Thinner for Thanksgiving! 7 week challenge



  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    Well I am at my tope weight 207 at 53 pounds . even though I am fat, and a double chin. I still think I am a pretty good looking woman. However I haven't turned to many heads lately. Just think what a fox I would be down 30 pounds. Gotta keep trying.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Today's weight = 227 lbs

    Not a huge loss, but a loss is a loss!

    @ Mandy - don't be so hard on yourself. Weight is only a number, and think of all the things you are doing to improve your health. All of the challenges you set up for us, the running, the weight lifting - you may not be lossing persay, but gaining - gaining a healthier you. I understand that you have a goal and that you are set on that, but at the same time, its all about being healthy. Either way I think you are doing awesome, have helped me for several months now and in NO WAY are you letting us down. Just my two cents lady!

    My thanksgiving starts tomorrow. My family is driving in tonight and we are doing dinner tomorrow. The boys are going golfing tomorrow as we try and brave the cold! So I'll get a little bit of exercise in while I'm playing. My goal for the next week (which includes 2 thanksgiving dinners) is to stay under 230 lbs. The weeks and months to come are going to be hectic as I'm expecting my son's arrival any day now and I'll do my best to stay the course!

  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Well, I am 149.4 today, which is a 1 lb loss from last week ~but I had gained 2 last week. Slowly, getting back down to where I was...and hoping to see a drop by Thanksgiving. I'm already trying to mentally prepare myself for all the Thanksgiving temptations. If I decided ahead of time what I will/won't eat, I think it will help--especially if I not only promise myself but others as well. And I'm gonna make myself continue some sort of exercise every day I'm out of town visiting relatives.
    Hope you all have a great next week! Looking forward to seeing all of your victories!
    Don't be so hard on yourselves, guys! You are all an inspiration to me. There are gonna be tough times along the way, but the important thing is that you keep pushing forward :smile: Thank you,'ve been great! :flowerforyou:
  • MarineWifey09
    124.4 as of this morning, but it was after breakfast and I was feeling slight bloating. OH well still a loss! And I just did my first 10k. Jogged about half and power walked most then the last mile and a half we did a HUUUUUUUUUGE hill!!!!!!!! Hope you are all having a WONDERFUL weekend!
  • Mandalicious
    Busy day today --- will get our results posted soon! I was wrong - trying to justifying slacking about my lack of weight loss, I have decided. I DO want to lose more, just need to get back on track for limiting those calories. Good so far today... Making spicy pumpkin soup, roasted Brussels sprouts and whole wheat bread for dinner.
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I am embarrassed to say that I managed to gain one pound this week. 126.5 is my weigh-in today. I am not surprised - went over my calories too many times. I have basically been maintaining my weight for the last six weeks - usually fluctuating between 125.5 and 126.5. Not sure how I feel about it, actually. My motivation to continue improving my fitness is definitely there. (Yesterday I ran 4.4 miles and lifted weights at the gym, for instance.) But I'm just not so motivated to keep losing pounds. I am a size 4 and in a healthy weight range now. I feel pretty good about the way I look. But maybe I am just justifying being a slacker... What to do? What to do?

    With regards to the group, I feel like I am letting every one down. I really need to do some soul-searching and decide if I am going to get real about losing more or switch to maintenance. Mostly, I just want to make it through Thanksgiving in MODERATION!
    I was wrong - trying to justifying slacking about my lack of weight loss, I have decided. I DO want to lose more, just need to get back on track for limiting those calories. Good so far today... Making spicy pumpkin soup, roasted Brussels sprouts and whole wheat bread for dinner.
    Mandy - first of all, you certainly haven't let anyone down and you've been a FANTASTIC challenge leader! You've done a great job of keeping everyone motivated throughout the challenge, and I've really appreciated your continual encouragement. :flowerforyou:

    Second, maintaining is just as difficult as losing (more so in some ways!) and I think the fact that you've been able to maintain for the past 6 weeks is also a good accomplishment! If you'd decided to maintain for the time being that would've been fine, but its great that you decided to keep losing! It'll be fun to tackle the next challenge together while we're both trying to keep losing.

    I've also been doing a lot of soul searching this past week, which has been very stressful and emotional. I'm still struggling with a lot of emotions - but am doing better now -- and this morning I decided I'm not going to let ANYTHING derail my fitness program, because getting more fit and losing weight is something that I want to do for myself. And I'm going to stick with it no matter what. So I'm putting all of the binging during the past week behind me, and am making a fresh start today. Congrats to you for doing well so far today!

