'Pink Lady' Apples

I heard a rumour that the pink lady brand of apple has loads of aprtificial sugar pumped into them which is why they taste so good! is this the case or is it a total wind up?
i hope for the latter :) xx


  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    oh my gosh I hope not. Those are my favorite apples. I'm going to have to do some research on this.
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    Oh I hope not, just looked it up and there is no mention of it on the old Google search. They are the best apples and have such a short season here in NZ and mostly the ones grown here are exported :sad:. I sincerely hope this isn't true.:happy:
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    Sounds like someone trying to wind you up to me. Everything I can find says Pink Lady apples are a late-ripening variety, taking longer than most other varieties, which lets the natural sugars develop more. I'd think you'd be able to taste the difference in natural and artificially sweetened apples, NO artificial sweetener has that apple flavor.

    Personally I prefer Braeburn of Fuji apples, but I like my apples to have a little more bite to them! (and I'll NEVER, ever, knowingly eat a Red Delicious, kind of an apple snob...) Working on a bag of Galas right now though. I can't wait for fall when I can get real fresh local apples...I'm just a few miles from apple country!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Um, NO. I don't know how that rumor got started, but you can't do that to a whole, fresh apple. You can put a bunch of nutrients into the ground to grow a better apple, but there's nothing artificial about that. In fact, that's usually better for you, the apple, and the planet than organic. Healthy soil makes a healthy tree, which is able to fight off pests without the aid of pesticides, and you don't strip the soil of nutrients.

    They taste so good because someone took a bunch of other really tasty apples, bred them together, patented and reproduced the best one, then monitored them VERY closely so that they were picked at the peak of ripeness to ensure maximum amount of natural sugars.

    Also, as a bonus, if you go to buy a Pink Lady and the label on the apple actually says Crisps Pink, don't buy it. It's the same apple, but that's the label American companies put on it so they don't have to pay the royalties to the New Zealand company that patented the name. Buy the real thing. The farmers will thank you.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Sounds like someone trying to wind you up to me. Everything I can find says Pink Lady apples are a late-ripening variety, taking longer than most other varieties, which lets the natural sugars develop more. I'd think you'd be able to taste the difference in natural and artificially sweetened apples, NO artificial sweetener has that apple flavor.

    Personally I prefer Braeburn of Fuji apples, but I like my apples to have a little more bite to them! (and I'll NEVER, ever, knowingly eat a Red Delicious, kind of an apple snob...) Working on a bag of Galas right now though. I can't wait for fall when I can get real fresh local apples...I'm just a few miles from apple country!

    I've never understood the aversion to Red Delicious, or why everyone is so into Galas. I'm the other way around. Then again, I always got them straight off the tree, so that might have something to do with it.

    Have you tried Honeycrisps? They're sweet, a bit tart, and really crunchy. They're so tasty! I also recommend Cameos. They're similar, but a bit less sweet.
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    I don't know exactly WHY I don't like Red Delicious. They're good fresh from the tree, I just hate them once they've been packed and shipped. They don't stay as crisp as I'd like them to be, get all mealy or something. My fiancee loves them though. Yellow Delicious, on the other hand, I will eat with abandon.

    I just bought Gala this time 'cause they were on sale! LOL Honeycrisp are good, all the ones I've had were HUGE! Never tried Cameo, if I run across some anytime I'll try them.

    Of course I'm a freak who will happily munch on a Granny Smith with no thought of putting it in a pie...
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    not sure if thats true id guess not but i really dont like them they are too sweet for me i prefer granny smiths which is good as all my family hate them always guarenteed a snack no one will touch lol
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I don't know exactly WHY I don't like Red Delicious. They're good fresh from the tree, I just hate them once they've been packed and shipped. They don't stay as crisp as I'd like them to be, get all mealy or something. My fiancee loves them though. Yellow Delicious, on the other hand, I will eat with abandon.

    I just bought Gala this time 'cause they were on sale! LOL Honeycrisp are good, all the ones I've had were HUGE! Never tried Cameo, if I run across some anytime I'll try them.

    Of course I'm a freak who will happily munch on a Granny Smith with no thought of putting it in a pie...

    That's so true. I hate when I bite into one and it's all mushy like that. Only time I'll throw an apple out.

    I've noticed Cameos are still kind of hard to come by, but they're definitely worth it if you find them.

    I consider that perfectly normal.