honeysprinkles Member


  • also, as long as you know that you're losing water weight, I see no issue with that. Being/feeling bloated sucks and sometimes it just comes out of nowhere!
  • I have tried it, also didn't really notice anything but I never really did for longer than a day or two. I don't think there's any harm in trying though, although it does have a little bit of an odd taste!
  • Not even just "normal" but also fit and lean. I think they all look great!
  • she looks good of course, but ya definitely not 119 pounds, she looks like she has some muscle. I'm 5'6" and at 119 I looked smaller than her and was smaller than a size 4.
  • When I was 185 (at 5'6") , high intensity for me would burn about 10-11 calories a minute, medium about 8, walking (for exercise, not leisurely) maybe 6-7. So I would estimate based on how hard it was (how fast your heart rate, etc.) and multiply probably 8-10 calories times the number of minutes. Obviously your results…
  • I'm a full-time student studying finance and I have an internship with a financial services firm. Besides getting up to make a copy/fax/get something from the printer, I mostly just sit at a desk at my internship so it's definitely not too active. I have to make an effort to take a long walk or workout to hit my 10,000…
  • you can work almost anything into your daily goal, especially if you add in a workout. I just look up the calories to what I want before I order it and make sure it fits with the rest of my day.
  • I agree with this, too. I consider taking walks a part of just keeping active and not necessarily in the same way as other forms of exercise when it comes to rest days and all that. Not to say that it's not exercise, it's great for you and will help out your weight loss, but I see no harm in walking every day, especially…
  • I just got my hair done twice in one week (first time I got a lot of highlights that I hated and had to go somewhere else to get my hair redone), but basically the first set of highlights really dried out my hair! Luckily I don't sweat a lot (although I haven't been working out a lot lately either), but I have thinner hair…
  • I prefer netflix. I hate commercials and I can never keep up with shows as they're on tv. Also, netflix is so much cheaper than cable, as soon as my cable contract is up in july I'm canceling it!
  • in my experience, yes. I have done the same thing many times and I never lose. You can spend a week building up a deficit of 3500 and easily make up for it on the weekend at restaurants!
  • My goal is to burn about 2,100 calories a day, but on here I have my activity level to lightly active which puts me around 1880 (for days when I'm not as active). Now that I have a fitbit, I don't pay attention to net calories at all, I just look at my calorie burn for the day and decide what kind of deficit range I want…
  • It's not for me, but I think it works for a lot of people and I'm a big fan of people doing whatever works for them! ...as long as you actually eat enough on non-fast days, at least. I had some girl on my friend's list say that her dr. told her it was really healthy and great and blah blah blah, but then she deleted me…
  • I'm about 5'5.75 so I always round up to 5'6" lol my goal is 115, currently fluctuating between 120-125. started at 185!
  • :flowerforyou:
  • I've never heard of that term before right now! although the angle obviously exaggerates the look of thinness, but a lot of people's hip bones and ribs extend more when they're laying down. I don't really get it I guess lol
  • you probably only lost a lot in 5 days because a lot of it was just dropping water weight from a decrease in your sodium intake! it's not likely that you'll be able to keep up that kind of pace. You might be able to get away with more than 2/week, but you're not going to manage 10 pounds a week for a month. It just doesn't…
  • yes, I thought it was very clear that this post was not actually directed at everyone on this website but instead the people who have criticized the OP about her body/goals. lol
  • That's exactly why I try to not even bring up my goals to anyone besides my husband anymore! There's no nice way to say "I don't really care about your opinion on this," especially to family or close friends!
  • mine occasionally comes a week or 2 late also, it's really annoying but I think it just happens sometimes. It could be from the exercise or it could be from a lot of other different things, but seeing a doctor never hurts!
  • I just wanted to add (after reading everyone else's comments about walking being "good for a beginner" or whatever) that I am 2 years into this, can go 2 hours on the elliptical at a high intensity level, have lost 65 pounds, and still consider walking as exercise. No, it's not very intense, but it's relaxing and something…
  • I disagree with this. Sure it's not an intense workout, but it's definitely something and if you keep a fast pace you can burn a decent amount of calories too.
  • I count walking as exercise! I took an hour long walk today and burned 330 calories according to my heart rate monitor. Doing that everyday can really add up!
  • that's why i went with the one, it's the cheapest and I also like that it's not visible all the time. I just clip it to my bra, I didn't really like the idea of wearing one around my wrist all the time.
  • 28? can't see your face either lol and my face isn't in mine too
  • I eat what I like, so I do use coffee creamer, eat chips, drink diet soda, have fast food, etc. I try not to eat terribly all the time but I lost my weight by exercising and having a calorie deficit! (I've lost 65 pounds in total so my ticker isn't accurate).
  • try eating at least 1200 calorie and adding back some on exercise days too. you're making weight loss a lot harder than it needs to be by under eating. increase your calories a little, you'll have more energy and likely burn more throughout the day as well as feel a lot better!
  • I'm indifferent to it, but it's not something I would have ever signed up for. Seeing thin people at the gym was always motivating for me, but I do get that it makes others uncomfortable/self conscious.
  • I got the fitbit one for Christmas (only $99 and it clips to my bra so it's not visible). So far, I really really like it! It motivates me to not sit around all day!
  • other people definitely get used to seeing you a certain way. if you eat healthy, eat enough, feel good, and like your body and can maintain it while being happy and having other good things going on in your life, then I'd guess that you're just fine. I don't know your height, but I weigh around 120 and I'm 5'6" and I…