Are you Sexy?



  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    Yep, I'm sexy. It took me a while to realize it, as I've never been one to get a lot of attention from guys. Then I got on meds for my depression, started exercising to break the mood cycles, and found my attitude shifting from self-hatred to actually being comfortable in my skin. Enough that I actually stopped hiding in baggy t-shirts and jeans, started wearing skirts and heels and cute tops, and liking the person I saw in the mirror.

    Then I met my now-fiancee, and he's been telling me how beautiful and sexy I am every day since. The really amazing thing about him is that he really does notice everything. I color my hair, he sees it immediately. New dress? I hear how amazing it looks. Different color eyeshadow? He tells me how it makes my eyes pop.

    Oh, and he's pretty damn sexy too...LOL