    Anyway, let's both stay on track as we finish the Thanksgiving Challenge this week, and move into the New Year's Challenge next week! I'm rooting for you and will be with you every step of the way! :drinker:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Also, guys, I am trying. I swear. But I have been over on my calorie goal the last few days. My in-laws got to town (from Germany) on Thursday and we have been doing family dinners every night (some lunches, too) with dessert and alcohol, which I usually don't have any more. I have been having small portions, but eating non-healthy food racks up the calories so fast! They are going to be here for seven weeks, so I just can't keep going like this or I will never get my last ten pounds off! Twice a week, we are supposed to eat dinner at my sister-in-law's house and she is a fabulous cook but super fatty food. For example, last Thursday she made a baked pasta dish with kale and pumpkin (good) and whole eggs, ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, butter, and milk (bad). Should I simply take my own food? That seems so anti-social. Argh. It feels like every other day is a holiday type meal and I just don't know how to handle it. Advice?
    @ Mandy - is it feasible to contribute a healthy dish, and then plan on eating mostly that dish while sampling the dishes that your sister-in-law serves? Alternatively, could you eat some healthy food ahead of time and then just have small samples of the dishes that she serves?

    By the way, here are some links that have good tips for staying on track during the holidays -- I think a lot of those tips can also be applied to your situation! :smile:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Today's weight = 227 lbs

    Not a huge loss, but a loss is a loss!

    Great job! Congrats on exceeding your goal by 1.8 lbs!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    So sorry I've been gone - no excuses really, just totally swamped with business travel and being sick this week (ugh). I say no excuses because I have a choice, well, not on the being sick part, but on making sure I make my health, well-being, and fitness a priority. As I write this I realize how empowering it is to fully realize you have that choice and in the end if you make it your first priorty everything will fall into place. Granted sometimes it's a struggle or a sarcrifice, but it can be done. I see it being done everyday by people on MFP and on this thread.

    A very sincere thank you this group for being open, honest, and continually encouraging even when someone goes off the wagon. :) One thing I've learned is that when I fall off it can be really hard for me to get back on. Looking at my own profile I realize it's the getting back on that makes you successful and you have to continue no matter what, otherwise, the darkness and all your bad habits want to swallow you back in - like a very slow domino effect.

    So, here I am, back, facing the darkness and getting back into the groove and even though I feel somewhat embarrassed by only doing 4 weeks of our 7 week challenge I would very much like to do a New Years challenge.

    Thanks to Mandy for organizing this and being our challenge leader. All of you have really done an amazing job!
    @ Kelly - glad you're back on track! What you said is very true. As you've seen from my recent posts, I'm getting back on track myself after a whole week of bad binging. Let's focus on doing well going forward!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    204.5 Another lb down...woo hoo! Not going to meet my goal but I'm still losing so that's good
    @ Maria - great job!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Well, I am 149.4 today, which is a 1 lb loss from last week ~but I had gained 2 last week. Slowly, getting back down to where I was...and hoping to see a drop by Thanksgiving. I'm already trying to mentally prepare myself for all the Thanksgiving temptations. If I decided ahead of time what I will/won't eat, I think it will help--especially if I not only promise myself but others as well. And I'm gonna make myself continue some sort of exercise every day I'm out of town visiting relatives.
    Hope you all have a great next week! Looking forward to seeing all of your victories!
    @ Joy - that's good progress! And it sounds like you have a great plan for Thanksgiving!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    124.4 as of this morning, but it was after breakfast and I was feeling slight bloating. OH well still a loss!
    @ Wimberly - good job!
  • Mandalicious
    The updated spreadsheet is finally posted!

    ***Week 7 Mini-Challenge*** A tiny workout to squeeze in as extra: jog in place 1 minute, 30 lunges (your choice of style - alternating legs), jog in place 1 minute, 30 crunches (your choice of style), jog in place 1 minute. I just did this and it took me about 5 minutes. I never do crunches, so this will be good for me!

    Boy, sorry for the messages about this week. Feel like I have been on a roller coaster about feelings about food and weight. I have just been trying to figure out how to balance "life" with eating for weight loss. I thought maybe I should just give it up and switch to maintenance. But, no, after a lot of thought, I just need to figure out some way to push on during this holiday season. We have visitors from now through early January, but this is about me and doing what is right for my health, body, and mind. I started off pretty rocky this week - already over on Friday and today. My goal for Thanksgiving is to maintain my weight from last week. If I work hard Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday along with eating in moderation on Thursday, I think I can do it. :)

    @Mimi - Your determination to take care of yourself keeps me inspired. Thanks for all your encouragement. You rock!
    @Dave - Another week of loss! That is just so sweet to see!
    @Maria - Loss again this week - slow but steady is the best, right??
    @Wimberley - Great job shaving a bit more off. And congrats on your race, too!
    @Kelly - So good to see you back - have missed you!! (Do you want to send a weight for yesterday to benchmark for this coming Friday?)
    @Joy - Way to come back, kid, with that loss this week!
    Joe? Sam? How are you guys?

