Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    189.0!!!!!!!!! I guess that extra hour at the gym last night paid off. I had to step off and back on the scale this morning to make sure it was really true. I made sure both feet were on the scale and I was standing straight up. First time below 190 in what seems like forever, but in reality the whole spiral started in 1999 when I threw out my back and the subsequent spinal fusion and yearly (if not more often) pain injections and treatments. I am going to take a picture of th scale now. Be back on later!
    @ samwelli - congratulations! That's awesome! Losing 6.5 lbs in 4 weeks is fantastic -- you're only 4 lbs away from reaching your goal and there are still 3 weeks left. You have a great chance of exceeding your goal! Keep up the great work!
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    189.0!!!!!!!!! I guess that extra hour at the gym last night paid off. I had to step off and back on the scale this morning to make sure it was really true. I made sure both feet were on the scale and I was standing straight up. First time below 190 in what seems like forever, but in reality the whole spiral started in 1999 when I threw out my back and the subsequent spinal fusion and yearly (if not more often) pain injections and treatments. I am going to take a picture of th scale now. Be back on later!

    That's awesome!! I know how that feels and it's one of the best feelings! :) Good idea of the picture.
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Week 0: 136.8 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1: 133.8 (-3.0 lb)
    Week 2: 136.4 (+2.6 lb) -- sick
    Week 3: 133.2 (-2.8 lb)
    Week 4: 130.8 (-2.4 lb)

    Lost 2.4 lbs last week and I'm really happy! :happy: Ever since I started exercising again 9 days ago (after recovering from being sick), I've tried to get more exercise during the day by walking instead of standing or sitting whenever I could, and doing leg lifts if I had to stand -- I spent very little time standing still! :laugh: It looks like that's really helped me to burn a lot of extra calories, because previously I had only been able to lose ~1 lb/week while doing the same morning workout and following the same eating plan.

    I'm going to keep doing the extra exercise during the day and see if it continues to boost my weight loss. Onwards to week 5!

    Awesome!! Nice way to come back after being sick and sticking to it. Glad you feel better too,
  • kmvp08
    kmvp08 Posts: 59 Member
    Well, I suprised myself this week!

    158.5 and I lost 2.5lbs!!

    I'm pretty happy with that especially after travelling for 2 weeks. I think it speaks to your overall lifestyle and if, for the most part, you're eating healthy and working out you can have some off days. Maybe it helps to vary things up a bit too.

    The only exercise I really had time to do, besides deciding to walk to events or take the stairs, was our weekly challenge. One day I remember in the shower so did I them in the shower! It made me laugh....

    We can do this! We're on our way to being Thinner by Thanksgiving. WOOT!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    207.5 LB half pound loss
    I need to step up my game!!
  • MarineWifey09
    Wow everyone has lost so far! GREAT job!!!!!!!!! I will post later on...getting the house ready for my parents' arrival tomorrow!!!
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Sept. 30: 269.8
    Oct 07: 269.8
    Oct 14: 267.8
    Oct 28: 268.8

    Up a pound. Diet was off. Need to crack the whip on the hand/mouth meetings. Have to skip the gym due to work today too. I'll have to get some good cardio in this weekend.
  • Mandalicious
    We are officially half-way through our challenge, friends! Week 4 is on the books now!
    So we have just under four more weeks until Thanksgiving! We are gonna be THINNER than when we started this challenge!

    Huge congrats to ratsyroo, Mimi, Maria, Joe, samwelli AND Kelly for losses this week. Keep me inspired - that's for sure!

    I was way down from 129 to 126.5 in the last week. Still 0.5 lbs over where I was three weeks ago (crazy!), but 2.0 pounds less than when we started this challenge. I have to really get myself in gear to get those remaining three pounds off to hit my goal by the end of this challenge. I think I can do it, though!

    10+ Dips and 30+calf-raises THREE times per day!

    For the tricep dips, sit on a bench or chair. Begin with the hands next to or slightly under the hips. Lift up onto the hands and bring the hips forward. Bend the elbows (no lower than 90 degrees) and lower the hips down, keeping them very close to the chair. Keep the shoulders down. Push back up without locking the elbows. Let's start with ten and see if we can get up to 20 by the end of the week! If you're just starting out, bring your feet closer to you with knees somewhat bent. Or for a bigger challenge, try putting your feet up on another chair. So... 10 reps working toward 20 three times per day!

    For the calf raises, just stand on the edge of a step and go up onto your toes, pause, and lower back down. Let's do sets of 30 to start and see how many we can hit before we burn too much to keep going! With all those jumping jacks a few weeks ago, we should have solid calf muscles to work with! If you want a bit more of a challenge, try one leg at a time or hold dumbbells during the exercise.

    Keep bringing it, friends! We will all be THANKFUL for being more healthy for Thanksgiving!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Ok, I was all set to get back into my routine and totally blew it today. On a happier note, we went shopping and I stocked up on my normal regular food to make my healthier meals than leftover pizza and what not today. I'm going to kick butt tomorrow and then some!

  • MarineWifey09
    124.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stepped on and off the scale twice to make sure I wasn't being lied to. So that's another pound this past week. Maybe it has to do with me doing 3 cardio/tone classes and lots of walking/squats! :) Woo hoo!!!! And to celebrate, my parents will be getting in town this evening and will be here for a week. I am so pumped!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Ok, I was all set to get back into my routine and totally blew it today. On a happier note, we went shopping and I stocked up on my normal regular food to make my healthier meals than leftover pizza and what not today. I'm going to kick butt tomorrow and then some!

