Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Sept. 30: 269.8
    Oct 07: 269.8
    Oct 14: 267.8

    2 down. Not bad considering my wife's head cold decided to hit me too this week. Jumping jacks were not a possibility when breathing was a chore. Looking forward to hitting the gym today as I'm back at work.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Forgot to mention: surprised at my loss too. Went to a wedding on Saturday for one of my Fraternity brothers. First cannoli I've had in a long time, and the vodka tonics were FLOWING. Monday night football was here in Detroit so of course there were beer and snacks at the viewing party I attended (GO LIONS!!!) That night was when her bug moved over to me; putting a stop to the gym (worked from home... from the couch). And because neither the wife or I felt like cooking we had some out of the house dinners this week.

    Super set about to commence. Legs and shoulders today with some light cardio to warm up the body first. It will be a good pain when I sit and watch UofM play MSU tomorrow. GO BLUE!!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Congrats to all those who lost. I'm so happy for yall...I stayed the same so I am happy about that. So my weigh in is 148.
  • MarineWifey09
    I had a really rough start to my wouldn't shut up....thunderstorm....oh and mother nature bringing me my monthly "gift". I can feel my body being bloated. Not fair!! This weigh in will be distorted lol. I am about to go on a long walk with the pooch and do jumping jacks, push ups and a couple bridges. Blah!!
  • MarineWifey09
    So far today I have done 4 bridges lasting anywhere from 60-90 seconds each. Probably will do some more. I am feeling really motivated for some reason I think it's because I am so bloated and want to get rid of this ugliness, lol. TGIF everyone!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted all week. Thanks for everyone's good wishes! I've been slowly getting better but have had no energy the whole week, and haven't exercised at all since last Saturday. So I did do two days of the mini-challenge before getting sick on Sunday -- those jumping jacks were tough and my legs were really sore! But I did manage to do 3 minutes continuously and did 75 sec of hand/toe planks. Great mini-challenge, Mandy!

    Anyway, coping with work this week has been a real struggle (too bad I couldn't put all of the issues on hold until next week!) and I've hardly been online at all. I ended up calling in sick on Tues. and today so that I could get some rest.

    My weigh in today was bad -- 136.4 lbs, so I'm almost back to where I started (!36.8 lbs). :ohwell: That's kind of what I expected since I wasn't exercising and have been constantly over my calories as well. I was just feeling pretty miserable the whole week and wasn't motivated.

    I still didn't feel up to exercising today, but I'll see if I can find the energy to do the mini-challenge tomorrow. :smile:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    October 1. 195.5
    October 7. 193.5
    October 14. 191.5
    I am surprised I lost those pounds this week. I added beer back into my diet and usually that is the killer.
    I keep watching this board and following everyone else's progress. That has really helped me. Thank you all.
    I hae not been below 190 since 1999, so that is my goal for next week
    @samwelli - that's fantastic! I'm rooting for you to get below 190 next week!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    October 14th = 234.4

    Better than I thought. The majority of my exercise this week was just our mini challenge, but when you do 3 or 4 sessions a day, it can add up! Wasn't really able to get do the gym during the week because my wife has been out of town, but thankfully she can flys in tonight and I can get back to the gym. During the course of our challenge I have a business trip to Florida (all food provided for, or me eating out) 2 Thanksgivings and my 5th wedding anniversary (which happens to fall on Thanksgiving). The next month is going to be a challenge, but I know I can do it!

    Great progress again -- you're doing fantastic so far! All of that eating out is going to be very challenging, but you have a lot of discipline, so I'm sure you can do it!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Lost a little more than 1 pound this week! :happy: From 150.6 to 149.2
    I was pleasantly surprised to see the scale move down after the added stress, less healthy eating, and feeling a bit less motivated this week. But this has made my day! Thanks for your support, guys! I think all those jumping jacks helped a LOT! On to the next challange....
    @ratsyroo -- excellent! I always have trouble not overeating when I'm stressed. Great job on losing despite that!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Just want to confirm that, yes, overeating leads to weight gain as confirmed by my scale this morning. I had a one pound gain from 126.0 to 127.0. Expected that. Gonna bring my best game this week to get back down to 126 again, I hope!

    'Bout to hit the floor and do some bridge work. MIght get a plank, jacks, and a few push-ups in there, too, for a great start to WEEK THREE!!!!

    How is everyone else??
    @ Mandy -- that's the spirit! I'll be cheering for you. :drinker: I've been overeating this past week too, so it looks like we've been in the same boat. I still don't have much energy right now, but hopefully I'm in better shape tomorrow. I haven't exercised at all this past week so I need to get back into it as soon as I can. I'm not looking forward to finding out how much I've de-conditioned after not being on the Stairmaster for the whole week!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    208.0 I think I lost under a pound but the way this week has been going, I'm lucky I didn't gain :bigsmile: Work completely took over my life this week. One of the days I worked almost 14 hours and three of the days we were in meetings all day so food was brought in and I wouldn't say any of it was healthy. Exersize was not even an option for me except for the couple of walks I was able to squeeze in.
    @ Maria -- fantastic job on still managing to lose with all that going on! Keep up the good work!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    October 14 weight = 161 WOOT! Down 2 pounds this week.

    Looks like everyone had fun doing the challenges. Great job on keeping it up, logging and motivating our group! Let's keep it up.

    What a crazy week this has been. I feel like I've been locked in a room sitting all week - it was really just 3 days. Overall I did well this week. I tried to fit in exercise whenever I could and came close to burning 3000 calories for the week. I'm going to try and keep it there as it seems that's my magic number.

    The planks and jumping jacks were great. I love exercises that sound easier than they really are. :) Looking forward to the bridge this week. That's a great exercise for core, back, glutes, etc.

