Small NSV - Jogging

evonday Posts: 141 Member
Okay, so in High School *cough*8 years ago*cough* I wasn't much of a runner, I was in pretty decent shape, and I weighed about 170 lbs. I could jog a quarter mile in a 1 min 45 sec ish, but I couldn't keep the speed for long. Usually only 2-3 mins tops. That was 40 lbs lighter and 8 years younger.

Last night at the gym, after doing my strength training, I decided to do a walk on the treadmill before going home. Not trying to burn cals (otherwise I'd use the Elliptical), but just a cool down. Well, my work out partner starts jogging. I just wanted to walk, but I'm slightly competitive, and I thought, "**** it, let's see how long you can keep up with him."

So I pushed the treadmill to 4.5 and started jogging with him. I focused on the music of my iPod and I kept going for 7 minutes.
7. And I only had to stop at 7 because of a stomach cramp, not because my legs hurt. In fact, they felt like they could have kept going for double the time.

I haven't tried jogging in so long due to embarrassment, and when I was heavier, my knees and ankles hurt! But this time it was different. I did it for twice as long as I was able to when I was much younger and healthier. It just goes to show that I'm a lot stronger then I thought I was. I can't wait to try it again!

I know it must seem silly. 7 minutes isn't exactly long, not even a whole mile. But it was a serious improvement to me.


  • gadgetgizzmo
    That is so super exciting. It's those seemingly small victories that make all the difference. I have just started the couch to 5k plan so I am still on the only one minute of running. Hopefully I will have success and keep up with it for the whole 8 weeks.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    I think thats great theres never an accomplishment to small or silly to not be proud of. Good for you keep it up I recently started jogging, never in my life did I jog. I went from 60 seconds to now 33 mins to a 5k next month! And trust me any small increased increment is an increased increment, so YAY for you. :)
  • Cnava01
    Cnava01 Posts: 37
    Not silly at all, that is great!! Keep it up, just because, you can! :D
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    That is awesome!! I can't jog on the tread for 7 minutes yet but it's a goal. just started the C25k and hope by Sept 1st to run 5k, congrats on the success!!
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    That is a very big deal! Congrats!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey, thats where it starts. Just over A year ago, I couldnt jog more than 2/10s of a mile, now I can RUN a 5k, without feeling tired! Little steps. It won't be long before your running like your *kitten* is on fire!
  • RoseVernon
    RoseVernon Posts: 88
    Good job! I'm glad you pushed yourself.
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I honestly believe that I will continue to get stronger so long as continue to stay good on my diet and exercise.
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