Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    My legs are sore today from all the jumping jacks! Mostly my left leg, so not sure if that means I jump crooked or something! lol Got to admit I'm no where near 3 minutes straight three times a day yet! I have to break up the jumping jacks into 1 minute intervals and do planks in between.
    This has been an off week for me...not doing terrible but not mentally just not as motivated as I have been. That's partly due to having sick kids at home and my dad in the hospital....along with all the normals stresses. Trying to commit to doing better startign now. I appreciate your support, guys.

    Hang in there! It's tough to focus on your health sometimes, when other people need your attention!

    I hear you about the jacks being hard. I feel really bad for setting up such a big challenge for everyone. I have only done 3 minutes straight once this whole week! Just have to break it up sometimes. And my calves are burning still; shoulders too!

    Hey - its a tough one, but its giving me something to get my butt moving. Although i've changed things up and skipped some of my normal work outs due to days like today were I'm doing today's mini challenge as well as catch up from yesterday! Plus, my wife is out in Reno for work, so its me and the kid (and my sister-in-law helping me watch Sam so I can work!). My calves are on fire again today :p
  • Oh my goodness I am so beat. I went running with my neighbors tonight....It was the first time I went running outside in months and we did a good 1 to 1.25 miles non-stop. Hopefully I will feel it tomorrow in my legs/glutes. I need to do 1 more plank and 2 more sets of jumping jacks :( Mandy I love you for this challenge....boy it is a CHALLENGE.
  • Finished my last set of jacks and planks today - yes!! It was H-A-R-D, but I will say that my calves are only mildly sore now. And my shoulders are much better, too. I thought I would never make it through all of them (especially when I had two days of catch-up), but the body can adapt quickly I have found.

    I am definitely not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow. After last weekend's poor choices, there was no way to make up that big of a calorie surplus this week. I am just going to look forward to having a great week 3!!

    I decided to go ahead and post a mini-challenge for week 3. We are going to do bridge exercises. Let's take it down to just twice per day and hold it as much as we can in 60 seconds. When you need to take a break, come down for just a few seconds and get it going again! This is an awesome exercise for core stabilization and glute work. In fact, my chiropractor had me doing this three times daily for knee pain! If you master the full 60 seconds staying up, try going for the one-leg advanced modification!
    Check out more info here:
    This site has images:

    So, mini-challenge for week 3: 60 seconds of bridge, twice per day... moving to one-leg bridges if possible!

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow!!!!!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I've been real busy with school and basically life. I have been doing my jumping jacks and planks. My calves were so sore at first but it has gotten better. I have been logging and exercising so I'm hoping i either lose or stayed the same. My eating hasn't been so great. We will see in the morning. I think I'm coming down with something because today I had a massive headache and my throat is starting to feel sore. ugh! But either way I took the kids to the park and got my run in. Going to bed now hope everyone has a good weigh in!
  • Alright Mandy! I did a bridge pose tonight in my yoga class and it felt good lol. It was a bit different though, you took your body all the way up into a back bend. I did all my planks today and jacks and in yoga class when we went down to a plank it felt much easier than it did a week ago! LOL. Since I missed a day of jumping jacks from being so sore I am going to make up for them tomorrow and also start the mini challenge.

    I think if anything I will have no loss or maybe lose half a pound. My neighbor made this amazing cake and I had 2 pieces of it this week...which is a lot better than what I could normally do.

    Good luck on weigh in everyone!
  • October 1. 195.5
    October 7. 193.5
    October 14. 191.5
    I am surprised I lost those pounds this week. I added beer back into my diet and usually that is the killer.
    I keep watching this board and following everyone else's progress. That has really helped me. Thank you all.
    I hae not been below 190 since 1999, so that is my goal for next week
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    October 14th = 234.4

    Better than I thought. The majority of my exercise this week was just our mini challenge, but when you do 3 or 4 sessions a day, it can add up! Wasn't really able to get do the gym during the week because my wife has been out of town, but thankfully she can flys in tonight and I can get back to the gym. During the course of our challenge I have a business trip to Florida (all food provided for, or me eating out) 2 Thanksgivings and my 5th wedding anniversary (which happens to fall on Thanksgiving). The next month is going to be a challenge, but I know I can do it!

