Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge

Hello, fellow fitness-seekers! If you are highly motivated, positive, actively supportive of your mfp friends AND want to be thinner for Thanksgiving, then consider joining this group.

The details --
Limited to about the first dozen people who are highly motivated about getting down to business and supporting the group.
Weigh-ins every Friday morning posted on the thread with a spreadsheet posted on Saturdays showing everyone's results.
Weekly mini-challenges that will vary each week.
First weigh-in will be this Friday, Sept. 30th with the last weigh-in of the challenge Friday, Nov. 18th and a BONUS weigh-in the day after Thanksgiving!

What do you need to do to join?
To this thread, post a message with a starting weight and a goal weight for the seven week challenge, officially ending the Friday before Thanksgiving. Also, include a little background about yourself.

For example:
My name is Mandy and I am a mother to two young boys and a high school math and science tutor. I joined mfp to finally get to a normal weight. I have lost 25 pounds since February and have another 8.5 to go before I ultimately hit my goal weight. Right now I weigh 128.5, and I would be happy to lose 5 pounds to end the challenge at 123.5. I have done 30DS workouts, walked miles and miles, Power90 series, C25K program, and now I jog several days per week for a few miles. I started a challenge that lasted through the summer, and it really helped keep me inspired. My mfp buddy, henney16, that I met through that challenge rocked it! And I am lucky to have connected with him as a partner in this fitness journey.

Want to join us this time around??


  • karhaz123
    Way motivated! Lets do it. Message me. (:
  • hollyv2781
    hollyv2781 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in! I need all the motivation I can get. I'm tired of the cute clothes I love not fitting. My name is Holly and I just turned 30 years old yesterday. I have two boys, a 7 year old and a 3 year old. My husband and I just celebrated our 8 year anniversary and we are both so frustrated with the lack of good food. My hardest problem is figuring out good healthy recipes to feed my family. I feel like every night for dinner, I choose between chicken or beef and rice or noodles. I'm sick of it. I want more choice and I want those choices to help me lose weight.
  • ketrell
    ketrell Posts: 55 Member
    Hi my name is ketrell and I am the mother of a teenage boy. I'm currently 167lbs and I want to get be 150lbs. I hit a plateau and I'm trying to work through it. I'll do almost anything to get over this hump. I have incorporated weight training in my workouts because I was told that they help you burn more calories and burn them longer. Well now that I'm done rambling, it's nice to meet you.
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    I'm in! My first challenge will end Friday so this will be great to keep me motivated!
    I am a 33 year old mom of 4 with about 30 lbs to lose. I've lost about 10 lb since I started MFP at the end of July. The weight is slowly but surely coming off. I am trying to be patient and not get discouraged as this is a healthier lifestyle for me--not a fast-but-sure-to-fail-fad-diet. As for exercise, I have recently started the C25K program and do the 30DS workouts as well. Excited to be part of another motivational challenge!
    My current weight is 153.0 and I'd like to be down to 146 by Thanksgiving!
  • scrubbingin
    My name is Matthew. I am 24 and work as a Surgical Technologist at a rural hospital. I have been out of college about a year now and am trying to lose some of those pounds I gained during college and training countless hours in the hospital. I have been as high as 175, and am currently at 152lbs. I would like to lose about 5 more pounds at least, just want a flat stomach. The hardest part for me are the hours I work. I currently work afternoons, so I never get home until 9pm. Thus it is always 10pm before I eat if I cook at home. Unfortunately I still hit up the fast-food quite often, even though I have been using MFP to stay within my daily goals. I want to find the motivation to cook more home meals that are high in protein, but are easy as well.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi! I would love to join your challenge!

    My current weight is 213 by Thanksgiving I would like to weigh below 200.

    My name is Maria. I live in Portland, OR with my man, 2 kids, and 2 cats. I work full time and go to school part time to get an Administrative Professional degree. I'm on here in hopes of assistance in getting motivated. I've been on every diet and have come to the conclusion that I just need to change my lifestyle. One of my biggest fears in life has always been getting a double chin (it runs in my family). I swore to myself that by the time I turn 30 I will be fit but here I am at 32 with a double chin and weighting over 200 lbs. Loosing weight is the only goal I haven't accomplished in life and need to get on it!

