Hair Crisis! Please help!!!

I'm SO stressed out right now!! My natural hair color is light brown but I've been dying it like a medium to dark blonde for the past few years. For some dumb reason, I decided I was bored of my hair color & wanted a change so I decided to go darker & dye it brown. So, last night I went to Target & bought a box of L'Oreal Superior Preference in 5A-Medium Ash Brown. I didn't notice/realize until AFTER I had already died my hair that it was a permanent rather than a semi-permanent hair color.

I was hoping for a nice, medium brown shade. Not as light as my natural light brown color but definitely didn't want it super dark brown/almost black either. Well, long story short, it somehow came out so dark that it was almost black!! I almost cried when I first saw it. It looked awful on me. I read online that dish soap (for washing dishes) works good to strip hair color. So, in the shower last night after I dyed my hair, I washed my hair with the dish soap like SIX times. It did help somewhat to strip the color but not very much as my hair is still quite dark & nowhere near the blonde is used to be.

I just looked online at salons in my area & it seems that the going rate for a corrective color is around $100.00 which I really can't afford right now. However, I absolutely can't stand my hair this color as it really looks awful & now I just want my pretty blonde color back. Any suggestions would be MUCH appreciated as I literally don't even want to leave the house with my hair color the way it is right now. :(


  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Better to pay the hundred bucks than to try some other way to strip the color (and the health) out of your hair.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I'm so sorry. But honestly, I would let a professional do it or live with it. Because you can make it look much worse and ruin it if you keep trying to adjust it on your own.
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    You can always buy a bleaching kit and then dye it back to the colour you would like.
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    look up salon professionals beauty school (there might be one in your area). My friend is in beauty school and their hair coloring is WAY cheaper because it is performed by students- with teacher supervision of course!
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    Just keep washing...whatever you do, do NOT color it or put any other chemicals in your hair unless a professional does it. Do you have any purifying shampoos? They may strip the color a little bit faster than a regular shampoo....
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Is there a cosmetology school near you? They likely can perform the same service for a lot less money, supervised by licensed cosmetologists and done by those in the last weeks/months of their training. I would not recommend trying a color correct on your own. I, too, colored my hair and had it turn jet black when it was supposed to be an auburn brown. Apparently, it's pretty common to have happen and it's called "grabbing." My staff called me Morticia, it was so black. I spent $150 and 3 hours getting it fixed at a good salon. They basically strip your hair of all pigment, and then reintroduce a color. Done correctly, it's a lifesaver. Done incorrectly, and you may lose your hair to breakage. Incidentally, I've never colored my own hair since!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    The also make a product called Color oops, sold at most drugstores........relatively cheap...
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    It will fade over the next couple days. But don't wash your hair with dishsoap. The only way to strip the color is with a stripper, like bleach. Don't try it yourself, see a professional. I used to work in a salon with a lady who spcialized in corrective color. I've seen some pretty horendous at-home accidents. Be careful you don't over process it.
  • jinxywinx
    jinxywinx Posts: 38
    I was just going to suggest trying a beauty school. Much less expensive.

    If it's any consolation, the color will fade over time. Just keep washing - try a clarifying shampoo. But in the long run, professional is the best way to return your color to what you're used to.
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    I think whatever you do, professional or not, your hair is really going to suffer. I went dark once and hated it but waited a while and then progressively went back to blonde so I didn't ruin my hair.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I have 1 answer-SHAVE YOUR HEAD.....afterall it is Cancer Awareness week!. Donate your hair.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Try Head & Shoulders shampoo that used to strip the colour from my hair ,hope you get sorted soon .
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Unless you have a professional do it, DO NOT put any more dye in your hair. Trying to lighten it now, can cause it to get stuck in the orange phase which is way worse than anything that is there now. I am sure its just the shock of the extreme difference. Even permanent hair color fades with washing so wash the heck out of it.
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    i would also say go to a professional, but if that really isnt an option at the moment o to walmart and get some sun-in and put it in wet hair and blow dry it will not be an immediate fix and will take time, but it is to help the sun bring in the natural highlights so it will help a little
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    go get it fixed right so you dont damage your hair, you start putting too much cheap color on your hair it will dry out and get brittle then you wont be able to get the correction done.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Head and Shoulders!! I once called a help line for some hair coloring product and that's what they advised me. It worked. I did it like a hundred times (my scalp HURT) but it lightened it. I was able to go to my best friend's wedding w/o purple hair! Yes, purple..
  • peacestar84
    peacestar84 Posts: 100
    Unfortunately to save your hair from permanent damage you really need to seek out professional salon help. Especially if you want to go from dark to blonde. Home stripping products can cause dry brittle hair and don't actually work that well, when I was a teenager I tried to switch up from dark to light and had to cut almost all my hair off from the harsh processes. Save up for salon and try to learn to like the dark look or go buy some bandana's and sport a new look.
  • electricnarwhal
    What about getting highlights? A lot of people I know do that, when they want to go blonde... It's a gradual process, though. The color you have will fade and lighten eventually, too.
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    As a former hair stylist, you'd be better off going to see a professional. It may cost the $100, but if it's one color now you have a couple of options, if you try and color again, you will have darker/ lighter areas and possibly an orange tint.
    You can either have the color stripped from your hair using bleach, or start again with a heavy highlite to get back to some of the blonde. Pelase keep in mind that color will not remove another color, only bleach can! Good luck!