  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Lost a little more than 1 pound this week! :happy: From 150.6 to 149.2
    I was pleasantly surprised to see the scale move down after the added stress, less healthy eating, and feeling a bit less motivated this week. But this has made my day! Thanks for your support, guys! I think all those jumping jacks helped a LOT! On to the next challange....
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Lost a little more than 1 pound this week! :happy: From 150.6 to 149.2
    I was pleasantly surprised to see the scale move down after the added stress, less healthy eating, and feeling a bit less motivated this week. But this has made my day! Thanks for your support, guys! I think all those jumping jacks helped a LOT! On to the next challange....

    Great work - Keep at it!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    October 14th = 234.4

    Better than I thought. The majority of my exercise this week was just our mini challenge, but when you do 3 or 4 sessions a day, it can add up! Wasn't really able to get do the gym during the week because my wife has been out of town, but thankfully she can flys in tonight and I can get back to the gym. During the course of our challenge I have a business trip to Florida (all food provided for, or me eating out) 2 Thanksgivings and my 5th wedding anniversary (which happens to fall on Thanksgiving). The next month is going to be a challenge, but I know I can do it!

    Looks like you do have many challenges ahead of you this next month! Those types of things are the hardest for me to 'be good' at! lol But I know you can do it! We'll be cheering you on. I was very surprised to have lost this week since I've been so distracted by different stresses in my life....but I did. Bet you'll be just as surprised at how strong your self-control is and how much progress you can make despite the challanges! Keep up the good work =)
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Lost a little more than 1 pound this week! :happy: From 150.6 to 149.2
    I was pleasantly surprised to see the scale move down after the added stress, less healthy eating, and feeling a bit less motivated this week. But this has made my day! Thanks for your support, guys! I think all those jumping jacks helped a LOT! On to the next challange....

    Great work - Keep at it!
  • Dave, Ratsyroo, and Samwelli - Here's a big shout-out to the three of you!! Congrats on the loss - so happy for you!

    Just want to confirm that, yes, overeating leads to weight gain as confirmed by my scale this morning. I had a one pound gain from 126.0 to 127.0. Expected that. Gonna bring my best game this week to get back down to 126 again, I hope!

    'Bout to hit the floor and do some bridge work. MIght get a plank, jacks, and a few push-ups in there, too, for a great start to WEEK THREE!!!!

    How is everyone else??
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    208.0 I think I lost under a pound but the way this week has been going, I'm lucky I didn't gain :bigsmile: Work completely took over my life this week. One of the days I worked almost 14 hours and three of the days we were in meetings all day so food was brought in and I wouldn't say any of it was healthy. Exersize was not even an option for me except for the couple of walks I was able to squeeze in.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    October 1. 195.5
    October 7. 193.5
    October 14. 191.5
    I am surprised I lost those pounds this week. I added beer back into my diet and usually that is the killer.
    I keep watching this board and following everyone else's progress. That has really helped me. Thank you all.
    I hae not been below 190 since 1999, so that is my goal for next week

    Great job!! I'm so excited for you to get back to your 1999 number. Keep up the great work!
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    208.0 I think I lost under a pound but the way this week has been going, I'm lucky I didn't gain :bigsmile: Work completely took over my life this week. One of the days I worked almost 14 hours and three of the days we were in meetings all day so food was brought in and I wouldn't say any of it was healthy. Exersize was not even an option for me except for the couple of walks I was able to squeeze in.

    Wow, we're we in the same meetings?! Sounds like my week. I think you did a good job!

    One thing I did was to bump up my exercise over the weekend and the days before my meetings since I knew I was going to be in meetings for 3 days. Sometimes you can't always pre-plan but I think that helped me. Also, I stood up a lot in the back of the room or at the side and did some stretching.

    I contemplated doing jumping jacks and planks… :P
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Dave, Ratsyroo, and Samwelli - Here's a big shout-out to the three of you!! Congrats on the loss - so happy for you!