    I ALMOST got my team to do jumping jacks for the National Geographic kids world record try.I guess I need to work on my motivational skills. :)

    (I think they're still looking at all the submissions to determine if the record was broken)

    Out of the next 4 weeks I'm traveling for 3 of them - all business, very busy, etc. With my meetings this week and the catered food it was a good trial run to know that you can make the most out of your food choices even when food is provided for you. I also brought some healthy snacks to supplement my day.

    For the next couple of weeks I'm going to bring healthy snacks with me or buy them when I arrive. Good choices for me are larabars (they have mini sizes too), nuts, fruits (apples/bananas), natural applesauce. Portable items that don't have to be refrigerated, etc.

    Any other ideas out there let me know.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! Looking forward to hearing from everyone this week.
    @ Kelly -- fantastic job! Especially with all that catered food this week. It looks like you've busted out of that plateau! :smile: And its great that you managed to keep up with your exercise despite all those meetings. Eating healthy and staying under calories is very challenging when you have to eat out a lot, but it sounds like you have a really good plan, and I bet you'll do great! Aside from the snack that you mentioned, I also like Kashi chewy granola bars (peanut butter is my favorite), baby carrots, and grapes.

    This week I need to get back on track after overeating and not exercising this whole past week.

    Hope you have a great weekend too!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Sept. 30: 269.8
    Oct 07: 269.8
    Oct 14: 267.8

    2 down. Not bad considering my wife's head cold decided to hit me too this week. Jumping jacks were not a possibility when breathing was a chore. Looking forward to hitting the gym today as I'm back at work.
    @ Joe -- great job!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Congrats to all those who lost. I'm so happy for yall...I stayed the same so I am happy about that. So my weigh in is 148.
    @ Jay -- yay!
  • MarineWifey09
    Lost .2!! Now at 125.8. Considering my circumstances this week I am stoked! I'm gonna bring 110% this next week! I found a good treadmill work out I'll post later that I think everyone can do and will definitely benefit from!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi everyone... So my weekend has really been sucking as in the eating good and exercising... I haven't been able to eat or drink too much because my throat hurts really bad...I don't want drink room temp water even cuz it hurts so bad.. I'll be going to the dr on Monday hopefully they will give me something for this pain! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hi everyone... So my weekend has really been sucking as in the eating good and exercising... I haven't been able to eat or drink too much because my throat hurts really bad...I don't want drink room temp water even cuz it hurts so bad.. I'll be going to the dr on Monday hopefully they will give me something for this pain! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
    @ Jay - I know exactly how you feel -- my throat was really bad last Sunday and has been painful throughout the past week, and its still recovering. If you haven't already, try taking some maximum strength sore throat lozenges. I found those to be really helpful. Anyway, I hope the doctor can give you some pain killers, and that you feel better soon!
  • MarineWifey09
    Hey ladies and gents! I wanted to post the workout I did on the treadmill yesterday (Saturday) and want to see how you all like it if you try it. It's a hill simulated workout and it really kicks your *kitten*!

    Start 2 min at 0 incline
    1 min @ level 4 inc
    3 @ 8
    2@ 12
    1@ 3
    2@ 10
    1@ 12
    4@ 7
    2@ 12
    2@ 6

    Cool down for however long you like.

    Let me know what you all think!!

    As far as my weekend went, I think I did pretty okay! Saturday I worked out and then went to a jewelry party with a girlfriend of mine. I ate a lot of fruit and had a few pieces of this bread bowl dip type thing...then hubby and I ended up going with our neighbors on a nice hike @ Diamond Head Crater Park. I am positive that hike burned what I ate at the party, but then we drank last night. I had 3 glasses of wine small sips of a STRONG long island and 2 sips off a good daquari (our neighbor makes GREAT drinks). I drank those mixed drinks as sparingly as possible without being a party pooper. Trying to get to know our neighbors and all I don't wanna be a stiff. So today I cleaned a lot and went power walking for 30 minutes and ate healthy. Hopefully that helped balance it out. I did 6 bridges and my butt is feeling it!!! Tomorrow I have a personal trainer appt so I will update how that goes! Hope you all have a great work week!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Hope everyone has been doing ok. Haven't really had time to be active on here since our weigh in on Friday. Got a lot of stuff going on right now trying to get things ready for the baby's arrival in December as well as work. I gotta start painting that nursery!!! I'll be out of town Sunday through next Thursday, but will have free time from the conference in the evening which will allow me to work out and check in on you guys! Hope your week is going well.

  • Mandalicious
    Ditto, Dave. I have been SO busy in the past week. Not complaining, though...just stating the facts.

    I have been getting my workout time in, though. Today, I walked two miles with my boys in the stroller this morning, then I jogged 3 miles in the afternoon between tutoring sessions. I also have been doing my bridges (one-legged - sore badonkadonk!). Sneak some jumping jacks in when I am otherwise too busy to get a good jog/walk/lifting session.

    Now for the bummer. I have really been struggling in the food department. My mornings start off great, but I keep getting major urges to eat everything in sight by early afternoon. On Sunday, I literally had to and go for a walk just so I could fight my food cravings. What is up? (And, no, I am not pregnant.) Also, my dinners have been complicated by too many restaurant visits. Saturday I went out with my husband before the symphony, Monday is our normal date night/happy hour, then tonight I got home from working too late to cook and we went out for sushi. Even with pretty good choices, those darn calories add up so fast when you're dining out. So... Wednesday and Thursday we are eating at home! I actually have tutoring appointments from 8 to 5:30 tomorrow, so I am about to go make turkey noodle soup to reheat and eat with salad tomorrow night.

    @Jay and Mimi - are you ladies feeling better now?
    @Wimberley - gotta let us know what you did with your personal trainer!