Battlefrog 5k obstacle race

Hi, has anyone done a battlefrog obstacle race/ or any obstacle race? what's it like? Will i die? Will i wish i were dead? any training tips? thanks!


  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member

    I did my first obstacle race/mud run 2 weeks a go.

    Although it was hard, it was absolutely brilliant and have signed up for two more this year including Tough Mudder.

    I'm sure you won't wish you were dead, I was really buzzing at the end from all the adrenaline.

    I found upper body strength to be really important as there was a lot of pulling yourself over obstacles/climbing etc so that would be something to work on. Running is important as well, although the obstacles break things up a bit so you won't be running a straight 5k.
  • damionruns
    damionruns Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks! i have been reading that i will need to get my upper body and grip strength up..thanks!
    _TEMPEST_ Posts: 205
    I ran my first last year. Loved it so much that I did another! This year my family is joining me so we can run as a team.
    Here's an article that gives some really good, honest advice from mud/obstacle runners. My personal advice is to develop your upper body strength and flexibility. Being flexible will really be an asset when facing those obstacles.

    Most of all, HAVE FUN with it!
  • damionruns
    damionruns Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing! great, informative article! gave me a lot to think about in terms of prep.
    I ran my first last year. Loved it so much that I did another! This year my family is joining me so we can run as a team.
    Here's an article that gives some really good, honest advice from mud/obstacle runners. My personal advice is to develop your upper body strength and flexibility. Being flexible will really be an asset when facing those obstacles.

    Most of all, HAVE FUN with it!