    Just want to confirm that, yes, overeating leads to weight gain as confirmed by my scale this morning. I had a one pound gain from 126.0 to 127.0. Expected that. Gonna bring my best game this week to get back down to 126 again, I hope!

    'Bout to hit the floor and do some bridge work. MIght get a plank, jacks, and a few push-ups in there, too, for a great start to WEEK THREE!!!!

    How is everyone else??

    You got it this week Mandy! Loving the challenges and the group!
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Got in 2 extra sessions today for our mini challenge to make up for this weekend. Wanted to do more, but just didn't get to it. Below is a list of my sessions just because I wanted to keep track!

    Total jumping jacks = 905
    Total Pushups = 40
    Total Crunches = 100
    Total time in Plank = 361 seconds

    Good day :p

    Mini Challenge Session1 = Push up plank for 80 seconds. 20 Regular Pushups, Jumping Jacks = 60, 45, and 40 in a 4 minute span

    Mini Challenge Session 2 = Push up plank for 75 seconds. Jumping Jacks 90 then 90 within 3.5 minutes. 50 crunches

    Mini Challenge Session 3 = Jumping jacks 120 then 60 withing 3.5 mins. Push up plank position for 75 seconds. 20 regular pushups

    Mini Challenge Session 4 = Jumping jacks = 130 & 70 within the 3.5 mins. Push up plank position for 63 seconds. 50 Crunches

    Mini Challenge Session 5 = jumping jacks 2 sets of 100. Pushup plank for 68 seconds.

    GREAT JOB!! Thanks for keeping track, it's cool to see it written out like that.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    October 14th = 234.4

    Better than I thought. The majority of my exercise this week was just our mini challenge, but when you do 3 or 4 sessions a day, it can add up! Wasn't really able to get do the gym during the week because my wife has been out of town, but thankfully she can flys in tonight and I can get back to the gym. During the course of our challenge I have a business trip to Florida (all food provided for, or me eating out) 2 Thanksgivings and my 5th wedding anniversary (which happens to fall on Thanksgiving). The next month is going to be a challenge, but I know I can do it!


    Good job Dave. Great work on the challenges, those were tough. Your schedule sounds like my next 4 weeks. Traveling, stuck in hotels/resorts with all food being provided. I'm working on my plan though and have already scoped out the first resort's gym.

    Another good idea to to learn how to eyeball portion sizes and get calories for common foods so you know what you're eating.

    This website may help.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Lost a little more than 1 pound this week! :happy: From 150.6 to 149.2
    I was pleasantly surprised to see the scale move down after the added stress, less healthy eating, and feeling a bit less motivated this week. But this has made my day! Thanks for your support, guys! I think all those jumping jacks helped a LOT! On to the next challange....

    YAY! NIce work.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    October 14 weight = 161 WOOT! Down 2 pounds this week.

    Looks like everyone had fun doing the challenges. Great job on keeping it up, logging and motivating our group! Let's keep it up.

    What a crazy week this has been. I feel like I've been locked in a room sitting all week - it was really just 3 days. Overall I did well this week. I tried to fit in exercise whenever I could and came close to burning 3000 calories for the week. I'm going to try and keep it there as it seems that's my magic number.

    The planks and jumping jacks were great. I love exercises that sound easier than they really are. :) Looking forward to the bridge this week. That's a great exercise for core, back, glutes, etc.

    I ALMOST got my team to do jumping jacks for the National Geographic kids world record try.I guess I need to work on my motivational skills. :)

    (I think they're still looking at all the submissions to determine if the record was broken)

    Out of the next 4 weeks I'm traveling for 3 of them - all business, very busy, etc. With my meetings this week and the catered food it was a good trial run to know that you can make the most out of your food choices even when food is provided for you. I also brought some healthy snacks to supplement my day.

    For the next couple of weeks I'm going to bring healthy snacks with me or buy them when I arrive. Good choices for me are larabars (they have mini sizes too), nuts, fruits (apples/bananas), natural applesauce. Portable items that don't have to be refrigerated, etc.

    Any other ideas out there let me know.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! Looking forward to hearing from everyone this week.