Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Tomorrow is thanksgiving. Gonna enjoy thanksgiving dinner tonight ^_^ So excited !
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    And PS 3 minutes of jacks is harder than I thought LOL

    I hear that. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal because I do the 30 Day Shred a couple times a week. I went about a minute and a half yesterday without stopping. had to stop a few seconds to catch my breath and continued on. Samething this morning! I'm either going to have to do 2 sessions tonight or get an extra one tomorrow. I'm too busy watching the baseball game :p


    Ohhh yeah go Rangers!!!! And it's 11:23 PM here I was just about to go to bed but I checked this and you reminded me to do some more jumping jacks lol. I had to stop at one and a half minutes too. I'll work harder to making it the whole way through!

    Good game for you, but I'm from the Detroit Area. Your boys had the edge over Verlander, which is tough to do. We had some momentum going after the 1st rain delay, but couldn't get anything going after that. Just got a message on my phone that today's game is postponed due to weather as well.
  • Mandalicious
    Gotta confess. I totally blew it this weekend. All was great until yesterday afternoon when I showed up to camp with friends. I had good intentions of being careful about what I ate. But with sausages and fixins, baked beans, smores, chips, nuts, brownies, booze, candy corn, chili, biscuits, cheese, etc, etc and my grazing for the WHOLE ENTIRE EVENING, I racked up the calories like crazy. I think I have consumed about 3000 calories in the last 24 hours. Yes, folks, that's called a big nasty binge. Bleck. Got back home a little while ago and started mentally adding up everything and can't believe I let myself go there. Ugh. So I know that I still have a way to go in controlling myself around lots of food. And I feel gross, absolutely gross now. I am just going to drink lots of water, eat well, and exercise...and hope I haven't undone so much of my progress that I can't maintain weight this week.

    As for the mini-challenge, I have to catch up on FOUR sessions, too! My gosh, I really didn't think the three minutes of jacks would be so hard. But they are a killer for me. I can't seem to do more than about 90 seconds of standard jacks before I am toast and have to modify somehow. But maybe I will make some progress this week. That's what the challenge is there for, right? I have been doing 60 seconds of plank with my feet on a ball - very challenging, too.

    I really hope you all have had a successful weekend. I will update the spreadsheet one last time tonight, so any final weigh-ins will get recorded. Onward and upward!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Gotta confess. I totally blew it this weekend. All was great until yesterday afternoon when I showed up to camp with friends. I had good intentions of being careful about what I ate. But with sausages and fixins, baked beans, smores, chips, nuts, brownies, booze, candy corn, chili, biscuits, cheese, etc, etc and my grazing for the WHOLE ENTIRE EVENING, I racked up the calories like crazy. I think I have consumed about 3000 calories in the last 24 hours. Yes, folks, that's called a big nasty binge. Bleck. Got back home a little while ago and started mentally adding up everything and can't believe I let myself go there. Ugh. So I know that I still have a way to go in controlling myself around lots of food. And I feel gross, absolutely gross now. I am just going to drink lots of water, eat well, and exercise...and hope I haven't undone so much of my progress that I can't maintain weight this week.

    As for the mini-challenge, I have to catch up on FOUR sessions, too! My gosh, I really didn't think the three minutes of jacks would be so hard. But they are a killer for me. I can't seem to do more than about 90 seconds of standard jacks before I am toast and have to modify somehow. But maybe I will make some progress this week. That's what the challenge is there for, right? I have been doing 60 seconds of plank with my feet on a ball - very challenging, too.

    I really hope you all have had a successful weekend. I will update the spreadsheet one last time tonight, so any final weigh-ins will get recorded. Onward and upward!

    Its ok, I dont think you did any damage. drink lots of water and exercise and you will be just fine. I did booze it up a little this weekend as well, but I watched what I ate. I had a girls night out last night and I had so much fun. I was really proud of myself this weekend because I actually ate very well and usually I don't. Need to catch up on the 2 mini challenges and wow all i can say i really dont like juming jacks lol. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Its all good Mandy! Its ok to do this everyonce in a while, knowing that you can't do this all the time is the important thing. I just had a damn big old brownie and chocolate milk because I thought I deserved it, now I feel guilt as hell! I should still break even today, and I have been pushing myselt pretty hard at the gym, so I'm not really worried, just need to control myself around the food. My wife and her damn sweet tooth during the pregnancy keeps getting the better of me! I made it to the gym, but didn't get my mini challenges in today. I'm going to get as many sessions in as I can each day for the rest of the week, but the 3 times a day is hard for me. This week is going to be especially tough because my wife is going to Reno for work for a few days and it'll be just me and the kiddo!

    I'm hoping to contiune to make progress this week and continue making steps towards my goal.

  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I really appreciate everyone's posting; it's helping me.

    Sorry if I forgot anyone...

    @ Kyodi - Hang in there and let us know if there's anything you need help with. We can all brainstorm together.

    @Wimberley - YAY, good job on the loss and hope the rest of the move goes well.

