Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • Mandalicious
    I got the power, power - will power, that is! Hosted a baby shower this morning and a birthday party for my son tonight. Managed to COMPLETELY avoid the cupcakes, gingerbread, and alcohol! I had just one slice of pizza at the party and lots of salad with very little dressing. Went a little over today on calories, but I am going to try to make up for it tomorrow!

    As for the challenge, I surprised myself today. I set my phone stopwatch and then looked at facebook to distract myself. When I flipped back, I had managed a wall squat of 1 min, 58 seconds!!! Of course, my legs were like butter for a while afterward. :) Did all my jump rope, too. That was all I could squeeze in to this busy day. But I have a babysitter coming tomorrow so I can get a run in. Oh, yes, baby. I am gonna be thinner for Thanksgiving. Yes, I am!

    Are you all, too??
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I got the power, power - will power, that is! Hosted a baby shower this morning and a birthday party for my son tonight. Managed to COMPLETELY avoid the cupcakes, gingerbread, and alcohol! I had just one slice of pizza at the party and lots of salad with very little dressing. Went a little over today on calories, but I am going to try to make up for it tomorrow!

    As for the challenge, I surprised myself today. I set my phone stopwatch and then looked at facebook to distract myself. When I flipped back, I had managed a wall squat of 1 min, 58 seconds!!! Of course, my legs were like butter for a while afterward. :) Did all my jump rope, too. That was all I could squeeze in to this busy day. But I have a babysitter coming tomorrow so I can get a run in. Oh, yes, baby. I am gonna be thinner for Thanksgiving. Yes, I am!

    Are you all, too??

    Here's the Mandy I know! Great job resisting the temptations. My Florida trip has screwed me up mentally. I'm still getting in the exercise, but my decisions aren't always the best, and I even think I've lost some of my will power. BUT - my crazy weekend is over (worked like 46 hours in 4 days, but its Monday and I have a day off. Today is going to be spent cleaning my house, relaxing, a little video games and hopefully a 2 hour visit to Charter Fitness tonight after the wifey gets home). Jumped on the scale this morning and I was 231.4, so I'm moving in the right direction. I still won't record my weight until Friday, because a lot can happen by then, both good and bad (I'm planning for the good though!). Happy Monday to all of you, we need to kick this into high gear and finish out the last few weeks. Nice work to those of you who have made goal or who are approaching their goal quickly. Keep up the awesome work!!!

  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I got the power, power - will power, that is! Hosted a baby shower this morning and a birthday party for my son tonight. Managed to COMPLETELY avoid the cupcakes, gingerbread, and alcohol! I had just one slice of pizza at the party and lots of salad with very little dressing. Went a little over today on calories, but I am going to try to make up for it tomorrow!

    As for the challenge, I surprised myself today. I set my phone stopwatch and then looked at facebook to distract myself. When I flipped back, I had managed a wall squat of 1 min, 58 seconds!!! Of course, my legs were like butter for a while afterward. :) Did all my jump rope, too. That was all I could squeeze in to this busy day. But I have a babysitter coming tomorrow so I can get a run in. Oh, yes, baby. I am gonna be thinner for Thanksgiving. Yes, I am!

    Are you all, too??

    Here's the Mandy I know! Great job resisting the temptations. My Florida trip has screwed me up mentally. I'm still getting in the exercise, but my decisions aren't always the best, and I even think I've lost some of my will power. BUT - my crazy weekend is over (worked like 46 hours in 4 days, but its Monday and I have a day off. Today is going to be spent cleaning my house, relaxing, a little video games and hopefully a 2 hour visit to Charter Fitness tonight after the wifey gets home). Jumped on the scale this morning and I was 231.4, so I'm moving in the right direction. I still won't record my weight until Friday, because a lot can happen by then, both good and bad (I'm planning for the good though!). Happy Monday to all of you, we need to kick this into high gear and finish out the last few weeks. Nice work to those of you who have made goal or who are approaching their goal quickly. Keep up the awesome work!!!

