52yr Woman Seeking Support and Guidance

Hi everyone!

:flowerforyou: I am seeking friends to provide me with some ongoing inspiration, corrections to my routines, kick my butt when needed etc. Please friend me if you are interested in helping each other out.

Height: 5'8" - Female
intake plan is 48f 232c 60p - (having trouble meeting my carb intake)
30%f 30%c 40%p - (just upped my protein to 40% 2-weeks ago)
Current Weight: 165 lbs - was a size 10 at 155. Gained 10 lbs and went down one size to size 8.
Goal: Loose 30 lbs and shed surface fat
Work out regime: 60 minutes - 5-days week - Orange Theory Fitness - Circuit interval weight training and Cardio. Estimated calorie burn per class 433 cal +/-
Daily activity - Sedentary - desk job

:sad: Problem: Stuck in a perpetual weight gain or status quoue. No weight loss happening in months. Just gained. Arrggh!

Mission: Drop 30 lbs showing lean muscle visibility - tone/look lean - go down to a size 6, though a 4 would be very cool - If I could see the other side of 150 any time soon that would be epic.

Hope you can help me out. Thanks.


  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    I found for me that eating between my BMR ( using that for a miniumum of calories) and then calculating what I need to stay at my current weight as a high end and eating in the middle consistently worked for me. I was able to drop consistently to my goal weight. However I would be careful with going down to 130 at your height. That is getting very close to underweight. I am 5'2 and at 132 I am a size 6. ( currently I am pregnant so basically out of the maintenance thing)

    I would also add some strength and weight training. What your doing is great for calories in , calories out, but won't give you that tone you seem to be looking for.
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    Thank you, BL_Coleman. I appreciate your feedback.

    I would be thrilled to get to 140 no less 130, so I'll keep an eye on that. In my daily fitness workout, the first 30 minutes is all weights and strength training and the second half is cardio.
  • melo78
    melo78 Posts: 32 Member
    I know this is old...But did you end up sticking with Orange Theory? Im thinking of joining was just wondering how it was going for you? We have the same goals.