July 1st - 30DS



  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    You guys are all doing so great!

    Today I finally got back to it. :embarassed: It's embarrassing I have started and stopped and started and stopped...but I'm telling myself that it is better to keep trying than give up completely. I went back to Level 1 because I overdid myself last week and have had some knee & ankle problems (not related to the Shred but some of the movements are rough). Since I was getting some good results on Level 1, I'm going to ignore my sad calorie burn and stay there for the next 10 days (then its vacation). Going to leave my hubby in bed and get up every morning until vacation to get it done. Since I've had problems with my legs and tiredness, I'm also going to stick with lower impact cardio exercise this week. Going to chant j's mantra..."I can do anything for 20 minutes!"

    Thanks for keeping this going. You are all really motivating. :flowerforyou:
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    Still can't manage level 2 without breaks :( I'm with you on the V raises! Absolute hell!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    day 21 done for me and my first day on level 3. straight from the warm up u know its gonna be up a gear from level 2. was nice to do some new moves though. a few of them were tough - there's a scissor ab move which i struggled with and there's some more plank moves in there and there's some sort of side push up move where i had to do some of the 2nd circuit modified. enjoyed some of the new moves too though. nice to see 'proper' sit ups in there and some of the cardio is done with weights which wasn't too bad - depends on how heavy ur weights are i guess! over all i think i enjoyed it more than level 2.

    21 down, 9 to go!! into single figures left. whoohoo! weigh-in day tomorrow.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Hubby wanted to ride bikes early this morning before it got TOO sweltering hot. I couldn't say no to THAT! So, I'll be doing the shred later today. I need some breakfast and a little break first! Keep it up guys!
  • fresprit57
    fresprit57 Posts: 15 Member
    Okay just started this....the diary is a real eye opener...especially if you are honest!
    I love reading all your messages.
    Gives real support.
    My hubby is not very health conscious so I found it was difficult when he is home.
    He works two weeks on two weeks off.
    When he is off he loves to go out & eat & indulge.
    You know the saying ...when in Rome be like the Romans...which is the reason I have gained 20 lbs in the last 4 years.
    So I am back to taking care of myself.
    I have always been healthy...no junk food, chips, soda etc.........but eating out & indulging puts the weight on.
    You do not realize how much until you cannot wear the clothes you have hanging in your closet you wore 4 years ago.
    Plus I wear scrubs to work...like wearing pajamas..& they hide a lot of things.
    Starting a new job the beginning of August & will be wearing real clothes again.
    I am really working at this!
    Thx for all your messages & support.
  • fresprit57
    fresprit57 Posts: 15 Member
    You CAN DO IT!:bigsmile:
  • melo78
    melo78 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey guys, haven't checked in for awhile, but I am still shredding! You guys are all doing so awesome! Today is D10 for me. For some reason L1 hurts the middle part of my back - bad (right around bra line) and this happened the last time I did 30DS. I'm pretty sure I'm not doing something right :)--imagine that! (or like J_courter suggested, maybe core needs to be a little stronger & thought to try pilates -which I will, thanks again J). So, this time about D6 I moved up to L2. So, I will just do L2 those few extra days. The V-raise thing is insanely difficult for me too, my arms are pretty weak apparently. Keep up the hard work everyone, I like checking in and knowing you guys are chuggin' along too! ;)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Day 15 is complete....and I am half-way through the Shred! :noway: I am quite sure I would have given up before now without this thread. Thanks for starting it toadie! :heart:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Wow, eating out kills me! I had almost 1100 calories left after snack time yesterday due to extra exercise hoeing the garden. I pretty much used them all for my evening meal at my friends' wedding reception! Granted, I didn't HAVE to eat the cupcake... Still, I knew I had calories to burn, so I guess that's not a horrible.

    I found one of our old heart rate monitors yesterday. I bought fresh batteries, but I'm not at all sure how to use it. I am not even sure it gives an average hr. Does anyone know where I can find a manual for a Polar Accurex NV? Hopefully this will give me a more accurate idea of what I'm actually burning?

    I also wanted to share several small NSVs.... Yesterday on the way to the wedding reception my husband said, "Since you've started working out again, your skin looks different." He compared it to a pregnancy glow... AND while I was at the reception my dad said, "You look dangerous tonight." and went on to say he probably needed to escort me home to make sure I got there safely. I think that was a compliment???

    Last but not least, I ran into a shredding beast! I started telling my sister-in-law about the shred and my 20 minute theory when a friend's wife said, "Hey! I do that! I love it, but it's not long enough. I usually do two or three levels at a time." When I asked her if she used three pound weights or 5# ers, she smiled sweetly and said, "10." B-E-A-S-T!
    Keep on shredding friends!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome in fresprit57! It really does help to know that others are out there sweating too.
    I'm back after a few days at my parents. You'd think I'd have time there to do the shred, but it just doesn't work that way. And weather was lousy so no hiking. Ugh. Got in one shred the day I left and just finished up now, so I only missed 2 days.

    GD (I think that was you) - you're making me afraid of L3!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    weighed-in this morning and have lost another 3lbs! whoohoo! :happy:

    4lbs after week 1, 2lbs after week 2 and now 3lbs after week 3. 9lbs since i started 30DS. had also lost 5lbs over the 2 weeks prior to starting the shred so 14lbs in the last 5 weeks.

    i was 20lbs from my goal weight when i got back from my holidays and said i'd aim for doing it in 20 weeks - 1lb a week. but a friend challenged me to do it in 10 weeks. guessing things may slow done a bit now but delighted with the first 5 weeks!

    will be doing my 2nd day of level 3 sometime this afternoon. i'll check back in later. thinking it may be a bit harder than yesterday coz the moves were all new to me yesterday.

    keep on shredding!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Yay gd! Great loss!

