melo78 Member


  • Hi, I know this is old...But did you end up sticking with Orange Theory? Im thinking of joining was just wondering how it was going for you? We have the same goals.
  • You sound a lot like me! I am about a week and a half in (I randomly started on a Saturday). It is now just part of my routine, even days I dread, I make myself do it! And, afterwards I am so glad I did! Just give it your all - one day at a time (atleast for 5 weeks and go from there). Friend me if you want, we can keep…
  • great job guys! i started december 1st, im excited to get back into the habit of it! hope everyone got their workouts in!
  • I was thinking of starting the 30ds today too! But, after work...
  • how is everyone doing?? im still plugging away..into level 2. it is starting to get easier.
  • I just finished day 10 of level 1...i'm so glad i have stuck with it!:) ---i wanted to make excuses everyday about how busy i was. if you are interested in joining, i personally don't mind because i appreciate cheering eachother on. so...welcome!
  • You look great! Thanks for the motivation! I am the same, I workout everyday --but now I need to commit to logging everyday. Keep up the good work!
  • hey guys! sorry i haven't checked-in in awhile...but, i have been doing the shred. today is days 6 and i haven't gotten motivated to do it yet! i really want to not take any i will eventually do it today!:) how is everyone else?
  • Good for you! I hear ya on the black eyes;) Day 2 done this morning...I really like getting it done in the morning!
  • Day one complete --feels good to start again! I am going to track my food daily too, no matter if I am over. And, I like the idea of not weighing in for the entire 30 days...definitely hard to do! I've heard so many people say it's an even better idea to take measurements, so I will try to find my tape measure.
  • Perfect! Thanks Katie! I'm excited to complete the 30 *FULL* days again. It's been tough to get back on track but I'm determined. I'm 33 and I have a beautiful 5 year old girl. I've always been comfortable right around 140-150# (I'm 5'6") and I've let myself hit 160. A year ago, I lost 20+# (shred and eating in my…
  • WOW~! you look amazing! you should be really proud of all your hard work! definitely motivating me to do my ripped in 30 (still in package)...i too had great results from 30ds! thank you for sharing & keep it up, you have awesome determination!
  • Beer, no question about it! But, I'm from Wisconsin, so that says enough.
  • Oh man, you guys are freakin' me out! I was just about to start today. I did two rounds of 30DS, wanted to try something new so I bought NMTZ and Ripped in 30. So, now you have me asking what to do. Since I did 30DS I haven't worked out (about 2ish weeks). I already feel back out of shape.. Do you guys have any of her…
  • ~~I'm about to end this thread. I've got the heavyweight belt of bad relationships. Ahem... Former fiancee faked terminal brain cancer to cover drug/alcohol addiction. *bows* thank you, thank you. ______ wow! that is pretty low! people are sick
  • Wow! You look great! Definitely something to be proud of! :)
  • I have been thinking of getting the Wii Zumba, but I heard (who knows if it's true) that Wii is coming out with Zumba2 in November. So, I figure I will wait til then just in case. I worried about being able to keep up too, but like previous posters said, just keep moving. I think I will try it! :)
  • Hello ladies, it's great to find people in the same situation and support eachother. The working out is what I find to be the hardest to fit in. Feel free to add me. Good luck to all of you! :)
  • Joining is a great start, so congrats on that! Pretty soon it will all become second nature, and part of your life. I've been on here for over 2 months. I decided to join when my doctor, god bless him, told me i was obese. I thought, wtf, seriously!? I'm 5-6"/5-7" and weighed almost 165. Since, I have lost 15# and feel…
  • You can do it! :)
    in MFP Round #2 Comment by melo78 July 2011
  • Hey guys, haven't checked in for awhile, but I am still shredding! You guys are all doing so awesome! Today is D10 for me. For some reason L1 hurts the middle part of my back - bad (right around bra line) and this happened the last time I did 30DS. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing something right :)--imagine that! (or like…
  • you are doing great! keep up all the hard work, it is clearly paying off!!
  • Have you guys done 30Day Shred? If so, how do you think it compares? I want to try something new after 30Day Shred (and thinking of trying Ripped). Or any other JM DVDs you recommend? Thanks
  • D4L1 completed. I definitely did not feel like doing it today, I was off today and it feels about 100degrees outside/humid -- I'm feeling unmotivated.:) I have done 30DS before (last month), but this time I am pushing myself harder. You guys are doing awesome and thanks for the motivation!!
  • Welcome! I want to lose about 15# more, I've lost 10 so far. This website makes it so easy to track and has really kept me motivated. Having something to work for/look forward to (wedding) should really give more incentive! Do you workout? Drink a lot of water (that's another key). Feel free to add me if you'd like --also,…
  • Hello, Is still ok to join? I'm on D3L1. I think having people to check in with will make the 30 days easier:) Good luck to everyone!
  • Great advice and awesome job! :) Thanks for sharing!!!