Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • Mandalicious
    Just a quick update from me: huge shock from the scale this morning 129. What????? That's the most I have weight in five weeks and two pounds more than any other morning in the last week! It's not my TOM. In theory I *should* have lost 0.5 pounds this week based on my calorie intake and burns. I have done really well on my exercising. I have fought my urges to binge over and over. I am unbelievably discouraged. Trying to get some perspective, but right now I feel defeated. Ugh.

    I am happy to see the losses for others, though. So glad that you are feeling that high of success right now!

    I will post again later today, update the spreadsheet, and get a new mini-challenge going for the week. Gotta get my boys to a haircut appointment now!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    208 no loss for me but like last week I'm glad I didn't gain. I need the work to stop taking over my life!! I need MFP in my life :-) Logging my food and exersize makes such a big difference for me.

    @Mandy-That's crazy!! Did you eat a lot of sodium?? And do you drink a lot of water?? I think those two things have a big impact.
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi everyone....hope everyone had a great week. I'm feeling a whole lot better. This week was pretty rough but I am glad to say I am weighing in at 146lbs. YAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! I'm 1lb away from my goal for this challenge. Wow I can't believe that. Great job for all those who have lost weight. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Mandalicious
    ***Mini-Challenge for Week 4***

    Okay, gang. Here is the mini-challenge for the week. We are going to do the all-time class squat! It's great for the glutes, quads, hammies and calves. Three sets of 15 every day! If you can manage all of those okay, try adding hand weights,. Or for you super-heroes, try doing them with a barbell and weights. You can really work your core by doing them on a bosu ball at a gym.

    For the proper form of a squat, the key is to maintain the right alignment. Keep the feet approximately parallel, about shoulder-width apart. Lower hips as if sitting on an invisible chair until legs are almost parallel to the floor, then come back up to standing. Keep your torso and back muscles taut. And make sure your knees DO NOT come out farther than your toes to avoid knee damage. Remember that this exercise should work your glutes well, so really squeeze them!

    If you keep up this mini-challenge, in no time at all you will be doing tons of squats. Check out this six week program:

    By the way, I will be updating the spreadsheet sometime after 7pmPST tonight, so get those results on in!
  • Mandalicious
    New spreadsheet posted:

    Dave, Mimi, and Jay - hip, hip, hooray! Congrats on losses this week!

    Maria, Sam, and RatsyRoo - holding steady. :)

    Me - rough one, 'nuff said.

    Wimberley, Kelly, Joe, Keisha - how did y'all fare?
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Forgot to post this yesterday.

    Sept. 30: 269.8
    Oct 07: 269.8
    Oct 14: 267.8
    Oct 21: 267.0

    I'll take the 0.8 pound loss. Missed the gym two days this week. Missed it when I couldn't get away from my desk to go, and them missed it because I wasn't there.
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Just a quick update from me: huge shock from the scale this morning 129. What????? That's the most I have weight in five weeks and two pounds more than any other morning in the last week! It's not my TOM. In theory I *should* have lost 0.5 pounds this week based on my calorie intake and burns. I have done really well on my exercising. I have fought my urges to binge over and over. I am unbelievably discouraged. Trying to get some perspective, but right now I feel defeated. Ugh.
    @ Mandy - don't be discouraged -- you were following your exercise/eating plans, so in all likelihood higher weight is probably all due to water retention. More sodium than usual can cause that, and sometimes the body just has random fluctuations for no apparent reason. I bet all of that water will be gone soon and you'll have a fantastic weigh-in next week!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    208 no loss for me but like last week I'm glad I didn't gain. I need the work to stop taking over my life!! I need MFP in my life :-) Logging my food and exersize makes such a big difference for me.
    @ Maria - considering how busy you were with work, not gaining is great!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    New spreadsheet posted:

    Dave, Mimi, and Jay - hip, hip, hooray! Congrats on losses this week!
    @ Mandy - thanks! It was a lot better than I expected!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hi everyone....hope everyone had a great week. I'm feeling a whole lot better. This week was pretty rough but I am glad to say I am weighing in at 146lbs. YAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! I'm 1lb away from my goal for this challenge. Wow I can't believe that. Great job for all those who have lost weight. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
    @ Jay - that's fantastic! Glad you're feeling better too. :smile:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Forgot to post this yesterday.

    Sept. 30: 269.8
    Oct 07: 269.8
    Oct 14: 267.8
    Oct 21: 267.0

    I'll take the 0.8 pound loss. Missed the gym two days this week. Missed it when I couldn't get away from my desk to go, and them missed it because I wasn't there.
    @ Joe - good job!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    ***Mini-Challenge for Week 4***

    Okay, gang. Here is the mini-challenge for the week. We are going to do the all-time class squat! It's great for the glutes, quads, hammies and calves. Three sets of 15 every day! If you can manage all of those okay, try adding hand weights,. Or for you super-heroes, try doing them with a barbell and weights. You can really work your core by doing them on a bosu ball at a gym.

    For the proper form of a squat, the key is to maintain the right alignment. Keep the feet approximately parallel, about shoulder-width apart. Lower hips as if sitting on an invisible chair until legs are almost parallel to the floor, then come back up to standing. Keep your torso and back muscles taut. And make sure your knees DO NOT come out farther than your toes to avoid knee damage. Remember that this exercise should work your glutes well, so really squeeze them!

