suggestions for hurt back

gpies Posts: 56 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all - just curious on this. I haven't worked out for about a week now (at all), which in turn has made me give up for a few days on eating right - yes, I know. Terrible (My eating has been off and on a bit but this situation didn't help at all). The reason behind my not working out however is due to a hurt back. I'm not even sure what I did to it, but I couldn't even move off the couch with heating pad for days. Couldn't bend, turn my head, sleep in any direction, nothing. Today is a week since it happened and I have most movement back, but still cannot turn my neck fully to each side. My back itself does not hurt as much and I am able to pick up my baby (2 yrs) which I couldn't even do whatsoever last week. But of course now that I am feeling about 75%, I'm itching to exercise and get back on track. Problem is, I'm not sure what to start with without causing injury to my back. I do everything from jogging, videos, weights (at home) Wii, etc. I haven't lost much weight since I've started, but am happy that my exercise routine was up to 4 days/week and making me feel better and stronger. This hurt back has been such a frustration and disappointment.

Any suggestions a) for something to get this back better b) something "light" I can start with (walking burns very few calories for me typically).... big sigh. or c) should I even attempt physical activity at all until the back is 100%?

I know I may get a " why don't you go to the doctor?" answer but I typically have a high tolerance for things and don't end up at the MD unless it is something outstanding - along with yearly physicals of course. Thanks for any imput!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Try walking. Walking loosens everything up. I used to have a really stiff back and since working out, I am so loosey goosey and I feel great. I don't know if you've injured yourself or what but walking shouldn't do much harm. If it hurts more, don't do it. Hope you feel better!
  • I have been seeing physical therapy for my back for a couple months. They told me to not do any high impact activity, therefore I have been doing 45 minutes on the elliptical 5 days a week. Sigh! About ready to throw that elliptical out the window, but as of this week I can finally start running again. I could bike too while I was on profile, but I could never get my heart rate up high enough on the bike. They also had me doing some back strengthening exercises on the ball. That helped some too.
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