Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hey guys, I did my weigh in first thing this morning!

    My official starting weight is 136.8 lbs, and my goal weight is 129.8 lbs (i.e., lose 7 lbs by the end of the challenge).

    Its great to be doing this challenge with all of you. I feel really motivated! :happy:
  • henney16
    Starting weight for Dave = 238.8

    Goal weight for the end of our challenge will be 228.8

    Normally I've been going bigger with my goals for my challenges, but during this challenge I will be on a 4 day business trip where food is provided (so I'm at the mercy of what they feed me!), Thanksgiving number 1 with my family, and Thanksgiving number 2 with my wifes Family. I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds, but still enjoy turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy. YUM :p

    Good luck everyone!
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 269.8 and my goal is 12 lbs gone by Black Friday. Good luck all and have a good weekend!!

    Sept. 30: 269.8
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Just weighed starting weight is the same (213)...I was hoping to at least shed a pound. Oh well! Here we come!! I'm excited to see what the challenge is this week.
  • samwelli
    new weight 195.5. looking forward to all of our conversations
  • jenniferkaye3306
    Hi everyone! So I'll start out with an introduction since I haven't gotten that far yet. :)

    My name is Jennifer and I just turned 24 on the 20th! I have been married for almost a year now to my hubby. For the last year we lived in Jacksonville, NC where he was stationed in the Marines for the last 4 years. While living there for the last year I worked in a big call center, with Wimberley actually, as a customer service rep. With that comes sitting at a computer 8-9 hours a day. I didn't get a lot of activity in my life. So over the last several years I've steadily gained about 40 extra pounds. Now my husband is out of the military and we're currently living the civilian life in Ohio while he goes to school for welding. I'm currently searching for work to kill time over the next 9 months while he goes to school. What our future holds is still a bit of a mystery, but one thing that isn't a mystery is me losing this weight!! I've put it off for WAY too long and now is the opportune time for me to lose it and never find it again! Lol!

    My goal with this 7 week challenge: I currently weigh 200 lbs. I would like to be 190 by Black Friday! And ultimately lose all 40 extra pounds by the time my husband graduates college!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi everybody.....So my weigh in will be the same at 149lbs. I've been super busy today. I had to take an exam today and then I'm getting things ready for my little fat boy's 2nd Bday party. (He's really not fat lol) My goal will be the same: To lose 5lbs. Hope everyone had a great Friday and will have a great weekend!
  • Mandalicious
    Alright - this Thanksgiving Challenge is on, people! I have updated the spreadsheet with everyone's starting weight and goal weight that I have at this point. (If I somehow overlooked someone's stats, please let me know!)

    So for the mini-challenge this week: work in 20 push-ups of some sort in a row every day. For those of you who can do the real thing - go for it! (Maybe even do push-ups on a decline with your feet elevated on a chair!) Otherwise, modify by starting on your knees. Or, for a little more help in getting started, begin with wall push-ups or against a countertop. Just try to hit 20 somehow each day! Start with the most challenging position you can handle and switch to an easier version (if you need to) until you pump those 20 out! See if by the end of the week if you can make some progress! Who is in for this mini-challenge??? The best part if that we can all do them at home every day - no equipment required!

    Alright folks! I am so excited to work with all of you over the next two months. Let's rock this out!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Alright - this Thanksgiving Challenge is on, people! I have updated the spreadsheet with everyone's starting weight and goal weight that I have at this point. (If I somehow overlooked someone's stats, please let me know!)

    So for the mini-challenge this week: work in 20 push-ups of some sort in a row every day. For those of you who can do the real thing - go for it! (Maybe even do push-ups on a decline with your feet elevated on a chair!) Otherwise, modify by starting on your knees. Or, for a little more help in getting started, begin with wall push-ups or against a countertop. Just try to hit 20 somehow each day! Start with the most challenging position you can handle and switch to an easier version (if you need to) until you pump those 20 out! See if by the end of the week if you can make some progress! Who is in for this mini-challenge??? The best part if that we can all do them at home every day - no equipment required!

    Alright folks! I am so excited to work with all of you over the next two months. Let's rock this out!

    Wow! Sounds like you're really going to work us LOL I am totally in and so excited! I told my co-workers about this challenge and they're following along with the mini-challenges with us :happy:

    Weekends are really bad for me! I eat so bad on the weekends, but in the past mfl kept me in check so I'm really excited...I feel so motivated!!!
  • MarineWifey09
    Woohoo we can all do this! I am so pumped and this is exactly what I needed. I'm about to go walking which will be my 2nd workout today and then do my pushups! Good luck everyone!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I'm really motivated too! I'm definitely up for the mini-challenge -- I've already been doing 15 - 30 push-ups ~4 times a week, but I'll do at least 20 push-ups every day this week!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    20 Real pushups today done. Good form until I got to about number 12....After that I struggled a bit. Hopfully as the week goes on it will get a little easier! Thanks for the mini challenge Mandy!!

  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member

    Can you add one more highly motivated, positive, actively supportive of my mfp friends AND wants to be thinner for Thanksgiving, person to your group please? :smile:

    My name is Kelly and I’m married living in Southern California. I joined MFP almost 3 months ago and have lost 43 pounds since focusing on my health last May. I love the support of MFP and am grateful for the support of my MFP friends along with husband who is also an active MFP member.

    This is the second time in the last 6 years I’ve lost this amount of weight and I’ve just passed the point where I usually end up gaining it back so I need to make sure I dig in and stay focused.

    I’m an active member of my CrossFit gym and much like MFP it’s a great community full of encouragement. I also run and am preparing for the Disneyland Tinker Bell ½ Marathon in January 2012.

    This is actually the first time I’ve shared my weight in public so here goes…

    I’m currently 163 and would be happy to lose 10lbs by the end of the challenge (152). My goal weight is 135 and my plan is to achieve that in the month of February 2012.

    PS - I did my 20 push ups, yay
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    I worked chest and triceps today at the gym, so I'll pound out today's push ups tomorrow... as long as my arms are rested. Went a little "hulk" in the weight room :-)
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I tried a decline push-up today -- not ready for that yet! I substituted a couple of regular push-ups for my usual bent knee push-ups and was pleasantly surprised that I could do those OK now. I did the rest of the 20 push-ups as bent knee push-ups, and did 2 more sets of 15 bent knee push-ups.

    So my goal this week is to replace 1 additional bent knee push-up with a regular push-up each day.

    Great mini-challenge, Mandy! :smile:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Just got the push ups out of the way. Was able to do 11 before I buckled today...I feel like I was able to keep a better form this time. I've only done a couple of push ups in my whole life so this is a great challenge. I'm not the type to say "I can't do it" so this is a great push for me. Thanx Mandy!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Awesome job on the pushups ladies! I'm at work tonight till 8 so I'll get mine in when I get home. Long day today so no formal workout for Dave! Two days in a row with now exercise, I may go through withdrawals - lol! Keep up the good work everyone!

  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member

    So my goal this week is to replace 1 additional bent knee push-up with a regular push-up each day.

    That's a great idea!
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Just did my push ups, half plank style, half kneeling. My goal this week (besides the push ups) is to work out everyday with a calorie burn of at least 300, hopefully more.
  • MarineWifey09
    Way to go everyone!! This is great! I woke up today with a TERRIBLE migraine and almost thought of cancelling my plans to go walking and stay in bed instead. Well I got my butt up, took soom aspirine and got moving! Did my 20 pushups and power walked for 62 minutes! Have a great weekend!