    @ Mandy & Dave - great job to both of you for getting re-motivated and getting back on track! Stay focused during the next few weeks and I'm sure you'll be able to meet your goals by the end of the challenge. Let's all have a great week!
  • MarineWifey09
    Those wall squats kicked my *kitten* yesterday! I did one for 60, then 90 and then I did the third for 2 minutes! I feel great and back on track today. I am thinking about hitting up GNC for a energy pill and some more meal replacement shake mix. I guess it's when that time of the month comes I lack serious motivation and drive and want to sleep all day. When my parents were here I didn't want to be a stickler with eating so I tried to be smart about my choices but some places we went there was no being smart because the entire menu was "bad". So this week I will be super strict on myself and will be working out 3 times as hard. I know some people think it's dumb to not weigh in, but honestly with as emotional as I am this week if I saw that number on Friday I would have cried lol.
  • samwelli
    official weight for last week was 193. sorry all. we had no power for four days then i was away at work for four days. i tried phone access but it took too much memory. i hope to get back to where i want to be this week
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    I ate like crap this weekend. It was the wife and I's first wedding anniversary and we went back to the place where I proposed to her. And there were many breweries there and I had lots of good stout beer (read: high calories). And brewery food (read: high calories). But Tuesday I was back to work and back in the gym. Still nursing my wrist (injured while doing dumbbell shoulder presses) so I've had to modify my workouts, but I'm still doing them. Lots of water, and general moving more.

    Going to put a second coat of paint on the bathroom and setup the spare bedroom tonight as the wife has some girlfriends coming over Friday night that will stay the night. Little extra exercise won't hurt.

    Just as long as I don't hurt my wrist more :-/
  • Mandalicious
    @Samwelli -No power? Yikes!
    Glad you are back - was wondering. Been there on the not-so-good weeks. Pick yourself up. Get back in the game (awesome workouts last two days!) and just look forward! You can do it!
  • Mandalicious
    I ate like crap this weekend. It was the wife and I's first wedding anniversary and we went back to the place where I proposed to her. And there were many breweries there and I had lots of good stout beer (read: high calories). And brewery food (read: high calories). But Tuesday I was back to work and back in the gym. Still nursing my wrist (injured while doing dumbbell shoulder presses) so I've had to modify my workouts, but I'm still doing them. Lots of water, and general moving more.

    Going to put a second coat of paint on the bathroom and setup the spare bedroom tonight as the wife has some girlfriends coming over Friday night that will stay the night. Little extra exercise won't hurt.

    Just as long as I don't hurt my wrist more :-/

    Joe - I think it's okay to indulge a little every once in a while. This is life and sometimes food/drink is part of the celebration. Seems like you are doing just exactly what you need to do - getting back on track! I feel like we are all going to slide sometimes and it's what we do afterward that counts. Hang in there with the wrist. I have suffered through my share of pain, especially my knees. Ice and ibuprofen really help me. And take it easy on that joint when you need to! Maybe amp up the treadmill/elliptical type work instead while you let it heal??
    Hang in there! You're gonna get it!
  • MarineWifey09
    I am super scared for weigh in this weekend but I gotta face my fears! Not to mention I haven't done well keeping up with our weekly challenge this week either. I have done a couple classes that kicked my butt literally, my butt and thighs have been sore for 2 days now! Doing a class tomorrow too. Good luck with weigh in everyone!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Weight loss goal: 7.0 lbs
    Weight loss total: 8.8 lbs (Week 6)

    Week 0: 136.8 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1: 133.8 (-3.0 lbs)
    Week 2: 136.4 (+2.6 lbs) -- sick
    Week 3: 133.2 (-2.8 lbs)
    Week 4: 130.8 (-2.4 lbs)
    Week 5: 129.4 (-1.4 lbs)
    Week 6: 128.0 (-1.4 lbs)

    Another good week -- I lost 1.4 lbs! That was better than expected because I had exceeded my maintenance calories by ~400 cal last Sat., so I only had my usual calorie deficit on ~5.5 days during the past week. But it looks like the extra calories ended up boosting my metabolism it ended up being a wash! :smile:

    My weight loss has been a lot better than expected so far, and I think its largely because having such a great group and a great challenge leader has really motivated me. :happy: I would love to keep on working together and turn this challenge into a "Christmas Challenge"! Mandy, what do you think? Are the rest of you guys up for that?

    Wow, I can't believe we're now into the last week of the challenge. The time has really flown by! Let's all do a great job on week 7!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Today's weight = 227.8

    (I checked this like 10 times, all consistent and the same weight....even a few at 227.6. I moved the scale around to make sure I was seeing this correctly). Finally got the weight off from my trip and then some. I didn't have a lot of formal exercise last weekend due to my long hours at work, but I was on my feet 10-13 hours a day, so I'm sure that helped my body some. That and the last 3 days at the gym I've just hit the treadmill hard. Hope this sticks and doesn't shoot back up! Hope you all had a good weigh ins also!

  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Today's weight = 227.8

    (I checked this like 10 times, all consistent and the same weight....even a few at 227.6. I moved the scale around to make sure I was seeing this correctly). Finally got the weight off from my trip and then some. I didn't have a lot of formal exercise last weekend due to my long hours at work, but I was on my feet 10-13 hours a day, so I'm sure that helped my body some. That and the last 3 days at the gym I've just hit the treadmill hard. Hope this sticks and doesn't shoot back up! Hope you all had a good weigh ins also!

    Awesome job! You're only 1 lb away from your goal, so I bet you'll exceed it by the end of the challenge next week! Keep up the great work!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    206 1lb loss I think :happy:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    206 1lb loss I think :happy:
    Great job, Maria!
  • Mandalicious
    Maria, Mimi, and Dave -- congrats to you three for a loss! Rocked Week 6!

    I recorded my weight of 125.5 today. I am happy with a loss from last week overall. But for the last three days, I was at 125.0 so I was a little disappointed this morning. Hope I can get down to 124.5 for next week. Not going to make my goal for the challenge, but I don't be too far off, I think. One more week then it's on to Thanksgiving!

    ***Week 7 Mini-Challenge*** Let's do three sets of 50 "step-ups" each day. You simply step up onto a step until both feet are there and then right back down. That counts as one. I did 25 starting with my right leg and then 25 starting with my left leg just now. It took a little over a minute and a half. At three times per day, we'll all sneak in another five minutes of exercise each day. Sweet!

    As far as going forward, I am thinking to start a "New Year, New Me!" Challenge to run from the Friday after Thanksgiving through Friday, January 6th. That's a total of 6 weeks. What do you think? Would anyone be interested?

    On to Week 7 friends in fitness!
  • samwelli
    11/11 190 pounds SO I am down 3 pounds from last week, but up one pound from two weeks ago. No complaints though. My wife and I are heading out tonight for a nice dinner, but I have an extra bike ride schedule for Sunday, so I am not as worried about the increased calories. I do need to find a gym that has the NFL network. It was hard staying at the gym Thursday night knowing there was a game on that I could watch at home. I also worry that the NBA lockout will hurt my workout schedule. It is so much easier to keep going on the treadmill or bike when there is something to watch. There are only so many FRIENDS reruns you can watch before you realize that Rachel is going to sleep with someone, Phoebe is going to be ditzy and Joey is going to say "How You doin'!?"
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Maria, Mimi, and Dave -- congrats to you three for a loss! Rocked Week 6!