    @Jay - Great job!

    @Keisha - Hope you're feeling better soon. Glad you're still here

    @Henney - Great job at keeping it going despite a schedule that you could easily let get in the way.

    @Mandy - That's a really tough challenge when you're surrounded by smores, brownies, biscuits, and more!! It's good though that you eat healthy and workout so that days like this won't side track you.

    I'm liking the planks and jumping jacks! I hit a personal record of 90 seconds for my plank..woohoo. Usually I just wimp out after 30! The 3 minutes of jumping jacks sounded somewhat easy...yeh, right. I have to stop sometimes too. I find it helps putting the TV on or listening to music so I'm distracted.

    Have you heard about the National Geographic Kids movement with Michelle Obama to break the world record for most people doing jumping jacks?

    Between 3 p.m. ET October 11, 2011, and 3 p.m. ET October 12, 2011, join NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS and First Lady Michelle Obama to break the record for the most people doing jumping jacks. All you have to do is one minute of jumping jacks!

    Here are the rules:

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like our virtual team can do it together, but we can organize a group that is physically together and participate. There's paperwork and photos you have to take. I may try this with my team at work. See if I can get them to do this!

    How fun! See what you started Mandy! ;)
  • MarineWifey09
    Gotta confess. I totally blew it this weekend. All was great until yesterday afternoon when I showed up to camp with friends. I had good intentions of being careful about what I ate. But with sausages and fixins, baked beans, smores, chips, nuts, brownies, booze, candy corn, chili, biscuits, cheese, etc, etc and my grazing for the WHOLE ENTIRE EVENING, I racked up the calories like crazy. I think I have consumed about 3000 calories in the last 24 hours. Yes, folks, that's called a big nasty binge. Bleck. Got back home a little while ago and started mentally adding up everything and can't believe I let myself go there. Ugh. So I know that I still have a way to go in controlling myself around lots of food. And I feel gross, absolutely gross now. I am just going to drink lots of water, eat well, and exercise...and hope I haven't undone so much of my progress that I can't maintain weight this week.

    As for the mini-challenge, I have to catch up on FOUR sessions, too! My gosh, I really didn't think the three minutes of jacks would be so hard. But they are a killer for me. I can't seem to do more than about 90 seconds of standard jacks before I am toast and have to modify somehow. But maybe I will make some progress this week. That's what the challenge is there for, right? I have been doing 60 seconds of plank with my feet on a ball - very challenging, too.

    I really hope you all have had a successful weekend. I will update the spreadsheet one last time tonight, so any final weigh-ins will get recorded. Onward and upward!

    Omg I'm so glad I'm not the only one struggling with the jacks lol. I have a bad right knee and it is irritated from the jumping jacks so I need to modify it and still make it a challenge. The planks are very challenging but getting easier. I definitely am feeling this mini challenge! My abs and calves are sore!!! As for going over I'm sure you can recover. I went over by about 3-400 tonight...damn those chocolate covered macadamia nuts!!! Tomorrow is a holiday and my husband has it off so I'm counting on him to watch the puppy while I go to the gym and kick my own *kitten*!
  • MarineWifey09
    Its all good Mandy! Its ok to do this everyonce in a while, knowing that you can't do this all the time is the important thing. I just had a damn big old brownie and chocolate milk because I thought I deserved it, now I feel guilt as hell! I should still break even today, and I have been pushing myselt pretty hard at the gym, so I'm not really worried, just need to control myself around the food. My wife and her damn sweet tooth during the pregnancy keeps getting the better of me! I made it to the gym, but didn't get my mini challenges in today. I'm going to get as many sessions in as I can each day for the rest of the week, but the 3 times a day is hard for me. This week is going to be especially tough because my wife is going to Reno for work for a few days and it'll be just me and the kiddo!

    I'm hoping to contiune to make progress this week and continue making steps towards my goal.


    Agreed on it being hard to get the 3x a day in with having a busy schedule...I find it easier to get all the planks in at once and do the jacks when I have a spare minute. Good luck being home alone with the kiddo!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    What a horrible weekend (making right choices wise) :grumble: :grumble:

    On Friday I went out for a birthday celebration...drank and ate everything in site. Alcohol gives me the worst munchies!! All weekend I have not been making the right choices :embarassed: ...I think it's because I've been so busy and have not spent any time on MFP. I haven't exersized at all besides the weekend chores and my 2 minutes of jumping jacks today. I'm willing to bet money I gained all the weight I just lost back...but I'm not looking lol Have to work really hard this week to correct this weekend's mistakes.

    I swear just logging on here for a few minutes a day makes such a difference when it comes to motivation and self control. I almost feel a sence of accountability on here. I'm sorry I haven't really been around...been working and studying like crazy. No matter how busy life gets, I have to spend time on here every day. Thank you all for your support!!! :love: :love: :love:
  • MarineWifey09
    I agree this thread even more so makes me feel motivated and accountable! Never fear this weekend of overindulging will pass and we will be right back on track! We all get off course every now and then but a small detour is not the end of the world. I have to admit I definitely feel guilt when I eat too much! Have a great Monday all! Good luck the rest of the week!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Got in 2 extra sessions today for our mini challenge to make up for this weekend. Wanted to do more, but just didn't get to it. Below is a list of my sessions just because I wanted to keep track!