    Sounds like you're all set! Go for it! :drinker:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    124.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stepped on and off the scale twice to make sure I wasn't being lied to. So that's another pound this past week. Maybe it has to do with me doing 3 cardio/tone classes and lots of walking/squats! :) Woo hoo!!!! And to celebrate, my parents will be getting in town this evening and will be here for a week. I am so pumped!
    @ Wimberly - that's fantastic! All of your hard work paid off!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Week 0: 136.8 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1: 133.8 (-3.0 lb)
    Week 2: 136.4 (+2.6 lb) -- sick
    Week 3: 133.2 (-2.8 lb)
    Week 4: 130.8 (-2.4 lb)

    Lost 2.4 lbs last week and I'm really happy! :happy: Ever since I started exercising again 9 days ago (after recovering from being sick), I've tried to get more exercise during the day by walking instead of standing or sitting whenever I could, and doing leg lifts if I had to stand -- I spent very little time standing still! :laugh: It looks like that's really helped me to burn a lot of extra calories, because previously I had only been able to lose ~1 lb/week while doing the same morning workout and following the same eating plan.

    I'm going to keep doing the extra exercise during the day and see if it continues to boost my weight loss. Onwards to week 5!

    Awesome!! Nice way to come back after being sick and sticking to it. Glad you feel better too,
    Thanks Kelly! :happy:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Well, I suprised myself this week!

    158.5 and I lost 2.5lbs!!

    I'm pretty happy with that especially after travelling for 2 weeks. I think it speaks to your overall lifestyle and if, for the most part, you're eating healthy and working out you can have some off days. Maybe it helps to vary things up a bit too.

    The only exercise I really had time to do, besides deciding to walk to events or take the stairs, was our weekly challenge. One day I remember in the shower so did I them in the shower! It made me laugh....

    We can do this! We're on our way to being Thinner by Thanksgiving. WOOT!
    @ Kelly - that's awesome! Losing 2.5 lbs while traveling for 2 weeks is no small accomplishment!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    207.5 LB half pound loss
    I need to step up my game!!
    @ Maria - you can do it! I'm rooting for you!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Huge congrats to ratsyroo, Mimi, Maria, Joe, samwelli AND Kelly for losses this week. Keep me inspired - that's for sure!

    I was way down from 129 to 126.5 in the last week. Still 0.5 lbs over where I was three weeks ago (crazy!), but 2.0 pounds less than when we started this challenge. I have to really get myself in gear to get those remaining three pounds off to hit my goal by the end of this challenge. I think I can do it, though!
    @ Mandy - thanks! :happy: And congrats on a great loss this week! It looks like water weight fluctuations were indeed masking your weight loss the previous week. :smile: I'm sure you can make your goal! Keep up the good work!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    @Dave - I think that's a GREAT idea to "weight" a week. Ha! I got so discouraged last Friday that it really sent me for a loop. A little over the top, in retrospect. But weight is an emmotional trigger point for me. So I personally like your idea. Just get back to the grind!

    @Maria - Don't you live in Portland, too? I'm in SE. Maybe we could ACTUALLY try a Zumba class together one day. I am all for working out and not feeling like it was just to work out!

    @Wimberley - You amaze me with all of your calorie burns. Two classes on one day? I would be a zombie without the Zumba then!

    @Samwelli - I TOTALLY relate. I was tutoring starting at 8am on Wednesdays and finishing at 5:30pm, grabbing dinner with the fam, and then back at it again until 8:30pm. (I have since scaled back a bit, because it just wasn't working well for me or my family to have such long days like that!) I started planning and packing my food on Tuesdays nights. Breakfast was veggie/egg-white scramble with salsa and a piece of toast, morning snack was string cheese and a piece of fruit, lunches were usually salads with smoked salmon and crackers, afternoon snack would be more fruit or a ThinkThin high-protein bar. Believe it or not, I actually found in the end that I could manage my calories WAY WAY better on those days with just my one bag of food to last for the day. Calculating it all out ahead of time was awesome for me. And I wasn't at home to have to resist my urge to eat the food all around me.

    Hope EVERYBODY has a good weigh-in tomorrow. May the weight loss gods and goddesses be kind! :)

    I live in Milwaukie. Very close to SE we totaly should try a Zumba class together. I just need for things at work to slow down...right now I honestly don't have the time. I'm in 4th quarter hell lol But yeah we definitely need to do it! Great idea on making food for the next day. I'm always trying to figure out my meals last minute and sometimes that leaves me with not such healthy choices.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    124.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stepped on and off the scale twice to make sure I wasn't being lied to. So that's another pound this past week. Maybe it has to do with me doing 3 cardio/tone classes and lots of walking/squats! :) Woo hoo!!!! And to celebrate, my parents will be getting in town this evening and will be here for a week. I am so pumped!

    Good Job!! It shows that hard work pays off!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    189.0!!!!!!!!! I guess that extra hour at the gym last night paid off. I had to step off and back on the scale this morning to make sure it was really true. I made sure both feet were on the scale and I was standing straight up. First time below 190 in what seems like forever, but in reality the whole spiral started in 1999 when I threw out my back and the subsequent spinal fusion and yearly (if not more often) pain injections and treatments. I am going to take a picture of th scale now. Be back on later!

    Good Job!! Hard work always pays off!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    207.5 LB half pound loss
    I need to step up my game!!
    @ Maria - you can do it! I'm rooting for you!

    Thank you! :bigsmile: I've been franticaly serching for my 30 day shred dvd that I got a while back and never used :happy: I really want to make myself get up earlier to do it every morning...we'll see what happens. Gotta find that dvd!!