    If you keep up this mini-challenge, in no time at all you will be doing tons of squats. Check out this six week program:

    By the way, I will be updating the spreadsheet sometime after 7pmPST tonight, so get those results on in!
    @ Mandy - another great challenge! I just finished my 2nd set of three -- its really good exercise!
  • MarineWifey09
    New spreadsheet posted:

    Dave, Mimi, and Jay - hip, hip, hooray! Congrats on losses this week!

    Maria, Sam, and RatsyRoo - holding steady. :)

    Me - rough one, 'nuff said.

    Wimberley, Kelly, Joe, Keisha - how did y'all fare?

    Poop! I forgot to post on here, but I did post it to my progress on my profile. Another .2 loss but that was after I had eaten breakfast and stuff so it may be a bit more. Regardless last night I had italian for dinner and drank jack and diet coke so I will be busting butt to get back to what I was when I weighed in I'm sure LOL.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. It's been a rough week. At this point I think I just maintained. I'm on the road again this week and seriously need to get back on track. I think it will be a little easier and hope to stay in touch more. Yay for squats!!!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Hope everyone is doing well. First full day of my business trip in Florida and I'm trying to be good! But all the food is provided for us, so I'm at the mercy of what they are serving. Overall I think I've done well, but how can I really tell for sure when I'm not making it myself. I have some free time before dinner and the evening festivities, so I'm going to hit the treadmill for a bit (jogged 1.5 miles outside yesterday, which is much different than the treadmill - something I'll have to get used to). Hope my friends in fitness are doing well. I'll talk with you all later!

  • MarineWifey09
    Hope you are having a fun and safe trip so far Dave!!

    Today I woke up feeling weird, and it showed at my trainer session. She was pushing me hard and I almost blacked out....oops! So we ended the session early by about 10-15 minutes. I walked to/from the gym so that helped and I think I'll go walking tonight after dinner with my neighbors. I don't know what was up with this morning. I didn't eat breakfast and I know that's a big no-no but I was feeling sick to my stomach so nothing sounded appealing. Doing yesterday's and today's squats in addition to the kettle bell squats I did this morning! Agh! My poor behind!!! LoL hope all of you had/are having a great Monday!

  • Mandalicious
    Feeling so good today. Had to do two days of squats yesterday to make up for blowing it off (in my weight-gain induced funk!) from Saturday. I did just two sets of 45. Holy smokes - my behind is SERIOUSLY sore from that! Even felt it during my walk this morning. Don't know why but haven't had those rough binge urges the past two days. Thank goodness - hate fighting that! I have held still at 129 since Friday but I am okay with that. Just looking forward and remembering that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. The weight will come off - I know what to do to make it happen. :) I sat down with my calendar last night and mapped out my exercise times during the next three weeks. Sometimes the fact that I am a part-time SAHM and part-time tutor can make it difficult to fit it in. But I have a plan. I am in this game!

    @Dave and Kelly - Nice job sneaking in those workouts on the business trips. So proud of you two. Don't know how you run the treadmill, Dave. I call it the "dreadmill" - can ONLY run outdoors!
    @Wimberly - take good care of yourself, okay? Don't push it if your body needs to rest!
    @Mimi - Your encouraging words really helped the last few days. Thanks for helping me get back to it. :)
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi everyone....hope everyone had a great week. I'm feeling a whole lot better. This week was pretty rough but I am glad to say I am weighing in at 146lbs. YAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! I'm 1lb away from my goal for this challenge. Wow I can't believe that. Great job for all those who have lost weight. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    How exciting!! Good for should be proud :flowerforyou:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Today I weighed 19.2--so no loss this week . I'm pretty sure I'm retaining water or something right now (or hoping that 's it!). I am about to leave for a women's retreat with some ladies from my church. We'll be eating out at least twice and I probably won't have much say in where we go so.....gotta commit to finding healthier options and hopefully not mess up too much this week.

    Looks like everyone is doing great!! Keep up the good work, guys! =)

    You can do it! Just stay away from the fried foods lol Hope you're doing well
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    ***Mini-Challenge for Week 4***

    Okay, gang. Here is the mini-challenge for the week. We are going to do the all-time class squat! It's great for the glutes, quads, hammies and calves. Three sets of 15 every day! If you can manage all of those okay, try adding hand weights,. Or for you super-heroes, try doing them with a barbell and weights. You can really work your core by doing them on a bosu ball at a gym.

    For the proper form of a squat, the key is to maintain the right alignment. Keep the feet approximately parallel, about shoulder-width apart. Lower hips as if sitting on an invisible chair until legs are almost parallel to the floor, then come back up to standing. Keep your torso and back muscles taut. And make sure your knees DO NOT come out farther than your toes to avoid knee damage. Remember that this exercise should work your glutes well, so really squeeze them!

    If you keep up this mini-challenge, in no time at all you will be doing tons of squats. Check out this six week program:

    By the way, I will be updating the spreadsheet sometime after 7pmPST tonight, so get those results on in!

    Thank you for another great challenge! I love how your challenges are attainable...just a few minutes here and there :happy: