight lifting - you may not be lossing persay, but gaining - gaining a…
  • Haha - I could watch FRIENDS all day long, but not while I'm working out. Definitely nice when there is a game on that I can watch! Good work on the loss, keep up the good work!
  • Mandy - you know I'm down. It'll be tough for me with the little one being around at that point, so a challenge will definitely be needed in order to keep me in check!
  • Today's weight = 227.8 (I checked this like 10 times, all consistent and the same weight....even a few at 227.6. I moved the scale around to make sure I was seeing this correctly). Finally got the weight off from my trip and then some. I didn't have a lot of formal exercise last weekend due to my long hours at work, but I…
  • Awesome job - keep it up!
  • Here's the Mandy I know! Great job resisting the temptations. My Florida trip has screwed me up mentally. I'm still getting in the exercise, but my decisions aren't always the best, and I even think I've lost some of my will power. BUT - my crazy weekend is over (worked like 46 hours in 4 days, but its Monday and I have a…
  • Todays weight = 232.2 I am up from 2 weeks ago before I left, but down from 235 when I got back from my trip. Need to keep pushing to get back down for next weeks weigh in
  • Great work E - nice job! You sir are an inspiration!
  • alright guys - I'm back in the grind. Had a long weekend at work, and this weekend is going to be even longer (biggest hockey tournament of the year = dave work 12 hours on Friday, 14 on Saturday, and will finish it out with a 10 hour shift on sunday!). So, I'm going to try and kick butt during this week to get me back…
  • Ok, I was all set to get back into my routine and totally blew it today. On a happier note, we went shopping and I stocked up on my normal regular food to make my healthier meals than leftover pizza and what not today. I'm going to kick butt tomorrow and then some! Dave
  • Wimberley - I'm in retail selling sporting goods, specifically specialty sporting goods selling hockey equipment, accessories, and related merchandise. The trip is a yearly one that one of our vendors does to show us the new product for next fall (go figure we have to figure out what we want to order for next fall when…
  • Hope everyone has been doing well this week. The last few days have been a real challenge for me. All of my meals have been provided (all which were excellent and came with dessert!) and I have enjoyed different foods I wouldn't normally eat (and some I shouldn't). For my sanity sake as well as keeping me on track, I have…
  • my daughter does the same thing. Sometimes she gets under me like one of your pictures, other times she imitates me, which makes me laugh. I feel your pain!
  • Hope everyone is doing well. First full day of my business trip in Florida and I'm trying to be good! But all the food is provided for us, so I'm at the mercy of what they are serving. Overall I think I've done well, but how can I really tell for sure when I'm not making it myself. I have some free time before dinner and…
  • You're right, there are weeks like this. Not a bad deal to only have had 3 times where you haven't recorded a loss. I know that I've been going at this since May, and there's been a few times where I didn't go anywhere and (Labor Day Weekend) where I recorded a slight gain. Your body changes contiunously even if you don't…
  • 10/21 weigh in = 230.8 pounds. Huge loss this week. I have a feeling it is because of the running I've added in this past week. Last night I did a 5k in 35 minutes. Didn't break any records with this, but my pace was like 11:15 per mile. My first mile came in under 10 minutes because I was really pushing myself, but had to…
  • Getting myself ready physically - just need to save up for a road bike. All my extra funds right now are being put aside to have some cash on hand while my wife is on maternity leave. Once January comes, I can start saving for my bike!
  • Look at our fearless leader checking in on everyone. I love this group! Hope you are all doing well. Keep plugging along everyone!!! Dave
  • Hope everyone has been doing ok. Haven't really had time to be active on here since our weigh in on Friday. Got a lot of stuff going on right now trying to get things ready for the baby's arrival in December as well as work. I gotta start painting that nursery!!! I'll be out of town Sunday through next Thursday, but will…
  • I like to think of them as "Treats" instead of cheats. On a mental standpoint - it may help with things. Hasn't really affected my weight loss in the big bigger. Maybe if I took too many liberties one week, it showed on the scale, but it just made me work harder the next week. Good luck!
  • Great work - Keep at it!
  • Great work - Keep at it!
  • October 14th = 234.4 Better than I thought. The majority of my exercise this week was just our mini challenge, but when you do 3 or 4 sessions a day, it can add up! Wasn't really able to get do the gym during the week because my wife has been out of town, but thankfully she can flys in tonight and I can get back to the…
  • The first couple weeks into the change in my eating habits I'd go to bed by like 10pm because i was so damn hungry. It lasted a few weeks. No I'm most hungry between like 1 and 6pm. Usually I eat dinner at 6 or 7 and am done for the day (or have a little snack later if I have calories left over).