

  • Are you consuming diet soda? That always makes me break out. I know they say that food isn't related, but they've done studies recently to show that some foods may trigger acne.
  • Funny this topic should come up - I was just thinking about buying one of these. I have heard good and bad about this machine, but from the reviews I have read, my impression is that it will give you a good cardio workout if you are kind of a beginner. If not, it's good to keep active, but something more intense might be a…
  • I count it when I'm doing things that I know are above and beyond day-to-day things. If I'm moving a lot of furniture, or carrying things up and down the stairs (like our carpet cleaner, ugh). If it's just your average vacuum, dust and dishes it doesn't count to me.
  • It looks great on some people, but on some people it can be a disaster!
  • I have to have the openings on my pillow cases face out. Never thought about that until reading yours here!
  • A few requests I get from my friend in the UK are: Hershey's anything Kraft blue cheese dressing Frank's Red Hot Sauce Double Stuff Oreos
  • I do that, too. Or, like, I'll watch myself fingerspelling something in the reflection of a window and not realize that people are looking at me funny.
  • Yes, I totally do the same thing.
  • I have a tendency to eat all the chocolate coating off of kitkats and then eat layers of the wafers one at a time. It's hard work, somehow very satisfying.
  • This made me laugh so hard.
  • I constantly feel that I've trapped my cats in the dryer. So when I turn it on, I stop to check it no less than 4 times before I will let it go on a full cycle. And even then, I ask my husband multiple times if he's seen the cats just to make sure.
  • Lol, that's the kind of crazy that I can appreciate. I make my husband take a shower and do any bathroom-related activities BEFORE I clean it. And I make him go to another bathroom for at least 3 hours after I've cleaned to preserve that "just-cleaned" feeling when I walk in.
  • I won't deny that...
  • And now for more: I have to eat my sandwiches crust first, meaning that I eat all around the outside first so that only the middle is left. This applies to ALL sandwiches and burgers. I won't touch door handles unless I have something to cover my hand. I will use my shirt if I have to (and have many, many times).
  • Oooh, I have lots of these. I can't stand it when people touch me on the top of my head. I also hate the sound of people brushing their teeth.
  • YES! (I love kitties)
  • I love it.
  • Financial aid is messing up our lives. You must be bored at work, yes?
  • It's ok. We're all suspect of binges! At least, that is what I told myself this morning after waking up from a fried chicken, fried okra, mashed potato, and honey butter biscuit meltdown. Just know that you can still come back from it by making smart choices for the rest of the day. And tomorrow is a fresh start all…
  • I wore these for about 6 months and started to have pain and swelling in my feet. Went to the doctor and he told me that it was tendonitis that may have been caused by wearing those shoes!! I've heard there are debates on whether or not these are good for you - but for me, they definitely weren't!
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. What a terrible loss to endure. So true we take for granted a lot of things that we shouldn't - our health included. Thank you for the reminder and many thoughts and prayers to the family who lost their child. :(
  • Good luck with your journey!! Gotta do what's best for YOU!!
  • I'm in San Antonio, too, and wouldn't mind trading some weather if you're interested??
  • This might be what you had: http://www.food.com/recipe/vietnamese-fish-simmered-in-caramel-sauce-ca-kho-to-56112 Sounds pretty delicious. :)
  • My aunt does this all the time. Drives me bonkers!
  • I am in the same boat as you. I actually gained weight, though. One thing to consider is the week before and of your period. My weight can sometimes be wacky for those two weeks.
  • I was just going to suggest trying a beauty school. Much less expensive. If it's any consolation, the color will fade over time. Just keep washing - try a clarifying shampoo. But in the long run, professional is the best way to return your color to what you're used to.
  • I do, too. Seems to be the best motivation right now. But, now I'm curious if this will be detrimental to my body image, too.
  • Congrats on your 11 pounds lost and welcome to MFP! I, too, gained a bunch after I quit smoking and then never really quit gaining. I'm glad I stopped smoking, but I sure wish I hadn't gone overboard on my food intake. :)
  • Cupcakes are literally my BIGGEST obstacle. I could eat my way through a field of them if they grew in the wild and never look back. You are a brave soul!! Great job!