    I look forward to this challenge and the support of this group!!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I'd like to join! My name is Mimi. I'm 46 and an engineering manager at a semiconductor company. I'm pretty good about exercising -- I do 45 min (~6.6 miles) on the Stairmaster every day, and if I have time I try to get in 2 full body weight training sessions each week as well as some calisthenics. But work gets in the way a lot of the time, and a lot of the time I end up having to cut back on the weight training and calisthenics. But my Stairmaster workout is sacred! :smile: My big problem is stress related binge eating, and this year I gained back ~20 of the 24 lbs that I had lost last year because of all the stress. My current weight is 138.5 lbs, and my goal is to lose 7 lbs by the end of the challenge. I've been struggling to get my weight loss program back on track so that I can reach my goal weight of 110 lbs. This challenge is the first one that I've ever done, and it sounds like what I need to get motivated!
  • henney16
    Woohoo! Dave aka (henney16) got honorable mention from Mandy, yeah! My name is Dave and I am 29 years old and currently residing in Plainfield, IL (originally from the, Metro Detroit Area). I joined this site back in May of this year because I was topping the scales at 308 pounds. As of last fridays checkin I weighed 240 pounds. So far i've dropped 68 pounds and looking to shed another 40 or so by the time im done. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart and will be celebrating our 5 yearwedding anniversary this thanksgiving. We have a 28 month old daughter and a son who is due to arrive in early January. I attribute my success so far to MFP, the support from my family and my bike. I basically just started out by eating better and then walking. A month in I got bored with walking and got on my bike and haven't looked back. Training goal for me is to get myself ready for the Pan Ohio Hope Ride which takes place in July and covers 328 miles over 4 days and is a fundraiser to raise money for cancer research. My brother rode this past year and told me he'd like me to join him next summer,

    I look forward to working with all of you in the coming weeks. I hope you are alll motivated and will stick it out with us. Mandy and I will come looking for you if you go MIA lol!

  • samwelli
    Count me in as well. I am coming down from a high of 231 in March. I am currently 198. My goal is to be down to 185 by Thanksgiving. I love that my local Planet Fitness has 24 hour access Mon midnight to Friday at 10pm. My long term goals also include completing a bike a thon for the 270 mile TRI State Trek (ALS research) July 2012 and the 220 YSC Tour de Pink for Breast Cancer research in September 2012. I am a math and social studies tutor. My biggest problem is that I am on the road so much and it is so easy to stop at a fast food restaurant for a bite
  • henney16
    Crazy phone postedt twice!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    I would like to join! My name is Jennifer, 26, and I'm a sahm(stay at home mom)/student. I lost my job in June so I decided to go back to school and finish what I had started years ago. I started my journey in late July and so far have lost 14lbs. I currently weigh 149lbs. I would like to lose atleast 5lbs by Thanksgiving. My b-day is on the 27th so I would like to look good for my bday. I'm married to the most amazing man. But it is hard to lose weight with him around. He can eat anything at anytime and not gain weight. He works nights so I'm basically on his schedule which really sucks. So usually when you are eating lunch, I'm barely eating breakfast or even still asleep. It hasn't really effected my weight loss, but still. I recently finished Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred and I lost a little over 14 inches and lost about 9lbs. Now I'm currently doing the Insanity workout. I'm on week 2 and have 7 weeks left so i should be finished by the time this challenge is over, hopefully. Can't wait to get started!
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    To this thread, post a message with a starting weight and a goal weight for the seven week challenge, officially ending the Friday before Thanksgiving. Also, include a little background about yourself.

    I'd like to be a part of this.

    My name is Joe. I sit at a desk all day for my job. When my dad had a serious heart attack just before Christmas in 09 I realized I didn't want my wife to sit next to my bed like my mom was. Even that took about a year to set in and for me to get serious. So this year on Paczki Day, and at 347 pounds I decided I had to do something. So I ate the last paczki I was going to eat. I went down to the gym here at work, signed up, and decided I would start changing the food I eat from there on out.

