not feeling so great

hallswan Posts: 90
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I have not had such a great week - started off fine, but I had a work trip to Glasgow - and it is amazing when you are away from home, especially in a training course, that there is hardly any healthy foods. I tried my hardest - I even went to the gym in the hotel - but I am exhausted and i couldn't face the gym today - so I am feeling guilty and disappointed

Plan for the weekend - gym - both days - next week - I guess a fresh start

onwards and downwards :laugh:


  • Don't feel guilty. The fact that you even went to the gym in the hotel at all is awesome. It is so easy to get out of your routine when you are traveling, especially having to eat out all the time. Just keep thinking of the 13 pounds you already lost and and know that you can keep it up.
  • LiveKind
    LiveKind Posts: 12
    Tomorrow is another day....And you are doing SO well!! You inspire me!! I'm feeling similarly...Just joined this week (haven't even had my first weigh in with myself yet!) and didn't get to the gym today AND went over my calorie goal by 200 tonight. Boo. Oh well...I like your "onward and downwards" motto!! :smile:
  • motherhippo
    motherhippo Posts: 33 Member
    I know how you feel. I went over by a bunch today, but like you said, starting over is always there!! :heart:
  • klt1030
    klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
    Yep, I woke up this morning feeling all kinds of out of sorts. I lounged around the house this morning, ran my errands, took s teensy nap then had my date with Mr. Treadmill. I really thought I was going to have a "phone it in" kinda workout, but once I got moving, I felt better.

    We all have not so good days... it's what we do tomorrow that counts. :flowerforyou:
  • don't be so hard on yourself. traveling is ROUGH and we've all been to conferences, etc where there is absolutely nothing healthy to eat. be proud of the fact that you did your best in a tough situation. we're all rooting for you.....:happy:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I am out of town right now too and it is sooo hard. I specifically chose a hotel with a gym and pool...well, the gym equipment is in the same small room as the Sauna! It was like 85 degrees in the room with no ventilation. I got on the elpitical for 20 minutes and thought I was going to pass out it was sooo hot! :laugh: So i walked outside in the rain.:grumble: then I put my suit on to swim and got to the pool only to find the maintenance man there changing light bulbs so the pool was closed! :noway:

    We need to remember that one day or even one week is not going to make or break this for us. We just need to make sure we never quit! Just enjoy the experience of being someplace new and awesome!

    Best of Luck to you!
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    Thank you all for your encouragement. It's just what I needed! Much better today, but I am feeling exhausted! any ideas?
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