

  • Wallet, inhaler, epi-pen (in case I run into some seafood), three or four lipsticks I never use, keys, cellphone, Tylenol (I get a lot of headaches!), chapstick, wedding invitations. Those don't stay there. Oh, and some tampons, because even when I don't need them, the girls are work who don't carry purses DO! Also gas…
  • I never got hit on until after I started dating my fiancee. Silly men. The ring means NOT available. I was told once, before I met my guy, that I'm "intimidating." 5'8" with long legs and real boobs, defined waist even when I'm not at my best weight, usually smiling or laughing and trying ot be agreeable and supportive.…
  • Someone else mentioned really high arches and being more comfortable in heels. Same here! My very favorite shoes are a pair of candy-apple red wedges with a 2.5 inch heel. The angle supports my arches more comfortably than any insole I've found for flats. (and, as I already have pinup girl legs, the heels make my legs look…
  • I'm so sorry to hear about Oreo. In the end, he knew you loved him and that's the most important thing. I remember vividly, holding my old German Shepherd as the vet gave him the shot...everyone in the room was crying, me, my fiancee, the tech, the vet...Sport was a long time patient and they really did care about him…
  • Mine is a member here as well, not very active, but a member. We read each other posts we find interesting or amusing, compare food diaries to make sure we're both logging the same dinner (do you KNOW how many entries there are int he food library for ribeye steak???). We work out together every day and pretty much talk…
  • My red-eared slider, Gamera, went from the size of a quarter to six inches long in just about two years. At that point my 20 gallon tank was no longer enough space for her speed-racing swimming habits, so I gave her to a local pet store to rehome for me. (along with a request that she go to either a pond or an ENORMOUS…
  • I call Mastiffs speedbumps...there's one that visits the nursing home where I work, a lovely therapy dog named George. When his owners says it's time to leave, he'll literally lie down across the hallway (usually at lunchtime when the residents are trying to get to their dining rooms) until someone bribes him to move. His…
  • Ahhhh! Love that expression! ROFL
  • I prefer my own boobs natural. What anyone else does with theirs is up to them! Then again, other than having my earlobes pierced, I'm not really cool with doing anything that isn't necessary that might involve poking, jabbing, cutting, or inserting foreign objects into my body! even if it's doctor recommended, like the…
  • Heh...I live in the middle of nowhere. Unless I want to take a day trip out of town, I end up shopping online. (gas...who can afford to drive and still shop when they get there?) I'll have to make plans to go out of town during my vacation next month. Hopefully I can get my sisters to go with me and keep me awake on the…
  • I know what you mean about family members. Just keep in mind, you're doing this for YOU! Not for them, or anybody else. You. Sometimes you have to be a little selfish. LOL Oh, and don't worry about that pound...just keep doing what you're doing and eventually it'll take the hint and leave, taking a few of its friends with…
  • Yep, I'm sexy. It took me a while to realize it, as I've never been one to get a lot of attention from guys. Then I got on meds for my depression, started exercising to break the mood cycles, and found my attitude shifting from self-hatred to actually being comfortable in my skin. Enough that I actually stopped hiding in…
  • I think that widow is smaller than the one I found in my BED a few years ago. I called my dad to kill it, normally I kill spiders myself but that one was special, you know? LOL They're beautiful but creepy as could be and I do kill them if they are in my house, or yard, as I don't need one biting my little 14 pound demonic…
  • My biggest thing is NO HOLES!!! If the t-shirt looks like it was just dragged out of my rats' cage, where they shred fabric into nice fluffy nesting material, don't wear it. If the lower legs of your jeans are held on by a two-inch strip of denim that hasn't ripped yet, don't wear it! I have no problem with jeans and a…
  • My cat, Mischief, just sits and watches while my fiancee and I work out. Then, when we're doing our cooldown, he comes wandering over, and circles around our legs in crazy figure 8's. He's also been know to shut off the dvd player just as we're working up a good sweat. Silly cat. I think he thinks we should get all our…
  • I am NOT the emotional trainwreck I was a year and a half ago. I am NOT defined by my social life (or lack thereof)! I am NOT an ostrich. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
    in I am NOT Comment by EdieBird June 2011
  • Thanks. It feels really good to know that I'm doing something right for myself, and maybe heading off the problems that run in my family so very strongly. I don't want to wait until AFTER the fact to start doing something to prevent heart attacks and diabetes! Especially knowing that my grandfather had his first heart…
  • My guy is a geek, but then, so am I...so we have some fantastic debates about the nature of science fiction versus fantasy, various historical figures and what their "real" motivations were, and which version of Dungeons & Dragons is the best. Very stimulating, for both of us, really. I found it very sexy when he said to…
  • oops, double post...
  • Last year for Halloween my fiancee and I dressed up as a gangster and a demonic flapper. LOL
  • I've noticed it, with soda and Cheetos. I never thought Cheetos would taste gross but GAG! So salty, and not at all cheesy, and just horrible! If I want cheese I'll just have a bit of REAL cheese. (maybe a wedge of Laughing Cow on some celery) Sodas are all way too sweet now, and the bubbles give me hiccups anyway. LOL
  • I gave up coffee some time ago. I'll still have a cup now and then, usually at my mom's house or if I'm out with my sisters. When I do, I go ahead and have cream and sugar or a latte or whatever and just make sure I don't eat as much food, since a latte can have a heckuva lot of calories. I too felt addicted to it, and…
  • My fiancee and I have two dogs, GingerSnap, a four year old fur-clad alligator, and Beau, a three year old lump of sugar. Okay, so GingerSnap is a Dachshund, not technically a miniature OR a standard, as minis are only supposed to reach 11 pounds and standards start at 16. As you can see from her pics, I'm fanatical about…
  • I take that back about making my dress...I MAY make my dress. I may buy it at ybridal.com as I really cannot make my dream dress for less than some of those gowns! I'm seeing excellent reviews on the dresses that have them, might be worth a look.
  • etsy.com for rings! Ooooh my goodness, handcrafted and custom and vintage and almost anything you can imagine! My fiancee bought my diamond for my dream ring there, though the ring itself is on layaway at a local jeweler. Just be sure to check the feedback on anyone you might buy from, and ask them questions before…
  • I'm 5' 9", which is fine with my 6' 5" fiancee. I can even wear heels and not be taller than him. Yay! (I kinda like heels, make me feel all sexified and stuff) One thing I noticed today, somehow the topic of bra sizes came up at work today, and two of my co-workers, both a good 4-8 inches shorter than myself, wear the…
  • Buy a bikini! I've never worn one, always too embarrassed by my belly bulge. (which is shrinking dramatically even though my weight isn't dropping fast, but I'm cool with that)
  • My fiancee and I change up ours whenever we start to either get bored with our usual routine, or if we stop feeling the challenge. We have a bunch of DVDs we cycle through and will probably be getting more, and one of these days we'll commit to the 30 Day Shred for a whole month. Having a partner helps a lot though,…
  • I don't know exactly WHY I don't like Red Delicious. They're good fresh from the tree, I just hate them once they've been packed and shipped. They don't stay as crisp as I'd like them to be, get all mealy or something. My fiancee loves them though. Yellow Delicious, on the other hand, I will eat with abandon. I just bought…
  • Sounds like someone trying to wind you up to me. Everything I can find says Pink Lady apples are a late-ripening variety, taking longer than most other varieties, which lets the natural sugars develop more. I'd think you'd be able to taste the difference in natural and artificially sweetened apples, NO artificial sweetener…