    I recorded my weight of 125.5 today. I am happy with a loss from last week overall. But for the last three days, I was at 125.0 so I was a little disappointed this morning. Hope I can get down to 124.5 for next week. Not going to make my goal for the challenge, but I don't be too far off, I think. One more week then it's on to Thanksgiving!
    Thanks Mandy! Congrats on your loss as well! I think you're below 125 right now and that your weight today is just a random water weight fluctuation -- I bet the loss will show up next week.
    ***Week 7 Mini-Challenge*** Let's do three sets of 50 "step-ups" each day. You simply step up onto a step until both feet are there and then right back down. That counts as one. I did 25 starting with my right leg and then 25 starting with my left leg just now. It took a little over a minute and a half. At three times per day, we'll all sneak in another five minutes of exercise each day. Sweet!
    Good exercise -- will do!
    As far as going forward, I am thinking to start a "New Year, New Me!" Challenge to run from the Friday after Thanksgiving through Friday, January 6th. That's a total of 6 weeks. What do you think? Would anyone be interested?
    I'm in! :happy: Thanks for starting this new challenge -- and for being a great leader! This Thanksgiving challenge has been the best weight loss method that I've ever come across. :smile: I'm looking forward to the New Year challenge!
    On to Week 7 friends in fitness!
    Let's all have a great week!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    11/11 190 pounds SO I am down 3 pounds from last week, but up one pound from two weeks ago. No complaints though. My wife and I are heading out tonight for a nice dinner, but I have an extra bike ride schedule for Sunday, so I am not as worried about the increased calories.
    @ samwelli - great job! That's a big loss for one week!
    I do need to find a gym that has the NFL network. It was hard staying at the gym Thursday night knowing there was a game on that I could watch at home. I also worry that the NBA lockout will hurt my workout schedule. It is so much easier to keep going on the treadmill or bike when there is something to watch. There are only so many FRIENDS reruns you can watch before you realize that Rachel is going to sleep with someone, Phoebe is going to be ditzy and Joey is going to say "How You doin'!?"
    :laugh: I know what you mean -- I have to have something good to read while I'm on the Stairmaster. :smile:
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Maria, Mimi, and Dave -- congrats to you three for a loss! Rocked Week 6!

    I recorded my weight of 125.5 today. I am happy with a loss from last week overall. But for the last three days, I was at 125.0 so I was a little disappointed this morning. Hope I can get down to 124.5 for next week. Not going to make my goal for the challenge, but I don't be too far off, I think. One more week then it's on to Thanksgiving!

    ***Week 7 Mini-Challenge*** Let's do three sets of 50 "step-ups" each day. You simply step up onto a step until both feet are there and then right back down. That counts as one. I did 25 starting with my right leg and then 25 starting with my left leg just now. It took a little over a minute and a half. At three times per day, we'll all sneak in another five minutes of exercise each day. Sweet!

    As far as going forward, I am thinking to start a "New Year, New Me!" Challenge to run from the Friday after Thanksgiving through Friday, January 6th. That's a total of 6 weeks. What do you think? Would anyone be interested?

    On to Week 7 friends in fitness!

    Mandy - you know I'm down. It'll be tough for me with the little one being around at that point, so a challenge will definitely be needed in order to keep me in check!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    11/11 190 pounds SO I am down 3 pounds from last week, but up one pound from two weeks ago. No complaints though. My wife and I are heading out tonight for a nice dinner, but I have an extra bike ride schedule for Sunday, so I am not as worried about the increased calories. I do need to find a gym that has the NFL network. It was hard staying at the gym Thursday night knowing there was a game on that I could watch at home. I also worry that the NBA lockout will hurt my workout schedule. It is so much easier to keep going on the treadmill or bike when there is something to watch. There are only so many FRIENDS reruns you can watch before you realize that Rachel is going to sleep with someone, Phoebe is going to be ditzy and Joey is going to say "How You doin'!?"

    Haha - I could watch FRIENDS all day long, but not while I'm working out. Definitely nice when there is a game on that I can watch! Good work on the loss, keep up the good work!