    Total jumping jacks = 905
    Total Pushups = 40
    Total Crunches = 100
    Total time in Plank = 361 seconds

    Good day :p

    Mini Challenge Session1 = Push up plank for 80 seconds. 20 Regular Pushups, Jumping Jacks = 60, 45, and 40 in a 4 minute span

    Mini Challenge Session 2 = Push up plank for 75 seconds. Jumping Jacks 90 then 90 within 3.5 minutes. 50 crunches

    Mini Challenge Session 3 = Jumping jacks 120 then 60 withing 3.5 mins. Push up plank position for 75 seconds. 20 regular pushups

    Mini Challenge Session 4 = Jumping jacks = 130 & 70 within the 3.5 mins. Push up plank position for 63 seconds. 50 Crunches

    Mini Challenge Session 5 = jumping jacks 2 sets of 100. Pushup plank for 68 seconds.
  • Mandalicious
    @Maria -- maybe there was something in the air in Portland this weekend! I felt like I got back on track today. Went for a run this morning in the cold rain before dawn. (That was about as fun as it sounds!) Planned really well for this morning and mid-day food so that I could indulge in happy hour tonight with my husband, mom, sister and future brother-in-law. By my estimates, I still was under for the day. Feels good to end in the green! I am with you -- just logging keeps me so much more accountable.

    @Dave - you are a machine, dude! That is some serious jack, plank, push-up, ab work! You are amazing!

    I was trying really hard to make up my mini-sessions yesterday. I ended up doing five sessions total over a two hour period and my calves are SHREDDED today. Even walking hurts! And my abs and shoulders are still really feeling it from those planks! This "mini" challenge is way, way harder than I thought it would be. I promise I will try it out myself before I come up with another one!

    @Wimberley - how did getting to the gym go today? Back on track? Sorry to hear about the knee. I know how frustrating that can be!!
  • MarineWifey09
    Ugh I'll admit I didn't get in any jumping jacks in today. I did do my planks and I did an hour and 16 minutes of cardio at the gym not to mentiony friend and I walked to/from the gym so that's another 20 minutes total. I'll do some extra jacks calves are so sore that even walkin hurts LOL.
  • bkhottiema
    How do I do my Fitness Tracker, I need this?
  • MarineWifey09
    You don't have to have one if you don't want. Its in your progress settings where you go to update your stats.
  • MarineWifey09
    Almost done with yesterdays jumping jacks...then I gotta catch up with today lol
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    My legs are sore today from all the jumping jacks! Mostly my left leg, so not sure if that means I jump crooked or something! lol Got to admit I'm no where near 3 minutes straight three times a day yet! I have to break up the jumping jacks into 1 minute intervals and do planks in between.
    This has been an off week for me...not doing terrible but not mentally just not as motivated as I have been. That's partly due to having sick kids at home and my dad in the hospital....along with all the normals stresses. Trying to commit to doing better startign now. I appreciate your support, guys.
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    My legs are sore today from all the jumping jacks! Mostly my left leg, so not sure if that means I jump crooked or something! lol Got to admit I'm no where near 3 minutes straight three times a day yet! I have to break up the jumping jacks into 1 minute intervals and do planks in between.
    This has been an off week for me...not doing terrible but not mentally just not as motivated as I have been. That's partly due to having sick kids at home and my dad in the hospital....along with all the normals stresses. Trying to commit to doing better startign now. I appreciate your support, guys.
    Wow, I should really proofread first! lol Maybe I need a nap before I start those jumping jacks again! :wink:
  • MarineWifey09
    Hey there! No worries on being less motivated, I think we all get that feeling at one point or another lol. I am with you on the jumping jacks!! Yesterday was maybe the second day since Friday that I have been able to do all three sets LOL. I am sore from head to toe and I did yoga last night for the first time in months and I'm feeling that super bad today lol.
  • Mandalicious
    My legs are sore today from all the jumping jacks! Mostly my left leg, so not sure if that means I jump crooked or something! lol Got to admit I'm no where near 3 minutes straight three times a day yet! I have to break up the jumping jacks into 1 minute intervals and do planks in between.
    This has been an off week for me...not doing terrible but not mentally just not as motivated as I have been. That's partly due to having sick kids at home and my dad in the hospital....along with all the normals stresses. Trying to commit to doing better startign now. I appreciate your support, guys.

    Hang in there! It's tough to focus on your health sometimes, when other people need your attention!

    I hear you about the jacks being hard. I feel really bad for setting up such a big challenge for everyone. I have only done 3 minutes straight once this whole week! Just have to break it up sometimes. And my calves are burning still; shoulders too!