SOooooo Am I seeting myself up for failure

CoureyPenna Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all I am giving this a go. Scared... wanting to be determined....... and after a complete flop in just one year.

I am a 290 pound 28 year old male, who just last year at this time was in the best shape I had been in since I was in High School. I had lost 50lbs. Only to step on the scale today and realize it has all come back on in a years time. I am getting married in July, and would love nothing more than to dig down deep and get the weight loss thing going again.

I have a list.. none of them better than the rest.

10:02 pm.... decision made.... I want to do this... I need to do this.


  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    And you WILL do this! You CAN and you WILL!
    I also lost a lot before my wedding--it's a great motivator!

    Good luck. This is a very supportive community, but just as importantly, the food diary is an amazing tool. Set up your goals and go for it!
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    Since you are getting married, I assume that you want to spend the rest of your life with your future wife. Make it a long life! :) Being healthy is the best gift you can give her.
  • Thank you for quick feedback of encouragement. Tomorrow shall bring a new day of a new beginning.
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    You can ABSOLUTELY do this!!! The MFP'ers are AMAZING!!! :flowerforyou: Your goals are so attainable, as you can see from all the success stories here!.. The one rule though is BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF , tracking everything you put in your mouth! Other then that your good! MFP is totally addictive!!! ENJOY!

    Congrat's on making the first step!! Cheers to your :drinker: successes !!
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    Good luck! You can definitely do it!
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    You can do this!!! First eliminate the negative mindset. All things are possible with hard work!!! Men drop it faster (sucks:), so I know you can shock yourself. Stay focused and best of luck to ya:)
  • And you will do it!!!
    Men always loose faster than women. In 3 months you can easily loose between 30-50 lbs.
    Stay focused and don't give up if you have one bad day, don't beat yourself up, but rather forgive yourself,
    let it go and move forward.
    I have lost 100 lbs and gained it all back.
    So believe me, I understand. So far I have lost 5 lbs so I realize I have a long way to go.
    But I try to focus on how good I'm doing and how good it feels to be exercising again, instead of how far I have to go.
    I will get there.
    You deserve to look great on your wedding day, and you will.
    Congratulations and good luck!
  • I have always struggled with weight. Then last year after my daughter was born I lost 35 pounds with weight watchers while I was nursing. Then as soon as I stopped nursing I gained the whole thing back. I know how frustrating that can be. It sucks. After moving I went back to weight watchers and still couldn't lose the weight probably cuz i wasn't tracking anything I ate. I started mfp exactly one month ago and have been extremely honest and strict with writing everything down (including those 7 peanut butter m&ms I stole from my daughter potty training prize bowl) and I have lost 12 pounds. I have even found myself having fun keeping track. I am so excited and glad I found this web site. Just be honest with yourself and write down everything you eat and you will do awesome.
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    You have done it before... you can do it again! You have taken the first step in deciding to do it. You have taken the second step by joining here. This is a WONDERFUL community and the people are fantastic and VERY supportive. We are all here for you as you need us. We will encourage you, support you, cheer for you, congratulate as, and give you the reality checks that you may need from time to time. Welcome... :o)
  • Яaquel
    Яaquel Posts: 90
    you will do this and succeed lol lots of luck, I love this website it has helped me alot.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    It all comes done to will power and determination to want better yourself and doing it! I know this because I have been down to 200 lbs twice once doing Atkins and the last time doing Weight Watchers. The last time being two years ago. I had some deaths in the family one my cousin who was 37 and died of stomach cancer and there other my grandfather. I have trouble dealing with death! I have tried in the past two years to turn it around but my heart wasn't it! But on Dec 28 the light bulb came on and has stayed on! We have to learn how to eat all over again! We need to make healthy choose for our bodies. It is all about portion control and moderation. It is time to find some new favorite foods. We need to do this for ourselves and remember that we need to keep it up when we reach our goal weight. You have come to the right place. You just need to find a support group of people to cheer you on through your journey! I will support you!
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