    I'm down almost 80 lbs since then and have about another undecided amount to go. I'd for this challenge to drop 12 pounds by the final weigh-in. I'll post tomorrow with the starting weight as I didn't weigh myself this morning before heading to work.
  • Keisha604
    Hello everyone! Count me in for the challenge!
    My name is Keisha and I am 21 years old...currently attending Ohio State University(I graduate in March!!). Since my senior year in high school I've been dealing with the lose weight/gain it all back situation that so many people are all too familiar with. Although I've been on MFP for awhile, I've only been seriously using it and losing since about June. So far I've lost 12 pounds and my ultimate goal is to lose about 20 more. Hopefully with the help of a challenge and new friends(all of you!) I can lose 10 more pounds by Thanksgiving. =))

    SW: 145
    Thanksgiving Goal: 135
  • henney16
    I always see people who are in challenges with cool banners and stuff in their signatures. Anyone here any good with photoshop and want to whip something up, so we can be cool too?

    I will post my goal weight for our challenge tomorrow once I have my starting weight. I have an idea of where I want to be, just want to make sure it is attainable in the time frame we have set up. Happy Thursday everyone!

  • Mandalicious
    Alright everybody! I think we have a great group going!

    I have started our spreadsheet; check it out:

    Tomorrow morning, I will post a mini-challenge for the week, and anyone who wants can update their official starting weight on our thread.

    And we are off and losing...
  • MarineWifey09
    Is it too late to join? I think this is going to be perfect for me and I am super motivated already!!!!
  • jenniferkaye3306
    Agree with Wimberley! Is it too late? I'd love to join the group!!
  • InsertCleverName
    Is it too late to join? This would be my first group - please let me in :)

    My name is Amanda. I'm 27 and work in the financial services industry. This has been a real problem - because i spend a lot of time at my desk, driving around the city and eating a nice restaurants - plus, my office mates eat cupcakes/fast food everyday - It's so hard to say no (which obviously I haven't!). Over the past 3 or so years, my weight has skyrocketed to the 250s. It's kind of depressing. This sounds like great motivation to keep my accountable and getting going.
  • MarineWifey09
    Is it too late to join? I think this is going to be perfect for me and I am super motivated already!!!!

    I will go ahead and post my beginning numbers here....I won't have measurements until this weekend when I go out and get a tape measurer. I am 23 and currently unemployed due to my husband's job (the USMC) sending us where they need us. I am a college graduate from the University of Texas with a major in History, however I feel like business management is my niche. I was a team leader at a big call center before we moved to Oahu and now am looking for a job but in the meantime with all this extra time on my hands I have been getting serious about losing the last 10 stubborn pounds again! While he was deployed last summer/winter I got within 4 pounds of my ultimate goal -120- and then he came home and the "happy pounds" added back up and got me to where I am now which is 128! I see this group challenge as a great way to get me motivated and to start losing at least the first half of the 10 I want to lose!!
  • MarineWifey09

    I will go ahead and post my beginning numbers here....I won't have measurements until this weekend when I go out and get a tape measurer. I am 23 and currently unemployed due to my husband's job (the USMC) sending us where they need us. I am a college graduate from the University of Texas with a major in History, however I feel like business management is my niche. I was a team leader at a big call center before we moved to Oahu and now am looking for a job but in the meantime with all this extra time on my hands I have been getting serious about losing the last 10 stubborn pounds again! While he was deployed last summer/winter I got within 4 pounds of my ultimate goal -120- and then he came home and the "happy pounds" added back up and got me to where I am now which is 128! I see this group challenge as a great way to get me motivated and to start losing at least the first half of the 10 I want to lose!!

    Okay so I see this is slightly confusing as to what my goals are for this challenge. I am currently 128 and my goal by Thanksgiving is to be at 122! Sorry for being confusing, lol.