

  • That is so super exciting. It's those seemingly small victories that make all the difference. I have just started the couch to 5k plan so I am still on the only one minute of running. Hopefully I will have success and keep up with it for the whole 8 weeks.
  • I wish I had a suggestion but I struggle with the same thing. Every morning I tell myself I am going to get up and exercise and yet I end up just hitting that snooze button until it is too late. The few times I have managed to start my day with exercise I feel great and love it but it still isn't enough motivation to get…
  • I am again new myself and this is also my 2nd attempt. I just had a new baby 8 weeks ago so I am trying to lose that baby weight and be able to fit back into my work uniform again. I could use all the support I can get as well.
  • Interesting. I too have been thinking about getting a body bugg so I look forward to seeing the results of your experiment.
  • We get in geocaching crazes every now and then, but i never thought of adding it as an exercise either. It will be even easier now that I finally bought a heart rate monitor that tells me how many calories I burned. I love the biking from cache to cache idea too.
  • I had one week where I was down 2 pounds on Thursday ( I record my weight on Fridays) and then on Friday I was down like another 3 pounds. I don't even know what I did different. Then I hit my plateau and didn't lose any weight for 2 weeks. I did however lose some inches. I am finally back to losing again. 3 pounds in 1…
  • Bump! Sounds yummy!
  • I loved it!!!!! Look forward to trying some of the other things on the menu. Applebees actually makes it fun to go out. I know the calories and I can eat something yummy without feeling deprived or guilty for going overboard.
  • I do 4 days of weight lifting a week. Upper body twice and lower body twice. My fitness instructor told me on the first two days to do 3 sets of 8 at the hardest weight I can manage and the next two days 3 sets of 15 at a lighter weight.
  • I have been seeing physical therapy for my back for a couple months. They told me to not do any high impact activity, therefore I have been doing 45 minutes on the elliptical 5 days a week. Sigh! About ready to throw that elliptical out the window, but as of this week I can finally start running again. I could bike too…
  • I am totally in. I would love to lose 10 pounds this month, but I would be happy with 8 since that is 2 pounds a week. I started at the end of February and I have lost 12 pounds since then, so hopefully this challenge will keep me from hitting a plateau. I always do my weigh ins on Fridays and as far as what i am going to…
  • Welcome! I too have always struggle with my weight. I lost 35 pounds while nursing and then gained it all back as soon as I stopped. It sucks. I too have tried so many fad diets my head spins. Since being on mfp for the last month, I have had nothing but success. It is awesome. I look forward to recording my food and…
  • I saw some posts about heart rate monitors that tell you how many calories you burn and I am thinking about getting one. The heart rate monitor I have was a cheap one that only tells your heart rate and nothing else. I didn't even think about logging 2 separate exercises. Thanks. I'll try that for now.
  • Someone asked the dietician in a class I took that same question. The answer is yes, but in moderation. You should be striving to eat 3500 calories less than you need a week to lose 1 pound which equals out to 500 a day. It is the weekly totals that count however. But you need to be careful not to each too much calories on…
  • My daughter is 21 months old and meets all the signs that she is ready to use the potty and has for a few months. The only problem is getting her to go on the potty. She will sit there reading books and playing with toys for as long as it takes me to shower and get ready in the morning, but she won't pee until the minute i…
  • I've been definitely struggling with this same thing. I have lost 12 pounds so far which, don't get me wrong, I am excited about, but I have only lost like 1 inch in my waist. I still can't even go down to the next smaller size in my pants yet. So where is the weight coming off from? I will keep going and hopefully I will…
    in Ugh. Comment by gadgetgizzmo March 2010
  • I have always struggled with weight. Then last year after my daughter was born I lost 35 pounds with weight watchers while I was nursing. Then as soon as I stopped nursing I gained the whole thing back. I know how frustrating that can be. It sucks. After moving I went back to weight watchers and still couldn't lose the…
  • Don't feel guilty. The fact that you even went to the gym in the hotel at all is awesome. It is so easy to get out of your routine when you are traveling, especially having to eat out all the time. Just keep thinking of the 13 pounds you already lost and and know that you can keep it up.
  • My favorite thing is pomegranites. It takes so long to get out all the seeds and eat them that it will last all evening or throughout the whole movie. Won't work at a movie theater though because there isn't enough light to see the seeds. LOL.
  • My gym offers Zumba too and I have been thinking about trying it out.
    in Zumba Comment by gadgetgizzmo March 2010
  • Some things like fiber is good to go over on. It's the stuff like the unhealthy fat that you don't want to go over on.
  • Thanks. I was just wondering the same thing myself. I mean I knew I had to be burning some calories in the 45 minutes I spend each day lifting weights.
  • I know I tried weight watchers for months and lost hardly anything and here I am almost 10 pounds gone in less than a month. Yay. The only frustrating thing is that my waist measurement hasn't gone done yet and that is what I really need to go down to pass my fitness test. Oh well, at least the weight is coming off, the…
  • I was just in a class with my dietician at work and she actually said that it is not bad to eat a small healthy snack before bed. My mom always ate a small snack and she is skinny. The bad thing is if you eat a whole lot of calories right before bed. But if you've been exercising you should still be burning calories for a…
  • Ooh that shake sounds yummy. I'll have to try it.
  • So far I haven't been eating the calories I burn doing cardio, but I have lost almost 2 pounds a week for the last three weeks I've been doing this. If I do decide to eat the calories i might only eat like half because i am not so sure how accurate the average calories burned are and I would hate to go over. Not sure if…
  • Don't completely forbid yourself the little things you enjoy. Just make sure and have it in moderation. I find that the more I forbid myself of something the more I want it. This is a lifestyle change, so you need to do something that you can always live with.
  • That cookbook looks awesome. Thanks!
  • I am one of the users who had a bad experience. The first several months were great. No period, just some spotting. Then after almost a year, I started getting lower back pain. It was gradual, but at the same time i had gained over 20 pounds that summer. Finally, in November, the pain got to the point I had to go to the…