    Did it this morning with my 5-year old. He insisted he wants to exercise so he can be strong like Daddy. Hey! Daddy is the one still in bed! How about strong like Mommy?! ?! :laugh:
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Did it this morning with my 5-year old. He insisted he wants to exercise so he can be strong like Daddy. Hey! Daddy is the one still in bed! How about strong like Mommy?! ?! :laugh:

    That's good toadie! Love those 5-year old comments! He has a good role-model in his mommy!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    gd- great loss! great determination! way to go, you inspire us all!

    toadie- aren't kids great? :-) my 6 year old loved to shred with me for level one, but he lost interest in level 2... no more punching! ;-)

    i made a mistake at the beginning of the month and joined a group called something like "lose 5 in july? yes we can." well, i have lost 2 pounds total and 1.5 of that was in the first week! I have to admit, I get frustrated every time I check in. Otherwise, I feel great about what I'm doing and where I'm going. Maybe a challenge like this isn't what I needed? Maybe I need to get a body fat scale and do a body fat loss challenge??? Since we've started this month I've lost less than 2 pounds TOTAL, but took an inch and a half off my hips, an inch off my bust, an inch off my thighs, and half an inch off my waist. My arms are bigger because I can actually SEE a little bulging muscle now! Yeah, the scales aren't reflecting my results, but scales aren't everything. I don't think I'll be losing 5 in July, but I'm NOT going to let it get me down! (big thanks to brendalyne for setting me straight after last monday's weigh in!)

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    j - losing 5 in July will be extremely difficult when you're so close to your goal. Everything I've read on here says that for the last 10 you should set your profile and shoot to lose 1/2 pound a week. BUT YOU ARE GETTING AMAZING RESULTS FROM THIS WORK OUT! You should give yourself a HUGE pat on the back!

    As for me.....I'm actually kinda looking foward to level 3.....and I NEVER thought I would say that when I started with this workout routine! Pretty weird!!! It's not because I can do all the moves on Level 2 without modification....in fact I am still modifying most of them. I guess maybe I'm just looking foward to the challenge! And again.....I can hardly believe I'm even THINKING that!

    I gotta share this NSV too....I was sitting in my recliner last night, logging my dinner....and I kinda flexed my feet foward and these MUSCLES just popped out of my calves! I sat there staring at me calves, flexing them over and over again! :happy: I ALMOST took a picture I was so ecstatic! Anyway....it's progress! :bigsmile:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    j - losing 5 in July will be extremely difficult when you're so close to your goal. Everything I've read on here says that for the last 10 you should set your profile and shoot to lose 1/2 pound a week. BUT YOU ARE GETTING AMAZING RESULTS FROM THIS WORK OUT! You should give yourself a HUGE pat on the back!

    As for me.....I'm actually kinda looking foward to level 3.....and I NEVER thought I would say that when I started with this workout routine! Pretty weird!!! It's not because I can do all the moves on Level 2 without modification....in fact I am still modifying most of them. I guess maybe I'm just looking foward to the challenge! And again.....I can hardly believe I'm even THINKING that!

    I gotta share this NSV too....I was sitting in my recliner last night, logging my dinner....and I kinda flexed my feet foward and these MUSCLES just popped out of my calves! I sat there staring at me calves, flexing them over and over again! :happy: I ALMOST took a picture I was so ecstatic! Anyway....it's progress! :bigsmile:

    brendalyne!!!!! thank you for the encouragement and YEAH for you! i think maybe you SHOULD take a picture of your calves or maybe even a video flexing them!!!... you know, just for you!

    i know what you mean about looking forward to level three! i was dreading the move to two, but it was fun, and when i'm done, i try to figure out what else i can do! i'm having a lot of fun with the hoola hoop on my wii fit plus right now, but i have TONS more energy AND strength than when i started. I never though I'd be saying this, but this is fun!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    I have the Ripped in 30 DVD and it is def a good workout! I want to say that the exercises are a step up from 30DS (at least levels 2-4). I wasn’t able to complete the whole 30 days the last time…lack of motivation and I didn’t find a group of wonderful people on here to motivate and encourage me throughout the 30 days. Maybe we’ll have to start a Ripped in 30 group next lol.

    That 30 day slimdown program looks like it might be fun to try too….switching things up…if I find people to do that with, I’d love to give that a try sometime too…thanks for posting gd!

    claire – it took me awhile to do level 2 without any breaks….push through level 2 and, in my opion, level 3 is much better lol

    gd – awesome job getting to level 3…that is my favorite level! I’m on L2D5 today so I’m looking forward to level 3 :) Great results so far! Keep at it :)

    brendalyne – that is a great NSV!! It’s nice finding new muscles :)

    j – I just told my mom that I was having fun with the 30DS and she thought I was nuts lol glad to know I’m not alone :)

    Keep up the great work!!!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    day 2 of level 3 done. was maybe a bit harder today coz yesterday i was learning new moves but i managed to get thru it all with no breaks today! a few modified moves though but less than yesterday. enjoying level 3 so far although its certainly a workout and a half! i think at one point i actually screamed at jillian today! lol. i cant ever imagine level 3 being easy but like the other levels at least its over fairly quickly.

    22 down, 8 to go!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    j_c: Add up those inches and you'll realize just how much you've achieved.
    gd: I hope I don't yell at Jillian in L3. My DH will wonder what I'm doing up here every night. Great job on the weight loss

    Agh! I just realized I only have 2 days left at L2. This is flying by.
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I've only got one day left of level 2 (THANK GOD) for some reason I always get so excited to move on to the next level... then I do ... then I really really miss the one before!
    Finally did Level 2 without a break today! As soon as I get used to it its time to move on!