    What are you guys thinking about weigh-in this week? For a New Year's challenge, should we start the day after Thanksgiving?
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    @Mimi - Your determination to take care of yourself keeps me inspired. Thanks for all your encouragement. You rock!
    Thanks Mandy! You're welcome -- and thank YOU for your constant encouragement. You've done a great job of keeping me constantly motivated throughout the challenge! :flowerforyou:
    Boy, sorry for the messages about this week. Feel like I have been on a roller coaster about feelings about food and weight. I have just been trying to figure out how to balance "life" with eating for weight loss. I thought maybe I should just give it up and switch to maintenance. But, no, after a lot of thought, I just need to figure out some way to push on during this holiday season. We have visitors from now through early January, but this is about me and doing what is right for my health, body, and mind. I started off pretty rocky this week - already over on Friday and today. My goal for Thanksgiving is to maintain my weight from last week. If I work hard Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday along with eating in moderation on Thursday, I think I can do it. :)
    There's nothing to be sorry about, finding a good balance is tough! Congrats on deciding to persevere through the holidays. Maintaining through Thanksgiving is a great goal -- you can do it!

    As it turns out, I already celebrated Thanksgiving last Friday (we did it early since various family members had schedule conflicts this coming week), so I don't have any big food challenges this coming week. However, maintaining emotional equilibrium and avoiding stress induced binging will be a big challenge. Anyway, this week I'm going to try to stay under my calories every day through Thanksgiving. My goal is for my weight at the bonus weigh-in this Fri. to be close to my weight at the end of week 6 (128 lbs). Basically I'm going to try to lose the ~2 lbs of fat that I had gained from having stress induced binges almost every day last week..

    What are you guys thinking about weigh-in this week? For a New Year's challenge, should we start the day after Thanksgiving?
    Sounds good to me!
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Yeah, I am fine with our starting weight to be the Friday after Thanksgiving. I had early Thanksgiving with my family yesterday and am only up like 1/2 a pound from my weigh in on Friday, but I also didn't do so well drinking my water yesterday. I did have a little left overs today, but none of the sweets. I work hard most of the time, so I'm going to induldge during the holidays, and just work it off the week after. I have a goal in mind as to where I want to be at on Friday after Thanksgiving (basically stay under 230), if I do that, I will be happy with myself and can continue on until the next go around at Christmas time.

  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Trying my hand in posting a picture to the message boards. This is me with my 4 siblings. I'm all the way on the right in the plaid shirt. Love the way I'm looking and am ashamed at looking back at pictures of me over the last 8 years or so. I waited too long for this! Hopefully it uploads! This photo was from this weekend for my families Early Thanksgiving. I'm only .2 lbs heavier than I was on our weigh in on Friday, and I definitely enjoyed myself in the eating department on Saturday. Going to be good and work hard the next few days so I can enjoy Thanksgiving day (as well as my 5 year wedding anniversary) on Thursday!

  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Trying my hand in posting a picture to the message boards. This is me with my 4 siblings. I'm all the way on the right in the plaid shirt. Love the way I'm looking and am ashamed at looking back at pictures of me over the last 8 years or so. I waited too long for this! Hopefully it uploads! This photo was from this weekend for my families Early Thanksgiving. I'm only .2 lbs heavier than I was on our weigh in on Friday, and I definitely enjoyed myself in the eating department on Saturday. Going to be good and work hard the next few days so I can enjoy Thanksgiving day (as well as my 5 year wedding anniversary) on Thursday!

    Nice photo -- thanks for sharing! Its easy to see that all of your hard work has paid off!

    Great job on maintaining your weight through your first Thanksgiving dinner! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and anniversary!
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Forgot to post on Friday...

    Sept. 30: 269.8
    Oct 07: 269.8
    Oct 14: 267.8
    Oct 28: 268.8
    Nov 04: 267.0
    Nov 11: 265.4
    Nov 18: 265.0

    Only 0.4 pounds gone, but it's 0.4 lbs I'm not wearing anymore so that's the silver lining I'm holding onto. I hope I can pull a few more ounces off by Friday :-D
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Black Friday is as good a day as any to start the next round. I'm in.
  • MarineWifey09
    Thanks for the's been harder and harder the smaller the number gets and especially with my sweet tooth...I may start doing my own 10k once a week to stay on top of things. Especially with the hills out here on this base...WHEW!!! Good luck on this week everyone! I look forward to the next challenge Mandy puts together.

    Mandy- you are exceptionally great at making these challenges and sticking to them!!! THANK YOU!!!!!