i have abut 100 lbs to lose as well!
Thanks so much for sharing! great, informative article! gave me a lot to think about in terms of prep.
Thanks! i have been reading that i will need to get my upper body and grip strength up..thanks!
Hi, i'm damion feel free to add me, more support never hurts!
Wow, you people are awesome..i can relate to sooo much of what you all are saying...i have been yo-yoing for years...i got tired of it...i got tired of being the reference point ("man that guy is big, he's bigger than you!) tired of putting off the races i wanted to tired of not wearing the clothes in my…
I run at work, those are great tips..fortunately I have access to a shower
Drop em like he's hot..
gee wiz, congrats!
Welcome! nice to meet ya! im doing a half marathon on that day too! God's Country in coudersport, PA!
bout to turn 34!
Hey thats a good friggin job! keep it up!
Great Job! nice to meet ya!
its a program to help you train a group for a 5K and it has a weekly bible study to go along with it. it seemed cool but i never used it.
6'1, 266, im defintiely not the the traditional runner either lol
oh feel free to add me!
i know the feeling! consistency is the key!
sure thing..welcome!!
i recently had to deal with plantar fasciitis. sometimes it feels like its at the ball but it may emanates from the heel. does it really hurt in the AM and get a little better throughout the day? if its its what i had you may have to do a series of stretches for it to feel better. it could mean you have to wear a…
forget about yesterday, it's gone
Thanks everybody..i'm 6'1'' and about 257 today a few yars ago i weighed btwn 205-219 and some races (marathon, etc). my downfalls would occur after the birth of both of my would seem that with each pregnancy i would gain weight with my wife..but as she would eventually lose all of it, i would be stuck with it. My…